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Dweller of the Threshold
22nd October 2007, 01:29 AM
Well, my favorite show in the whole world is Naruto. I was wondering if I have a dream and become lucid in it, will I be able to change my enviroment to Konoha and talk to all the Naruto characters and interact with them? Thanks ahead for answers =D

Also what is the easiest and fastest way to have a lucid dream? I heard if you eat cheddar cheese before going to bed you will have a dream about celebirties. Can you use that to have a lucid dream? Meaning when going to bed say to yourself if you have a dream about a celebirty it is a dream. Please reply =-D

22nd October 2007, 03:07 AM
Don't take this wrong, but wouldn't going off to some fictional world be both a little wasteful of a lucid dreamtime & also be a touch self-indulgent? The logic sounds like - you wish to go through all the effort to learn to be lucid (aware) in a dream so you can create another dream?

You might find it easier to view naruto before bed & then do some affirmations about going there before you sleep.

22nd October 2007, 04:27 AM
Well first of all of course you can, anything is possible because its your head. Do you think there are rules you must follow concerning your own imagination? There are a number of books out there on how to lucid dream. But that cheese thing I would say is a huge load of bovine manure IMO. How old are you? For someone to believe something like that is a bit outrageous. No offence. And there is no quick and easy way to start having Lucid dreams on demand. It takes a sort of consciousness entrainment in order to achieve it. You need to teach yourself how to recognise when you are dreaming and be conscious enough to actually realise that those signs are there in the first place. It can be a long proses taking many many nights.


22nd October 2007, 05:06 AM
But that cheese thing I would say is a huge load of bovine manure IMO.

Aww.. *stomps foot* I was hoping to find out what kind of cheese would give me George Clooney dreams...

Dweller of the Threshold
22nd October 2007, 05:18 AM
The cheese thing I found on this site. I dont honestly believe it (despite the fact im trying it tonight anyways) will give me certain dreams. Someone posted the cheese thing on here and he said he got it from some website and when I searched for it, a whole bunch of sites confirmed it. The poster who posted it had a lot of posts and he seemed like a trusted poster so I went on and am trying to believe it. Thanks so far for the replies, but I will do anything to get into my anime. I have the astral dynamics book and another book by the same author. But theres not much of lucid dreaming in them. I bought it originally for astral projection, but the small lucid dreaming portion in it gave me the idea that lucid dreaming would be easier ro accomplish.

22nd October 2007, 05:32 AM
Kidding aside, eating any kind of heavy food right before bed will cause indigestion. This will, in turn, cause any manner of strange, disturbing, funky, and/or celebrity-filled dreams. You will not have restful sleep so you may be more likely to remember your dreams, but at what cost? If you keep doing it you will get an ulcer, or at least require a steady dose of anti-acid.

22nd October 2007, 05:49 AM
I doubt ulcers are caused by eating heavy foods. Most of the info I've seen on them suggest it is stress rather than the type of food. Eating large meals at night is not a good idea but that has to do with fat accumulation rather than any ulcer possibilities.

On the other hand, eating anything right before bed will mean the belly is active when the body should be calming down for sleep - this requires increased blood flow & thus would interfere with the slowing of the heart & metabolism required for deep sleep.

I'm gonna google the cheese thing - I'd love to see the research that shows cheese equals celebrity - maybe someone doesn't think celebs have much depth & has done an A=A on it? (cheesy films = cheese before bed? :lol:)

Dweller of the Threshold
22nd October 2007, 05:52 AM
I just came back from eating pizza with my family and I well, had to um......let's just say I had to go to the bathroom 3 times within an hour. Despite that, I'm gonna eat a leftover piece of pizza before bed in hopes of becoming lucid in my dreams. Naruto here I come.

22nd October 2007, 05:57 AM
Kidding aside, eating any kind of heavy food right before bed will cause indigestion. This will, in turn, cause any manner of strange, disturbing, funky, and/or celebrity-filled dreams.

I dreamed about Britney Spears the other night. That's what I get for eating pizza right before bed!

22nd October 2007, 05:57 AM
Some types of food can cause gas, such as spicy foods & if there are stomach lining problems, such as ulcers or valve problems, indigestion or heartburn can be common. I truly doubt that trying to cause indigestion will help you achieve lucid dreams - it's far more likely to disturb your sleep altogether & cause a sleep-deprived night.

I don't think the normal ingredients in pizza are going to help the cheese thing.

But hey, try it out - believing it will work might help.

22nd October 2007, 06:06 AM
I doubt ulcers are caused by eating heavy foods.

Ulcers are cause by acid eating away at the stomach lining. When the body is in a prone position, digestive acids leak out of the stomach, back into the duodenum. This acid will eventually cause duodenal ulcers.

BTW, this was explained to us by a doctor as a possible explaination as to why my sister and I both had ulcers as young teen-agers. Eating late at night was not our habit. Our ulcers were stress induced.

22nd October 2007, 06:07 AM
Kidding aside, eating any kind of heavy food right before bed will cause indigestion. This will, in turn, cause any manner of strange, disturbing, funky, and/or celebrity-filled dreams.

I dreamed about Britney Spears the other night. That's what I get for eating pizza right before bed!

Note to me: Don't eat pizza before bed!

22nd October 2007, 06:49 AM
I doubt ulcers are caused by eating heavy foods.

Ulcers are cause by acid eating away at the stomach lining. When the body is in a prone position, digestive acids leak out of the stomach, back into the duodenum. This acid will eventually cause duodenal ulcers.

BTW, this was explained to us by a doctor as a possible explaination as to why my sister and I both had ulcers as young teen-agers. Eating late at night was not our habit. Our ulcers were stress induced.But eating food neutralises stomach acids, so leaking of stomach acids into the small intestine would be more likely on an empty stomach than a full one. Ulcers can cause indigestion problems to be worse but indigestion is a result of reflux & gas.

It's a small point but while certain types of food may bring on such symptoms, merely eating a heavy meal is unlikely to cause more than burping.

The duodenum is at the exit of the stomach, not the entry so leakage into there is unlikely to bring on dyspepsia. (I had a sick mother & learned about this stuff as a kid)

22nd October 2007, 09:58 AM
If you want to have a lucid dream, I highly recommend rhythm napping (http://www.saltcube.com/out-of-body/chat-forum/viewTopic.jsp?t=rhythm-napping), a process explained on the Saltcube website.

You may find you'll have to develop some control before you attain your desired dream but you may be a natural. I see nothing wrong with using lucid dreams for fun and I've tried to encourage my kids to develop lucid dreaming rather than spending so much time on interactive games.

If you can, do reality checks as often as possible through your day. Mean it when you check to see if you're dreaming. Also, practise awareness and being in the now as much as possible. Use your senses when you do this. Affirmations at bed time, "I know that I am dreaming. I take control of my dream," also work. You can find a bunch of tutorials on Dreamviews (http://www.dreamviews.com/tutorials.php) and stacks of information on the net in general.

22nd October 2007, 01:27 PM
Ok, I just wish to clarify a few things:
The cheese thing has been experimentally verified. Some people are from slightly allergic to very allergic to msg, and it is a natural neurotransmitter. This means that it may or may not work for you in the vividness of your dreams. This does not mean it will make them lucid, but it may facilitate it.
Techniques to facilitate ld, like the ones BeeK. described are helpful, but I recommend reality checks to get you into the habit of questioning reality. Then things like the cheese thing can help facilitate it.
Ulcers have been experimentally shown to be caused by a bacteria, Hyobacter Pylori. This was known for years by the medical establishment but not disclosed until about 10 years ago, for undisclosed reasons. (My guess is that they didn't want to start giving antibiotics for it since the medical establishment was trying to curtail antibiotic usage for other reasons). Everybody has acid in their stomachs and stress can make it much worse, but usually an ulcer is caused by a combination of factors. Acid reflux is caused by backup into the esophagus by acid, and one *interesting* remedy that seems to work is drinking diluted vinegar, which shows that sometimes the problem isn't acid, but the lack of it. So it's just not so simple.
I also see no harm in wanting to go to a cartoon land and live a fantasy if you can achieve it. It is a great way to practice your 'creating' skills, if you can do it. I have found when I ld (I don't do it that much) that I forgot where I wanted to go to and end up interrogating my dream characters. But that's just me. *sigh* Ps if you're a Naruto fan you prob. know my sister. Her nic is Oro-something. If you do tell her hi from me.
Keep practicing and keep us posted!

22nd October 2007, 05:10 PM
If it gives you any more motivation to learn to project. Useing the ethric body - by projecting from the mind can project you into other worlds the same way OBE is used, for some its easier. Yeah, you could visit the "Naruto" world. THe problem being if your using your imagination or dreaming you can't verify that you made it or what you saw was "real" You'l want to learn to project -someway- from a awake and alert state before practicing that. OR attempting it. Also, you might want to take some advice: " Be careful who you tell your stories too." Difference between Mystics and Madmen here. :)

22nd October 2007, 08:48 PM
Hello all,

Cheddar cheese has a lot of calcium in it. Didn't Robert once said that Chewable Calcium pills helped with astral projection? - this might apply also to LD

Dweller of the Threshold
23rd October 2007, 02:35 AM
I dont know if it was psychological or what but when I ate pizza last night with sprinkled cheddar cheese on it before going to bed, I had a dream about a celeberty. More like a pronoun because I didn't see any particular celeberties nonetheless knew who they were.

I was outside of a tall sky scraper hotel that looked gray and had huge tinted windows. I was behind a bush and was viewing the hotel. In front of the hotel was a news reporter talking about the hotel. The news reporters exact words were "Good Morning, today is a special day because in this hotel there are 8 celeberties. Take a look at that guy in the front with the camera. He is standing at a certain angle to take a quick snapshot of the celeberties. Problem is, some celeberties left and some are sleeping way up in the hotel". Then I woke up. Not once in this dream was I lucid but the cheese thing did work. This dream was very strange as most of my dreams are. So try it and post your results.

CFTraveler: I think the name your looking for is Orochimaru =D

23rd October 2007, 02:29 PM
CFTraveler: I think the name your looking for is Orochimaru =D I should be ashamed of myself. Don't tell her I forgot.

23rd October 2007, 06:41 PM
I've never heard of cheese for dreaming, but I did once find a scientific article on eating an apple before going to sleep. They explained the chemical reactions and how it helps you not only remember dreams better, but have more vivid dreams and sometimes lucid.

What is spiritual work anyway? What really happens when a psychic/medium touches in and gets messages? Is it magic or is it a science not yet fully explained? I believe it's a science ready to re-discover. Just like the alchemists of past, everything is connected and altered by its path or what it encounters.

I believe as a shamanic dreamer that everything is connected. The food we eat which cause chemical reactions in our body, in our brain, which changes brain states and awareness. The positions of the stars, planets, and moon on our dreaming. The color of the clothes that you wear to bed - the symbols that you could write on your body before bed, the position of the bed, how many times you wake up, how do you wake up, what positions do you sleep in, how many, what scents do you smell and our will, our intent to set all those combinations of variables in motion to achieve what we need, what we believe.

So, with that dream away with intent and your instincts. Follow your instincts on what to do to help you lucid dream because they may be messages from your higher self or your guides. I read one of the Carlos Castenado books where you told yourself everynight before bed to look at your hands in your dream. I did this for about two weeks with nothing. Dreams - but no looking at my hands. Then one dream, I'm in my dream unaware that I was dreaming and a coworker came into my dream and said "here, look at them!" as he pulled my hands up for me to see. The tone in his voice showed me that I was making more of it than I needed to.

And practice away - whether it is in a scene from a movie or television show. Nothing is a waste of time. When I was little, I grew up in a disfunctional home with an abusive alcoholic father. He would threaten to shoot us and himself, hit us, through pans of hot water and such. I wanted to escape. So, I slept a lot - sometimes 13 hours a day to escape. When things were bad, I would retreat to scenes from tv shows - one was Gilligan's Isle. I would be safe there. Well, now I help children with nightmares and do soul retrievals and teach the importance of imagination to our well being and I believe I'm good at it today because of all the practice I did in those silly worlds - my safe havens.

Sweet Dreams!