View Full Version : Bent keys.

Michael Selwyn
1st November 2007, 12:17 AM
I'd always assumed that in order for you to be able to do any sort of constructive energy work (ie. healing) you'd require at least a pretty clear mind set to be able to affect things on a physical level. However, a while back I had an experience where it seemed my anger had been the catalyst to bring about physical change around me. I went to work, put my keys in my pocket and left them there. I had a situation come up that made me really angry, and other than that there was nothing much else that happened. I don't think I even did any energy work. I come home and take my keys out to put them in the door and they're bent. Twisted & bent. The funny thing was, in my head I was so preconditioned to the idea of my keys being straight that it didn't even register that it made no sense that they were bent. I was just wondering how does that work? I'd always figured you'd need to be pretty clear headed to have such a visible effect.

1st November 2007, 01:12 AM
When we did spoon-bending (in the Virginia workshop with Robert and Maureen), I felt that it was not just the energy-focusing through your hands that did the work, but the emotion you were supposed to put into it. That's why we had to yell at the spoon (or fork, in my case) "BEND!"

1st November 2007, 11:43 AM
Anger is one powerful focus, an energy rush. It's nature is however destructive, not constructive. Sometimes anger is necessary, in fight or flight. It mobilises the reserves, but the state of anger shuts of your own state of healing and relaxing within, and is in the long run very detrimental to you.

Controlling anger, worry, guilt and fear is part of the spiritual path. When they no longer dominate you, the state you relax back into is one of natural strong focus, healing and awareness. This even finds expression in our body's physiology where stress and relaxation are different states in a continuum of states our bodies are held in by the amygdala. See for example John Selby's "Quiet Your Mind".

Take good care,

16th November 2007, 01:20 PM
When we did spoon-bending (in the Virginia workshop with Robert and Maureen), I felt that it was not just the energy-focusing through your hands that did the work, but the emotion you were supposed to put into it. That's why we had to yell at the spoon (or fork, in my case) "BEND!"

Hi CF..!

Yelling at bending spoon/fork/key (or anything else) time has similarities with Robert Bruce's manifesting method as it is outlined/depicted at:

4. Every time you look at the pic, imagine the house as already being sold at the price you want. As you do this, raise energy to your heart on the in breath, and on the outbreath breathe out through your arms and hands and into the picture, mentally saying the words 'sold, sold, sold'

From: http://forums.astraldynamics.com/viewto ... ht=550+000 (http://forums.astraldynamics.com/viewtopic.php?t=4557&highlight=550+000)

Emotional energy redirected from hearth center (¿or sub-hearth center?) is the key, that's my thought. May be there are many of manifesting stuff at bend affaire, I think.

¿How it is bend..? ¿Following what a curvature radius..? ¿spiraling..?, etc., too, are questions to do. Bending pattern ¿follows geometrical characteristics of our expectations [consciously/unconsciously predefined]..?

¿Has, anyone of you, tried to split a sheet of metal like processed with a cutter..?

¿Has, anyone of you, tried to teleport some stuff..?

At manifesting time Universe's laws are reordered (that's an argument of The Secret movie). If physical world is an illusion, then nothing is not possible.

NOTE: I remember a deeply touching sequence of Star Wars Saga (Episode 5: "Empire Strikes Back") when Master Jedi Yoda recues Luke Skywalker's X-Wing Battleship deep sunken at Dagoba Planet marsh. I remember dialog after rescue:
LUKE: I cannot believe..!
YODA: That's why you fails..!


16th November 2007, 02:27 PM
¿Has, anyone of you, tried to teleport some stuff..?

I was thinking about trying that. I just don't have time. Maybe I'll be able before I hit 25 though.

16th November 2007, 04:09 PM
Hi Angel. If you reread my post you'll see that I wrote "When I was... with Robert and Maureen". That was Robert Bruce. So it's not a similar technique, it was his technique.

If you call losing socks in the drier teleporting, I do it all the time. :lol:

16th November 2007, 04:25 PM
If you call losing socks in the drier teleporting, I do it all the time. :lol:

:lol: :lol:

16th November 2007, 06:40 PM
Hi Angel. If you reread my post you'll see that I wrote "When I was... with Robert and Maureen". That was Robert Bruce. So it's not a similar technique, it was his technique.

If you call losing socks in the drier teleporting, I do it all the time. :lol:

Ok CF... Technique used was Robert Bruce's technique. Aknowledged.

Putting jokes away (teleporting related) my viewpoint about manifestation mechanics if we assume there exists a "master --> slave" relationship then a "person commands --> universe obeys" function is valid for any effect person pursues, from bend a spoon to bust a storm. In all cases, discouraging thoughts like "is too hard", "is too big", "is too far", are barriers person must to overcome in order to avoid blocking of emotional trigger.

Teleporting is, of sure, one of those things away from normal experience (and, may be, with natural belief barriers since we believe in that we see) but Chinese researchers was studying gifted teleporters. If they can, we can. Of sure, positive thought programming is reliable in order to teleport.

Anyway, normal positive thought at OBE attempt time is "I'm out of body". Projection of awareness beyond body (pulling rope) is a form of positive thought, too (thought without words).


16th November 2007, 08:54 PM
Absolutely. But all jokes aside, don't you think it's weird how we routinely lose socks in driers all the time and don't think twice about it? I do wonder if my joke didn't have a grain of truth in it? The old 'Schrodinger's cat' example from quantum physics? We put the clothes in the drier and expect for something to be missing- and it often is. Kind of like a self-fulfilling prophecy. Just a thought.

16th November 2007, 10:54 PM
Absolutely. But all jokes aside, don't you think it's weird how we routinely lose socks in driers all the time and don't think twice about it? I do wonder if my joke didn't have a grain of truth in it? The old 'Schrodinger's cat' example from quantum physics? We put the clothes in the drier and expect for something to be missing- and it often is. Kind of like a self-fulfilling prophecy. Just a thought.

¿Only socks..? ¿What about T-Shirts, gloves, and other clothes..?
¿Has you done some experiment oriented to gather a statistical understanding of phenomenon..?
¿Only your socks..? ¿And about socks from your husband..?
¿And enveloping socks into another clothe..? ¿What is the result..?


16th November 2007, 11:53 PM
¿Has you done some experiment oriented to gather a statistical understanding of phenomenon..? Not me, but I did read about a study of this phenomenon some time ago in a magazine (FATE, I think it was) and whoever studied it found that when they measured the rate of 'unraveling' of socks, and the percentage of those that would be expected to get stuck to other clothes and temporarily dissappear, change colors or whatever else that could explain 'why' the pairs aren't pairs anymore, and found that statistical predictions didn't explain the sheer discrepancy between predicted outcome and what was actually measured.

Now, don't ask me how they tallied the data, but if memory serves correctly, it was a poll where people answered some questions, and I don't remember what the actual point of the study was, other to wonder about this phenomenon.

21st November 2007, 10:55 AM
I've always wondered if socks have the strange ability to disapear into other dimensions. I now have a cunning idea to see where they really go. I'll buy I massive sock, climb into it and put it in the washing machine for a long warm wash with me in it. If I manage to get back I'll tell you all about it. Also, tell me which socks you're missing and I'll try and retieve them for you.

21st November 2007, 11:17 AM
This is somewhat based on the Sock talk, but not quite, and more related towards self fulfilling prophecies.

First and foremost, I believe any high level of emotions can cause a surge in spiritual activity. Very much like how stress, in certain situations, can elevate the body to enormous lengths beyond normal consistency. (The oft-used example is someone seeing a relative or friend under a car, and then lifting that car to get them out from under it). So I think a high amount of anger (while unhealthy) can very much cause discrepencies in the physical world.

As for the socks, I think its something more to do with self-fulfilling prophecies then anything else. You Expect them to be gone, so they are. A bit of life experience from my part will explain this, I think.
Somewhere in January of this year, I started thinking Five was a negative number, like it was bad luck. And three (my favorite number), was good luck. So I started believing in this, heavily.

Before I knew it, every fifth number I came across, brought bad luck. It wasn't just me 'noticing' this, it was actually happening. Three brought good luck. The more I pondered on this, the more it came true, untill I was literally afraid to go outside on the fifth and twenty fifth of every month (25 = 5*5), because bad things would happen. (Like cars swerving to hit me). Well, sometime a few months ago, I was playing a game, where it was more strategic to have fives, than any other number. Soon, I stopped believing that fives were bad luck, and sure 'nuff, bad stuff stopped happening on fives.

I think this is related to a strong will placed on the physical dimension to cause ripples. Similiar to like how one can bend a spoon if you will it, and concentrate enough.

So my advice for losing socks, is to STOP expecting them to disappear, and hopefully, they will stop. I hope this helps ^_^.


Edit: The same theory, if it can be called a theory, is why people have lucky charms (not the cereal, but thats yummy too ^_^). If you believe in something strongly enough, your will and innate powers will cause a physical manisfestation. Like 'My necklace brings me good luck', if you believe in it strongly enough, your necklace will indeed, start bringing you good luck. I truely hope this helps.

21st November 2007, 03:25 PM
I think this is related to a strong will placed on the physical dimension to cause ripples. Similiar to like how one can bend a spoon if you will it, and concentrate enough. aka 'morphogenetic field', as coined by Dr. Rupert Sheldrake.
I understand what you're saying- the Sock thing is a collective creation, at least in the industrialized west (and industrialized east too) so I'd have to expend mental energy to 'cancel out' the missing sock effect, so to speak.
I've had passing number phobias as you describe-interestingly I had fear of the number five, probably from watching too many horror movies with 'evil' pentagrams in them. (At least that's a possible cause of that one). I got cured by going into my fear and discovering the root, and realizing that the pentagram is a holy symbol and showbiz gave it the bad rap.
It's really easy to fall into these sociocultural traps, isn't it?