View Full Version : The cheese thing =p

Dweller of the Threshold
22nd October 2007, 05:16 AM
The cheese thing I found on this site. I dont honestly believe it (despite the fact im trying it tonight anyways) will give me certain dreams. Someone posted the cheese thing on here and he said he got it from some website and when I searched for it, a whole bunch of sites confirmed it. The poster who posted it had a lot of posts and he seemed like a trusted poster so I went on and am trying to believe it. Thanks so far for the replies, but I will do anything to get into my anime. I have the astral dynamics book and another book by the same author. But theres not much of lucid dreaming in them. I bought it originally for astral projection, but the small lucid dreaming portion in it gave me the idea that lucid dreaming would be easier ro accomplish.

22nd October 2007, 10:08 AM
I remember this was Enoch's Dream Cheese thread (http://forums.astraldynamics.com/viewtopic.php?t=2815&highlight=dream+cheese)

I do believe people have had success with it. I think believing that it will work would probably increase your likelihood of success.

22nd October 2007, 01:10 PM
So a little Roquefort cheese with chinese wings and I'll be set!
ps. I think the headache thing with the msg may be because of the sodium, not the glutamate. I believe I once saw calcium glutamate used in some foods instead of the sodium variety. I wonder if it would work the same way?

22nd October 2007, 07:21 PM
Give it a try and watch that Cholesterol level go through the roof :lol:

29th October 2007, 10:55 AM
This morning on the radio I heard essentially this:

Why is cheese so addicting? Certainly not because of its aroma, which is perilously close to old socks. The first hint of a biochemical explanation came in 1981, when scientists at Wellcome Research Laboratories in Research Triangle Park, N.C., found a substance in dairy products that looked remarkably like morphine. After a complex series of tests, they determined that, surprisingly enough, it actually was morphine. By a fluke of nature, the enzymes that produce opiates are not confined to poppies -- they also hide inside cows' livers. So traces of morphine can pass into the animal's bloodstream and end up in milk and milk products. The amounts are far too small to explain cheese's appeal. But nonetheless, the discovery led scientists on their search for opiate compounds in dairy products.

And they found them. Opiates hide inside casein, the main dairy protein. As casein molecules are digested, they break apart to release tiny opiate molecules, called casomorphins. One of these compounds has about one-tenth the opiate strength of morphine. The especially addicting power of cheese may be due to the fact that the process of cheese-making removes water,lactose and whey proteins so that casein is concentrated. Scientists are now trying to tease out whether these opiate molecules work strictly within the digestive tract or whether they pass into the bloodstream and reach the brain directly.

http://www.healthdiaries.com/blogs/vegetarianblues/archives/2004/09/casein_and_cheese_more_addictive_than_chocolate.ht ml

Maybe it's why cheese and lucid dreams are linked. :D

29th October 2007, 01:05 PM
Oh no now they're going to take the fun out of eating cheese. :cry: