View Full Version : Something had sex with me this morning .

31st October 2007, 12:02 AM
This actually took place after falling asleep again after my alarm went off for the first time ( I need it to go off 3 times to wake me : D ). Anyway, I was in some sort of research building underground and it was quiet except for this worker who led me to a room for some sort of discussion. I met a gorgeous woman with glasses who came up to me and she had these wonderful big blue eyes that I couldn't take my eyes off. Perfect feminine facial features too. Anyway, we got talking but its vague as to what she said to me. I just wanted to "do it" with her right then and there and these urges were very strong. Came out of nowhere. Luckily there was a couple of single beds in the room and I took her clothes off and started making love to this woman. Then I had this sudden awareness that I was being woken up by something outside of me and actually felt like I was being pulled awake or lifted upwards to conciousness. I wanted to stay :oops: and was initially fighting this pulling sensation but I was becoming aware of the feeling like I was sharing my inner self or soul with this person. It was very pleasurable. But then I realised that something bad was going on somewhere and so I let this pulling sensation rouse me awake. I could feel like part of me was going back in to myself and then I opened my eyes - was laying on my front like I sometimes do when in bed.

I was left with a feeling of anxiety about what had happened and that something was trying to wake me. My guardian angel perhaps ?

The only thing that could explain what happened was that it was a Succubus :evil: , but I haven't thought about such things for ages. I read the wiki on them to refresh my memory and then thought - oh no :shock: !

Any comments welcome of course, but I have to ask some questions ?

Do you think that was a my guardian waking me up ? If not then when else could it be ?

I feel disgusted when I thought that a succubus could be involved in the sex part but to give me some alternatives to think on, what else could it have been ?

31st October 2007, 08:27 AM
Hello, LightMan.

Do you have a partner now or any reason to feel guilty about sex in any other way?

I know I refused dream sex for different reasons, and they were either ones of conscience or it was just not "feeling right".


31st October 2007, 09:28 AM
Lightman, in light of your little man hypnogogic experience you might find material of interest here:

31st October 2007, 03:24 PM
I have two explanations: One, that it was a succubus and you were being protected by a guardian entity or HS (in which I'd say do countermeasures and try not to think too much about it) and another in which I think that it may make some sense.
Let's say that there is a position that reminds your body about sex- in this case you're lying prone on your mattress. This position in itself may give you associations with sex, becoming then aroused, and it is fairly common (not really common but I can't find the right word, so please forgive this) for us to create a dream to go with our sensations. So you created the beautiful woman to have sex with and proceeded to let your body guide you. But as it happens in projections you started to separate at the same time and now had two scenarios 'pulling' at you- your dream body vs. your physical body vs. your projected astral body. Result? Your subconscious gave you a 'pull'.
Just some ideas.
As someone who has had some experience with incubus/succubus entities, I can attest that just outright rejecting them, shielding, and not going to sleep 'unfulfilled' *ahem* works just fine to keep them away.

31st October 2007, 04:17 PM
Korpo "Do you have a partner now or any reason to feel guilty about sex in any other way? "

I don't have a partner, but to be honest I feel guilty when I get urges to release :oops: but I tend to control them quite well :). I do dream of sex fairly often, which I guess is how I release those urges ( and going to the gym, which also works for me ) but being pulled awake like that was a unique experience.

BeeKeeper "Lightman, in light of your little man hypnogogic experience you might find material of interest"

Hmmn, cool I'll read up on that - thanks :) .

RE: CFTraveler

I try to sleep on my back ( I did as a child ), but it takes ages for me to fall asleep that way. I used to lie on my side, but for the past several years or so I find that I fall asleep faster on my front. Preferably though I'd like to change this.
That's a good idea regarding the "pull."
I did think that what I experienced was OBE related, but wasn't sure - part of the reason why I started this topic.
Hopefully at somepoint in the not to distant future, :lol:, I will not be going to sleep 'unfulfilled,' but for now that is a problem I'll have to live with :) .

5th November 2007, 11:11 AM
"When your physical body is no longer inhabitable, you move out of it and
into a subtler body, known in the West as the astral body. Depending
upon the loka you find yourself in, your astral body generally looks like
you did in the prime of your earth life. Your astral body is as real and
feels as solid as the one you now inhabit. You will still have your five
senses because the physical, sensory and intellectual abilities are an
extension of the very same sensory powers that function in your earth

The truth is that the subtle, or astral, body came first, and the physical
body came afterwards. There is no physical or mental phenomenon that
does not have its counterpart in the astral realm first. In all things, the
astral precedes the physical. Furthermore, when you no longer inhabit
your physical body, all your senses function better than when you are
embodied because there are no physical bodily distractions."

Maybe this is the collective dream and explains why sensorary
perception is much clearer and brighter "there". People do look like
being in their prime time, indeed. One thing that puzzled me was how
young and healthy they looked. Physical plane would be some type
of nightmare with aging, compared to.... :D


5th November 2007, 12:41 PM
The physical plane is not a nightmare. Aging physically urges you to acknowledge limits, understand you are not here forevermore (and should get things done) and learn and experience while you can. A lot of people experience this sense of urgency about their lives, but would they without aging and death?

Many things point to the fact that this Earth and its physical realm are a teaching environment providing limits and experiences conducive to learning certain lessons.
