View Full Version : i have nightmare/waking paralysis when sleeping in the dark!

16th October 2007, 02:16 AM
Hello forum ,

could someone explain this to me ... This started in the last quater of year 2005 before my dad death (he died in december 2005) .

Everytime i sleep in the dark (but this does not happen when sleeping in the dark with someone else in my room) , i have very bad dreams and i kind of wake up (still in my dreams) and feel the presence of someone (i beleive the person could be a lady) in my room ... and sometimes i have waking paralysis ! one day i hurd someone calling me and his voice was similar to my brother that passed away in 2001(beleive me i dont remember my brother's voice in real life as i was separated from him in 1996 when the civil war started in The DR Congo , but i could tell it was his voice )

i used get up after hearing a big noise (it used to be a daily thing) , i have started sleeping with light on , and these dreams/waking paralysis stopped , please advise ?

16th October 2007, 10:56 AM
KnowSeekerone, there may be more than one thing going on here.

It seems possible that during the sleep state you tap your latent powers of mediumship and spirits on the other side are able to communicate with you. It is also likely, because you mention sleep paralysis, that you are projecting. You are perceiving your astral double as a separate entity because of bi-location 1 & 2 or you are creating thoughtforms 3 or perceiving other individuals (dreamers or spirits).

The darkness and lack of companion may simpy facilitate the altered sleep patterns that are allowing you to attain these states. I suggest you educate yourself as widely as you can on astral phenomena so that you can ascertain what is actually taking place. To create a sense of security, create a shield 4 around yourself before sleep.

1. Bilocation: Being in two places at once; in this instance it refers to the percipient's point of view receiving
information from both the physical body and the energy body at the same time.See Mind Split effect.
2. Dweller on the Threshold:

3. Thought Forms:

4. Shielding: http://forums.astraldynamics.com/viewtopic.php?t=2479

16th October 2007, 06:34 PM
thanks Beekeeper ,
i will go through the given material and i will post more comments after going through the materials (from 1 to 4)...