View Full Version : Very compelling dream

2nd November 2007, 06:45 PM
I had this really wierd dream while sleeping in my car (im traveling atm.. trying to make myself usefull).

I remember little of it, im again having problems remembering, but Im in the process of resolving it.

There were two me's in this dream. one was the me when Im awake, pretty ignorant of stuff going on in the dream, adding judgements and thoughts about what I saw, but disembodied, just a pair of eyes and a brain (awake me).
the other me knew exactly what was going on and could alter what was going on, and was visibly in the dream (dream me).

In the dream I met a guy I know who is a bit of a Christian mystic, hes got some pretty keen psychic powers. I expressed to him my concerns about not following my destiny, failing my higher calling, etc. He said ["You are here on missions, and you have been accomplishing them unknowingly."] (Ahh... comforting words)

Then he told me something about myself that was a bit unbeleiveable. I just laughed at what he said.

To try to convince me of who I am he summoned someone, "Do you remember him?". He was a different species, humanoid, alien, but not like any I know of, not ugly, but different. Awake me kinda recognised him as a close companion I had that reminded me of a frog-man. perhaps someone in another life. dream me recognised him as someone he knew very well. "But I dont remember him looking like that," awake me said, (he didnt look very froglike). He changed shape to look more froggish. They were a little annoyed about that. Still, I wasnt convinced.

["Maybe this will convince you."] He put dream me on the back of an animal awake me didnt recognise, it vaguely resembled a griffon. Strange, but pretty.

"Bite XXXX," he said. The animal turned its head looking at dream me on its back. It looked confused. "Bite XXXX," he said again. The poor animal was given an order but it didnt want to do it. It was like being ordered to slap a monk, or your boss. Both me's thought he was being silly to order such a thing, but dream me was convinced by it somehow.

Dream me thought that this was an important event and he decided he would 'record' what happened so that he could access or read it later, because he didnt want to forget. He went back through the dream and somehow recorded the important stuff. He decided that waking me could handle being told who I am, so he recorded that part too. When he was done, dream me decided to leave a written message for me, but when he began to create the message, a different one appeared. he was pleasantly suprised and thought it was better than the message he was thinking of. It appeared in my mind right before I woke up:


Common Things

Im pretty sure the top word was Gesu (gee suu). 'Common things' seemed to tell me, stay out of all the stuff humans do to distract themselves (tv, video games, gossip, exclusive relationships, alcohol, etc etc etc).

I thought maybe it was just demons trying to flair up my ego, but dream me was right, so far, I have been able to handle it, and it has only helped me.

I havent been able to get ahold of the mystic to see if he remembers dreaming of me. Ive heard in dreams writing is all messed up, is that true?
Has anyone heard of the word or name Gesu or Geshu?

Im kinda on the road so I might not respond for awhile (or I might tomarrow :) )

2nd November 2007, 06:53 PM
Actually, and this will sound pretty weird, I have been discussing a rash of significantly weird dreams with the mods privately, a few weeks ago, and in one occassion upon awakening I heard in hypnagogics the word "Jesu" (not Jesus). I thought it came from my subconscious, as Jesu was a way of saying Jesus in the times of around the French Revolution.
As in the past spelling wasn't as standardized as it is now (for example the x was used for ch a lot, and other things like that), I wouldn't be surprised that the G and J were also used interchangeably way back then.

ps. I swear I'm not making this up, although I know it seems like I am.

5th November 2007, 11:01 AM
Actually, and this will sound pretty weird, I have been discussing a rash of significantly weird dreams with the mods privately, a few weeks ago, and in one occassion upon awakening I heard in hypnagogics the word "Jesu" (not Jesus). I thought it came from my subconscious, as Jesu was a way of saying Jesus in the times of around the French Revolution.
As in the past spelling wasn't as standardized as it is now (for example the x was used for ch a lot, and other things like that), I wouldn't be surprised that the G and J were also used interchangeably way back then.

ps. I swear I'm not making this up, although I know it seems like I am.

'Jehowa' 'Jesus' figured they are mantras. Jehowa is I O W A
jesus = JE Ssss Uuuu "Jesus in the heart?" fourth chakra?

Why are they talking about jesus being the pathway to heaven.
"Before you can enter my kingdom you must go trough Jesus first?"
Astral could be the heavens, and jesus in the heart is activating the
fourth chakra, where the fourth chakra is also a way to OBE into the "heavens".

These ancient texts are speaking of multiple universes, not something above, below, or a location within time and space.

In sum, I think "God/jehowa and Jesus" originally where mantras
from one of those ancient civilizations dealing with the astral planes. :roll:

5th November 2007, 02:36 PM
"Jesu" is the German genitive of Jesus - so you could see it as "Jesus'". Like "Herz Jesu" would mean "Jesus' heart". It is a bit antiquated to say it like that, though.


5th November 2007, 02:44 PM
Gesu is also Jesus in some forms of italian. And like I said before, back in the times of the French revolution, Jesu was Jesus in English.

19th November 2007, 09:30 PM
Oh, I somehow double posted this dream, I had been looking at my other post for a reply.

I must admit, this is very exiting :shock:

I beleive it is because he is actually returning soon.

Why are they talking about jesus being the pathway to heaven.
"Before you can enter my kingdom you must go trough Jesus first?"
Astral could be the heavens, and jesus in the heart is activating the
fourth chakra, where the fourth chakra is also a way to OBE into the "heavens".
I've learned a lot the past few days in the desert. One of the things is I need to be silent about the things I know, only certain people in history are allowed to teach beyond morality without consequence. But I will say what is seen in the astral is not the true heaven. Its not to say you cant become immortal or find the true heaven later. But the way I see it is Jesus knows the way, and his mission is unity. The entire universe is deviant, wich means our heavens are weak, what we find wonderfull, apearantly, is nothing. I cant explain the why's and details.

I must admit, Im a deviant too, I built my road in a different direction, but my loyalty is to him. He never asked for anything else.

This dream..

Gesu was above 'common things' just as a warning to keep my cultivation above common things at all times. (Pretty easy to get sidetracted these days!) I still have a hard time beleiving why Steve said what he said about me, but Im sure the message at the end was real.

19th November 2007, 09:37 PM
You were in the desert?