View Full Version : Interesting sort of lucid experience today

30th October 2007, 10:31 AM
I went and had a bit of a lie down after lunch. I didn't want to fall really asleep because I had to go get my little girl from school, so I lay on my back (my least favourite position and the one in which I'm least likely to sleep deeply) and just drifted around a little while I relaxed.

At one point, I was experiencing the usual random thoughts/images and then I suppose I started to fall asleep, or at least, I started to dream. I suddenly realised I was dreaming and came back out of it, but the interesting part is that as I did, I had the distinct sensation of having actually "gone into" the dreamscape. I felt like I had just taken a step too far, and actually entered dream space, and I backed out.

I did eventually doze off (no more dreams as far as I'm aware), but I woke very abruptly at precisely the time I needed to in order to go get my little girl. It's like some part of my brain knew what time it was. This has happened to me on occasion, but it's highly unusual.

I don't really have any real reason to post this. I just found it interesting, and thought maybe someone else might have experienced things like it (the waking on cue thing is apparently well known; I would like to know if anyone has any ideas how it works).

30th October 2007, 11:56 AM
This morning I woke at the time my alarm clock should be set to but wasn't. The alarm clock was showing the wrong time but I have a 2nd one to verify and I woke up at the right time.

I had a dream right before that where I woke from a nightmare and thought "Glad that is over", did a check that the nightmare was over, looked out the window and morning was dawning with a very dark blue shimmer.

And then I awaked for real. ;)

But it was really still dark. :?

I often have these dreams/OBEs where the time is wrong by half an hour, I think I overslept, panic and wake up "again"... with great relief finding that I did not oversleep at all.

I wonder whether the first "awakening" was a RTZ OBE, because I was up and about, maybe I just perceived the sky differently?


30th October 2007, 12:11 PM
I had a dream right before that where I woke from a nightmare and thought "Glad that is over", did a check that the nightmare was over, looked out the window and morning was dawning with a very dark blue shimmer.

And then I awaked for real. ;)

Oh, I've had that! I had a nightmare once, years and years ago, in which I was accused of some awful crime of which I had no actual memory or knowledge, but I knew I was in really serious trouble. In the nightmare I woke up, got out of my bed, thought, "Wow, what a nightmare!" and went to speak to some family members about it. They started telling me how serious the charges were and so forth, and I almost had a heart attack! THEN I woke up for real, and that time I made sure I was honestly awake.

I've never had a nightmare in a nightmare like that before or since. I hope I never do again, either. (I was 18 when that happened and I still remember it like it was yesterday, that's how disturbing it was.)

I often have these dreams/OBEs where the time is wrong by half an hour, I think I overslept, panic and wake up "again"... with great relief finding that I did not oversleep at all.

Oh, I have those regularly. I dream that I'm late. :)

31st October 2007, 12:05 AM
Calling it 'inner clock'. If you have an appointment one day at a certain
time, or need to get up in the morning at 07:00. You wake up at 06:55
without having set the watch.

Not habit, but some inner reminder/guide keeping track of things.

Suspect it can have to do with the overconsciousness. Like it
has daily stuff to do to, and using this body. :idea: