View Full Version : wierd dream from the early hours of sunday

29th October 2007, 03:23 PM
I dreamed at first i was in a big room, with different sections , like a structured playroom. i was exploring it. it was made known that one did NOT leave. the only way out, was not accesible, you could see it was a covered wooden bridge that just broke off in the sea, the room was surrounded.. and was covered in goo, barnacles, weed..was rotted.. the sea was calm, but looked "dead" and the sky was overcast, just thick grey/yellow sickly clouds. there was a very opressive vibe. it was like this room was there to keep us occupied and stimulated, but people were very sad, hopeless. it felt like a mental ward or something. the room was huge and no one had to interact.

the dream then morphed into me having these horrible big black lines on my legs from the kness to ankles..they were like wrinkles filled with hard dried black blood, in geometric shapes..some with stitches. i set about picking it out and the wounds would gape but not bleed.. so my legs took on a carved look.. all the while was this girl from a forum i used to use, she was a very bitter person who used to bully to hide her own problems.. candie her name was. she was standing over me telling me how useless i was and how ugly etc.

very very wierd.

29th October 2007, 04:04 PM

To see a wound in your dream, is symbolic of grief, anger, and distress. You are looking to be healed.


To see a scar in your dream, symbolizes struggles and/or painful memories and bad feelings which may have never entirely healed and still continue to linger in your mind. It suggests that your past still has some influence or effect on your life. Alternatively, a scar may represent deep-seeded insecurities which may be holding you back from accomplishing your goals.


To see blood in your dream, represents life, love, and passion as well as disappointments.


To dream that you are crossing a bridge, signifies an important decision or a critical junction in your life. This decision will prove to be a positive change with prosperity and wealth in the horizon. Bridges represent a transitional period in your life where you will be moving on to a new stage.

To dream of a run-down bridge, indicates that you should not contemplate any major changes in your life at this time.

To see a bridge collapse in your dream, denotes that you have let a great opportunity pass you by.


Black symbolizes the unknown, unconscious, danger, mystery, darkness, death, mourning, hate or malice.(http://www.dreammoods.com)

Hmmm, a wound that does gape but not bleed - the old, unhealed wound explanation seems likely. Unresolved issues, with the life ("blood") drained from them.

Maybe the other people were burdened by these issues, too, oppressed by their past - the run-down condition of the surroundings may suggest the past, re-inforce the feeling of "old stuff".

The blocked bridge - maybe your old problems prevent you from new opportunities in your life. You have to face the past down before "moving on".

Being held and oppressed in a run-down room also may suggest "being caught up in the past".

Black also may suggest that the issues you are facing have retreated into your subconscious and are repressed, but unlike the other people in the dream, who have given in you started to scratch the wounds, so maybe you are now uncovering and cleansing the old wounds?

Does anything of that ring true for your recent life?


29th October 2007, 04:44 PM
Black also may suggest that the issues you are facing have retreated into your subconscious and are repressed, but unlike the other people in the dream, who have given in you started to scratch the wounds, so maybe you are now uncovering and cleansing the old wounds?

Does anything of that ring true for your recent life?


i dont want to go into much detail in public, but this especially^.. im always striving never to become a victim to the past, i never give in :)

29th October 2007, 07:43 PM
Just some thoughts as I read the dream...

Maybe you're seeing Life? We live in this Reality & aren't allowed out. There may be something else out there somewhere but we can't get to it? The girl from the past could be your old self, carping about all the negatives that you are no longer subject to, while you clean up the negative things that have been preventing you getting on with things?

30th October 2007, 10:24 AM
Just some thoughts as I read the dream...

Maybe you're seeing Life? We live in this Reality & aren't allowed out. There may be something else out there somewhere but we can't get to it? The girl from the past could be your old self, carping about all the negatives that you are no longer subject to, while you clean up the negative things that have been preventing you getting on with things?

someone on the forum i mod on said much the same. ive been thinking a lot lately about whats beyond this physical existance, its so limited here, by petty rules and regulations.. and im finding that the more limited im finding myself, the more questions im asking, and the more im freeing myself. we place so much emphasis on "here" but in the grand scheme of things it is less than a fraction of a heartbeat :?

30th October 2007, 11:11 AM
*grins* In the grand scheme of things, there are probably no heartbeats at all, only an eternal 'Now'

I spent a good part of my early years wondering why those around me were so hell bent on getting to heaven - (sorry, I love plays on words) when it all seems like a horribly boring place to go.

But seeing Reality as a games room with nothingness surrounding it seems a reasonable paradigm for what we are in - even if the surrounds are actually meaningful & maybe interesting, from the games room they can't appear that way.

30th October 2007, 11:50 AM
we place so much emphasis on "here" but in the grand scheme of things it is less than a fraction of a heartbeat :?

Maybe what you think to be the grand scheme of things is irrelevant and our private, seemingly insignificant existence the really important thing? ;)

This turned very gloomy, given the idea that this dream may be a confirmation that you tackle the past with some success? :)

Be well,

30th October 2007, 01:23 PM
I like what the others offered. I also like to look at dreams in different segments because I believe one dream is not just one message - not just for you and on many levels. I met a man by the name of Mandaza recently in Ohio who is a medicine man from Africa who believes in the sharing of dreams and their power.

Anyway, I believe that you could use this dream to do a sort of "self Soul Retrieval". Many times when we have hurts, stress, trials, a part of our soul gets lost - sort of replaying that hurt over and over. The more we dwell on the pain, the more we create a world through creating thought forms. The thought forms gain energy and help create this world. I also believe that others could trap our soul parts in their worlds. A mother with a daughter who passes too early in age, the mother holds onto the child so tightly that she traps part of that soul. That is why Native American Indians perform second burials.

Anyway - if this was my dream, I would believe that part of my soul is trapped in this place. I would also know that things that I do physically could help give needed energy to that soul part that is trapped. I may rub cinnamon or rosemary oils on the bottom of my feet up to my knees, repeating that my blood is pure, as my light and flows easily through me. Something like that. I would then re-enter my dream by feeling it again, picturing it in my mind. Robert's cd is also helpful for this. I would go into the dream and see the healing from physical enter my dream body that is trapped. I would know that I have the power and the light and love to create new in this dreamspace. I could finish the bridge or I could send down a rainbow that I could climb and get out of this space. You could have the rainbow start by shooting into your heart chakra healing your pains and sorrows -strengthening your dream body for the trip home. Home is with the rest of your soul, with you, with your physical body. Once home, celebrate the return of this body. Do something nice for yourself and tell yourself this is the reward for being brave and returning home. Tell yourself that it's ok to feel hurt and pain, but you will celebrate your bravery, your light when you work through the pain - and do so - celebrate your power of love - of forgiveness.

Dreams need action. Sometimes just sharing - sometimes physical sharing.

Sweet Dreams and Freedom to you.