View Full Version : Mood swings after Energy Work Pls help

16th October 2007, 11:40 PM
Hey guys, I need some advice if you have any.

I've been doing energy work for a bit over a month, and I'm finding I get this bad moods swings towards depression after doing the energy work. When I stop energy work, my mood spikes up...but i dont want to stop because i want to build it up!

I mostly just concentrate upon the energy upon the limbs, the base and navel areas. I stay completely away from the heart chakra, and a lot of the torso and head areas. so i don't know what i am doing wrong.

Again, any help is appreciated if you have some simple practicial advice, I can't really understand Aunt Claire advice (no offence) lol. It's at the point where i am damaging my relationship, because the mood drops really low the following day when i wake up in morning after night of energy work.


17th October 2007, 08:30 AM
Hello, Thoughtbreach.

I think I know what happens to you.

Energy blockages can have an emotional charge. When an emotion is not fully expressed, its energy can "solidify" and form a blockage. This energetic blockage then clogs up inner energy flow and perpetuates the tension not fully expressed.

When we do energy work, enhanced energy flow might trigger or even release energy blockages, and the emotion, formerly expressed, comes up again.

If you know what happens, this is great - now you can realise it is old, not new emotion. You can neutralise it and remove it from your system and not be bothered again. But if you don't know that, you think you have "mood swings" or something is wrong with your energy work.

I am very sure you're doing fine, but need more grounding - removing the released "blockage energy" from your system.

Have a look at this, too:


The phenomenon of reoccurring emotions and mood swings may happen up to half an hour after the session. The sooner you recognise such unravelings of "old stuff" the easier it gets to deal with them.

Take good care,

17th October 2007, 11:43 AM
Thanks Oliver, this is superb advice.

You are on the bull 100%, I will work on it immediately.


17th October 2007, 09:07 PM
Good Call, Oliver! 8)

28th October 2007, 11:44 PM
Yep, everything is all cool now. Consistently in good spirits and the grounding is extremely useful. The relationship is safe and great now.

haha, only problem now, is everyone else who doesn't understand enrgy and grounding...there is imbalance where I am consistently high and happy but my partner still has lack of control of negative emotions due to lack of knowledge, but its cool i show her some day soon when i can.

29th October 2007, 08:34 AM
There are myriads of approaches to getting a grip on emotions, and not all involve manipulating the energy directly. Self-help practices or writing exercises, affirmations, (self) hypnosis, etc. can all help, depending on what your partner is open to.

Lately I would recommend "Quiet Your Mind" by John Selby for techniques to balance the self and calm emotional imbalances, worrisome thoughts and so on. It is quite accessible and can be put to use immediately even by the beginner.


29th October 2007, 10:55 AM
I'll check it out sir
