18th October 2007, 11:57 AM
Hello Mr. Bruce,
First, let me extend my congratulations on your newest book, “Energy Workâ€Â. It is a fantastic piece of work. When I read it, I felt like it was packed with information and every paragraph had something important to say.
I have a few questions regarding some of the practice contained therein. On page 92 you wrote: “The water element can be added with the intention of cooling a hot temper or reducing inflammation.†You also wrote on page 99 paragraph 4, “Having too much or too little of any element can affect one's personality†and then proceeded to list some of these negative effects.
1st Question: If soul mirrors have been constructed to identify problematic elemental influences, can an energy ball charged with a particular element be used to treat these deficiencies of character? If so, is there any difference in the procedure used for that purpose? (as opposed to treating a bum knee for example) Can you elaborate more on this perhaps give a theoretical example?
2nd Question: At the beginning of chapter five, under the heading of “Energy Constructs and Thought Forms†you state that, “Affirmation, statements of purpose, and commands are used to empower constructs with intention.†If for the purpose of healing you create an energy ball, charge it with an element or elements, then issue a command and/or statement of purpose, have you not created an elemental? If you have, then what about giving it a name and more importantly limiting its lifespan? Is there no danger than it my run rampant after a time? You say in chapter 8 that after giving healing the connection is usually severed between patient and healer but that sometimes it isn’t. Can this not happen also with an elemental?
3rd Question: In IIH, Bardon states that when creating elementals or elementaries to use on/for others you should project the elements directly from the universe onto the being and not pass it through your body first. This is not so in your book and also, the bioenergy used for healing (heart center healing method) comes directly from the healer. May we take it that no serious harm can come to the healer through this practice? – except those transient side effects explained in your book that can be easily countered by releasing the patient from you circle and grounding methods etc. May we also assume that there is a negligible chance that the healer may transmit some of his imperfections/health problems/larvae/negs etc to the patient through the means of this energetic connection? – especially if the patient is in very poor health and therefore has little power to fight off such invasions? In the first paragraph of chapter eight you state: “This [healing] helps both healers and their patients.†This would seem to answer both my queries in the affirmative, pardon my need for redundancy but I had to ask.
Robert Bruce
25th October 2007, 06:28 PM
G'day Jonathan!
Thank you for your kind words. I am glad you like the book. This is the first part of a series, and more specific works on spiritual practice and development will follow.
1. The only difference in the method of using elements to heal a condition or a physical disorder is the 'intention' behind the operation. For example, if you are using a ball of water element, or sending water element to a person, in order to cool a hot temper, the underlying intention would be stated clearly during the operation, eg, 'Peace' or if using air element to treat a depression 'Happiness', etc.
2. The chances of a simple elemental operation going wrong, say with creating and sending a ball of air element with the intention of general uplifting, are unlikely. We create thought forms all the time through the act of living. Everything we focus on, in a way, has a thought form as a byproduct. These generally fade away as the focus slips from our attention. I did not want to add the complexity involved with creating and using thought forms, elementals and eggregores to my book. To do this would involve a great deal more complexity throughout the book, which would cloud the information presented and make the practices less accessible to the average reader.
To address all the magical protocols/dogma that could be applied to Energy Work would double the size and complexity of the book, and thus reduce its effectiveness and accessibility to the average person. I chose simple and clear for this purpose.
In the field of magic you often hear the warnings of thought forms and elementals and eggregores developing independence and causing problems. However, by large, this is not based on experience, but largely on assumptions and dogma.
I am frequently presented with examples concerning metaphysical and spiritual beliefs and practices, eg, 'chakras must be closed after they are opened, or baby ducks will die and you will bleed energy and attract negative entities'. This statement is based on dogma and hearsay and not on experience. In reality, chakras cannot be closed or turned off by reversing the action used to stimulate them. Further stimulation results. The intention has some effect, but chakras will deactivate naturally when ones relaxed state is ended. And, if chakras continue to be active after a session, there is always a natural reason, eg, a depleted area of the energy body is being repleted, or natural development is taking place. No cause for alarm in any case.
This question also applies to all energy balls and methods, and all energy tools, presented in my book. For example, the energy balls used to stimulate the energy body, bouncing the feet and legs, are for all intents and purposes elemental thought forms. But, as I am sure you see, naming these and programming them to self destruct after 30 days or etc would be laborious, and unnecessary.
This question also applies to practices, like those used at TMI the Monroe Inst. of creating golden dolphins programmed to heal, and also to self destruct after a certain time. However, these are more complex items than simple balls containing elemental intentions, so this is probably wise. But I doubt most people doing this practice realize why they time limit such creations.
If more complex elemental thought forms and eggregores are created and used, they should of course be programmed correctly, and to self destruct after 30 days, etc. However, even this general caution is based on the assumption that baby ducks will die if this is not done, which is not based on actual experience. I am sure you get my drift here.
3. As a healer, whether you are sending distance healing or doing contact healing, the connection is profound on many levels. A healer must connect in order to heal. This cannot be avoided.
For contact healing, elements are both project from the healer and pulled in directly, from outside the healer. For distance healing, the same applies. The problem of cross over contamination between healer and patient is inherent in the act of healing. The use of elements and intentions does not increase this problem.\
Healers will usually sense such problems and incompatibilities, and I advise them to desist if this is a problem, and patients be referred to more compatible or more experienced healers. This generally is done where negative spirit entities are present, and affecting healer or patient adversely.
The vast majority of such potential problems can be overcome with common sense, eg, breaking contact if problems arise, and by using running water 'taking a shower with cleansing intention'.
It should be taken as read that healers should have good general health, physically and spiritually. If this is not the case, then a healer's priority should be self healing.
The energy used for healing, by large, passes through the healer, and does not come from the healer. This applies to all healing modalities. Some healer vitality energy depletion can occur while the healing craft is being learned, but this is generally short lived and can be put down to developmental depletion as the energy body evolves to meet the needs being placed upon it.
Healing energy, as per the methods I teach, come from the planet, atmosphere and cosmos, and not from the vitality stores of healers. Energy flows through healers and not from them, regardless of the method being used, eg, quantum touch, Reiki, Qi Gong, etc.
Again, it is impossible to completely avoid energetic and spiritual cross connections and spill overs involved with healing, as healer and patient must connect for healing to take place.
Also keep in mind that all healing is accomplished by the patient. Healers provide energy to stimulate healing responses in the body minds of patients, that is all. So all healings are actually self healings, facillitated by the energies and intentions and frequencies produced by healers.
Thank you for the questions.....
Take care, Robert
Hello Mr. Bruce,
First, let me extend my congratulations on your newest book, “Energy Workâ€Â. It is a fantastic piece of work. When I read it, I felt like it was packed with information and every paragraph had something important to say.
I have a few questions regarding some of the practice contained therein. On page 92 you wrote: “The water element can be added with the intention of cooling a hot temper or reducing inflammation.†You also wrote on page 99 paragraph 4, “Having too much or too little of any element can affect one's personality†and then proceeded to list some of these negative effects.
1st Question: If soul mirrors have been constructed to identify problematic elemental influences, can an energy ball charged with a particular element be used to treat these deficiencies of character? If so, is there any difference in the procedure used for that purpose? (as opposed to treating a bum knee for example) Can you elaborate more on this perhaps give a theoretical example?
2nd Question: At the beginning of chapter five, under the heading of “Energy Constructs and Thought Forms†you state that, “Affirmation, statements of purpose, and commands are used to empower constructs with intention.†If for the purpose of healing you create an energy ball, charge it with an element or elements, then issue a command and/or statement of purpose, have you not created an elemental? If you have, then what about giving it a name and more importantly limiting its lifespan? Is there no danger than it my run rampant after a time? You say in chapter 8 that after giving healing the connection is usually severed between patient and healer but that sometimes it isn’t. Can this not happen also with an elemental?
3rd Question: In IIH, Bardon states that when creating elementals or elementaries to use on/for others you should project the elements directly from the universe onto the being and not pass it through your body first. This is not so in your book and also, the bioenergy used for healing (heart center healing method) comes directly from the healer. May we take it that no serious harm can come to the healer through this practice? – except those transient side effects explained in your book that can be easily countered by releasing the patient from you circle and grounding methods etc. May we also assume that there is a negligible chance that the healer may transmit some of his imperfections/health problems/larvae/negs etc to the patient through the means of this energetic connection? – especially if the patient is in very poor health and therefore has little power to fight off such invasions? In the first paragraph of chapter eight you state: “This [healing] helps both healers and their patients.†This would seem to answer both my queries in the affirmative, pardon my need for redundancy but I had to ask.
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