View Full Version : I had a dream again...

8th November 2007, 08:33 PM
I have had 3 dreams where dead friends and reletives have visited me in.
All of them has ocurred about 2 weeks after their deaths, who neither of them where of natural causes.

The first one was about 5-6 years ago, an old friend of mine got murdered but his body was found about 1 week after the dream
so at the time i had the dream i didn´t know what it ment.
Ofcource it´s quite normal to dream about people you know,
but the fact that i had not seen the guy for about 3 years and that the dream left a very heavy impression on me gave me a feeling that something about that dream was different from all the others.
The dream itself was nothing special, I just bumped in to him at a local bar and talked with him for a while.
About a week later I red an article that they had discovered the body of a young tattoed man, and as I red it a picture flashed before my eyes, and it was a picture of my friends tattoo of an old magician with spells floating around him. 3 weeks later they released the bodys identity.

The 2nd and 3rd dream ocurred very close to eachother due to the fact that my oldest and dearest friend and my aunt on my mothers side both killed themselfes with only 10 days apart, tough month huh.
The third was my aunt, she had fought a bad tooth illness for more than 15 years that made her loose all of her teeths and eventually it had developed into terminal cancer.
In that dream she proudly tapped with her fingers on her brand new teaths and she was so proud of them. She told me that she fellt bad about what she had to do because of her familly, a loving husband and 2 daughters and a whole lot of us other, but I told her that she shouldn´t feel bad about at all, I told her that I am completely on her side in that question, if anyone would blame her for what she did they would be selfish and not her, she fought longer and harder than anyone could ever expect and that she shouldn´t have to suffer just so we could feel good about it, and she told me "you know what, I´ve never thought about it that way, but your right, I just couldn´t go on anymoore and then she was happy again".

Now there is a reason why I put the 2nd dream last, the 1st and 3rd dream, although both very strong, could just have been two normal dreams.
But the 2nd dream had something else in in storage for me.
My best friend visited me in my dream just like in the other ones, it was at my parents place, i made him some food and we just hanged out, but in the middle of the dream, and it has happened once before but that time i felt the precence of something really Evil, I suddenly woke up and I fellt his precence in my room, not that hes just been there, but he was still there, it seemed like to the right of my bed towards the window, I didn´t open my eyes beacouse I was afraid that he would go away. My friend was one of those people that when he smiled it was like the whole world smiled with him and it was like the wormth of the sun hit you. I thought about it for a moment and then i said out loud - Hello Thomas, and as I said it I suddenly fellt his smile again, i detected a hint of "hehe you cought me there" as if I wasn´t supposed to know that he was there, in the smile, and just as sudden he was gone.

My brother live in a building near me and they had been friens allmost as long as we have, and I thought that maybe he had visited him aswell that night since he was in the neighbourhood. About three days later when my brother swinged by my place I asked him:

Me ¤-" So, did you dream anything special 3 days ago?"
Brother ¤-" No, not that I can think of."
Me ¤-" are you sure, nothing out of the ordinary?"
Brother ¤-" nope nothing out of the ordinary."
Me ¤-" ok"
Brother ¤-" Strange question to get, why do you ask?"
Me ¤-" nah it´s nothing, never mind."
Brother ¤-" ok."
Brother ¤-" well, actually now that you mention it I did have a dream about Thomas."

How do you think it´s possible for dead people to visit us?
Thanx for me
Best regards

9th November 2007, 01:35 AM
I'm sorry about your losses, thats a lot for one person. I always say, death is birth, and life is the womb. (But you should make the most of your developmental time.)

As for your queston, we're often visited by actual people in our sleep, often when we sleep it is in another dimension. The place you go when you die has a different time/space from here. Time in our dimension goes a lot slower than over there, so if someone dies, they have plenty of time to get accustomed to thier new surroundings, stop by the local starbucks for some coffee, then say goodbye to thier friends and relatives, all within a few minutes our time.

Thank you for sharing. I'm sure you helped them alot, they were probably very glad to hear your voice one last time.