View Full Version : Dreaming about insomnia... weird and annoying

19th October 2007, 04:31 AM
Hey Guys and Gals, just a quickpost to ask if anyone could shed some light on a few dreams i had the other night, my dreams where that i woke up and couldnt get back to sleep... i had about 5 dreams of this is the same night where i would wake up from sleeping and just toss and turn the whole night i got up twice in these dreams and just walked around the house annoyed.

note: what makes me think it was a dream is that i sleep on the window side of the bed and if i had gotten up i would ahve woke my girlfriend up and she remembers when i do this coz it annoys her hehe

19th October 2007, 04:33 AM
sorry i forgot to add that when i finally got up in the morning i was really really tired, maybe i am crazy and i did just get up but i have never suffered from insomnia in my life

19th October 2007, 06:49 AM
Sometimes having a spontaneous OBE can seem like insomnia - you seem to be out and up, are not aware of what you are doing, minor details mismatch, you are caught in your own logic (like in a dream) not wondering about the mismatch, and then the episode ends.

The fact that you are tired in the morning might be indicative of this.

Take good care,

19th October 2007, 03:23 PM
They're also known as 'false awakenings' and are thought to be low-powered OBEs.

22nd October 2007, 07:23 AM

I just had the same thing as well last night, and about 2-3 times last week. It usually happens to me when I have trouble falling asleep in the first place at night. I used to previously feel really pissed about this. But now, if I can't sleep I just turn on the light, pick up a book do some reading, until I feel sleepy again.

But yea, this supposed insomnia feeling during sleeps can be pretty annoying. The worst part is feeling tired in the morning, and having a less than ideal day at work.

Last night, a couple of hours before I went to bed, I did quite a bit of energy work, creating an energy chain between my right toes up, round to my left toes, and doing the same thing between my hands and upper body.

And the most weird thing to me, is having the repeated dreams over and over - almost the exact same thing!

22nd October 2007, 07:45 AM
And the most weird thing to me, is having the repeated dreams over and over - almost the exact same thing!

Maybe it is an important message that will repeat until you recognise it. Can you describe the dream?


22nd October 2007, 08:32 AM
I can't remember the details. I probably should have written it down as soon as I woke up. But the theme was about meeting with a group of people to talk about something important, and make decisions regarding whatever it is we were talking about. I cannot remember what the subject was. I guess it is there within my unconscious.

Last week, I got a transfer to another team at work. And throughout the dream, I was having discussions with my current team members on some of our current issues, involving the reasons why I decided to move on in the first place.

Maybe it's about time for me to keep a dream journal.


22nd October 2007, 08:43 AM
Cannot hurt. ;)

Maybe your subconscious is just reviewing your relations to the new team and giving you hints how to get a good start?


22nd October 2007, 09:31 AM
Oh yea, actually I forgot to mention that I started playing around with Tarot cards recently, just for the fun of it really. But it seems there is definitely something there :) Going with open intuition over this, I wonder if this explains a deluge of information out from my subconscious.

Fascinating stuff, really :)


P.S: What is your time zone, by the way? Your replies come in pretty fast :)

22nd October 2007, 09:33 AM
Try not to do your energy work just prior to sleep if you can. Maybe you can dedicate some time after you get home from work.

Also, you may try affirmations such as "I know when I am projecting," or "I know when I am dreaming."

Everytime you wake up, do a reality check so if you have a false awakening you're likely to do a reality check and realise you're dreaming or projecting.

22nd October 2007, 10:08 AM
Cool, thanks! I'll try these tips and see how it goes.