View Full Version : What can you tell me about this weird (semi-lucid) dream?

19th October 2007, 03:04 PM
It's not often that I don't realy know how to explain something in my dream, or that something even bothers me, but this experience was pretty weird, even distrubing to a certain extent.

Since this forum has a lot going about (lucid) dreams, astral projection, and spirituality in general, and how those topics seem to be intertwined, I thought I'd ask here.

I'm would be very gratefull for any suggestions, since i'm a bit in the woods here.

Oh, and sorry if this is a enormous block of text, I try to construct it a bit so it's at least readable.

Well, here goes.

The majority of the dream was pretty insignificant, slightly adventurous, had it all before in one kind or another.
There was a building, it felt familiar, that I had to infiltrate. Trying not to be seen or caught, I used platforms, gantry's, beams and the like to stay above ground and not be noticed.
Most of the dream went like that, until I entered a multi level room.

In this room, someone was waiting for me, someone who noticed me even though I was realy good at not being seen. This person was a villain, in the hollywood cliche sense.

He walked up to me, and even though I could run away, I didn't.
I noticed he had a knife in his hand, and when he came close, he slashed the knife toward me.
I tried to stop him, and we struggled. I felt very overpowerd, and couldn't keep it up.

At that moment, I realised nothing realy made sense, that this must be a dream, that I didn't have to fight this person.

Now here is the part that confuses me.

When the thought hit me, everything disapeard, and I found myself looking in a third person perspective at myself lying in bed.
I knew that the person lying there was me. Usualy when I dream in third person perspective, I am distached from myself. Not now. This time, I was this person, yet, I was watching from above.

That moment, I twitched, I saw myself ten times at once.
I'm at a loss of words to describe this, but if you've ever seen the Matrix, where they are dodging bullets and you can see that person almost several times on the same place, that was how it looked.

There were dozen's of me lying on the same place, twitching and moving very fast, most of my faces looking very painfull, almost screaming silently, all very blurred and indistinct from each other, yet at the same tame all different.

Then, everything became calm again. All the different 'versions' faded, and only one remained. Not just any kind of 'me', but myself, as a baby, looking me in the eyes and smiling. A very warm smile with an intense, almost understanding stare.

After that, I woke up.

20th October 2007, 06:45 AM
[quote]The majority of the dream was pretty insignificant, slightly adventurous, had it all before in one kind or another.
There was a building, it felt familiar,

Probably represents your psyche

that I had to infiltrate

Attempting self insight.

Trying not to be seen or caught, I used platforms, gantry's, beams and the like to stay above ground and not be noticed.

Translating the challenge of knowing yourself into a physical challenge with obstacles.

Most of the dream went like that, until I entered a multi level room.

Still you, possibly representative of your multi-dimensional existence.

In this room, someone was waiting for me, someone who noticed me even though I was realy good at not being seen. This person was a villain, in the hollywood cliche sense.

Your shadow self. The unresolved, unaccepted fragments of who you are.

He walked up to me, and even though I could run away, I didn't.
I noticed he had a knife in his hand, and when he came close, he slashed the knife toward me.

We often feel threatened by our shadow self but he may act as a guide.

I tried to stop him, and we struggled. I felt very overpowerd, and couldn't keep it up.

It takes psychic energy to deny suppressed aspects of self.

At that moment, I realised nothing realy made sense, that this must be a dream, that I didn't have to fight this person.

And so you began to integrate him and in the process obtained lucidity, that is, self-awareness.

Now here is the part that confuses me.

When the thought hit me, everything disapeard, and I found myself looking in a third person perspective at myself lying in bed.
I knew that the person lying there was me. Usualy when I dream in third person perspective, I am distached from myself. Not now. This time, I was this person, yet, I was watching from above.

An OBE with bilocation? If so, you remained close to your body so there was the experience of dual habitation/mind split.

That moment, I twitched, I saw myself ten times at once.
I'm at a loss of words to describe this, but if you've ever seen the Matrix, where they are dodging bullets and you can see that person almost several times on the same place, that was how it looked.

One can only speculate. It's possible you saw the coming together of fragments of self or that it was lucid dream imagery for this process. It's also possible you were experiencing vibrations and the two parts of self combined the experiences of the mind split by having your external self see you vibrating this way. Or, you were feeling the vibrations and this is what the dream did with them, possibly because they incorporated well with the dream's message about integrating parts of self.

Or you were projecting and having visual distortions but one would imagine this would apply to everything you saw, not just your body.

There were dozen's of me lying on the same place, twitching and moving very fast, most of my faces looking very painfull, almost screaming silently, all very blurred and indistinct from each other, yet at the same tame all different.

If it is about integrating fragments of self, the pain is to be understood. It is the fear of pain that causes us to reject parts of self in the first place.

Then, everything became calm again. All the different 'versions' faded, and only one remained. Not just any kind of 'me', but myself, as a baby, looking me in the eyes and smiling. A very warm smile with an intense, almost understanding stare. [/quote:3ios6uc6]

People who have been purged of ego identity are often seen as babies in the astral. It is a metaphor for returning to the purity of your soul identity by shedding all that is false.


20th October 2007, 07:33 AM
Not much on dream interpretation but when I read about the multiple views of self, I wondered if maybe it was a decision point in life? That at that moment, there were many possibilities & then, with one chosen, you precipitated the single possibility into reality?

Just thoughts...

20th October 2007, 04:14 PM
Thanks beekeeper, that made sense.
I actualy like the feeling of pre-projection vibrations when I'm awake, so I don't know why it scared me so much in my sleep. Possibly just seeing how it looks was enough, maybe :wink:

Not much on dream interpretation but when I read about the multiple views of self, I wondered if maybe it was a decision point in life? That at that moment, there were many possibilities & then, with one chosen, you precipitated the single possibility into reality?

Just thoughts...

It does feel like the many possibilities and past versions of self, but more in a over complete sense... myself as everything and anything I am, was and would become.

20th October 2007, 06:59 PM

Excellent interpretation :!: Bravo :!: *applause* :D

20th October 2007, 11:00 PM

Excellent interpretation :!: Bravo :!: *applause* :D

Thanks Pneumaphor, I've been admiring your posts. :D