View Full Version : Familiar places and people in dreams

Sleeping Cookie
15th October 2007, 08:50 AM
Does it happen to you that you visit places in your dreams you know you've been there before in past dreams (and you realise it in the dream itself)? Places that do not exist here? Or talk to people you know only in dreams, as if they were old time buddies? Can you please try and explain this phenomena to a rookie like me?

15th October 2007, 02:53 PM
Here are some threads that talk about this phenomenon, with many opinions and explanations. I like some more than others, but they're in the order that I found them, not in the order that I like them.


dreamstate lessons thread: http://forums.astraldynamics.com/viewtopic.php?t=5872

The Cusp
15th October 2007, 07:42 PM
I've been noticing that more and more. I've been linking my Dream Journal entries together where I revisit the same places.

In my dreams the reoccuring areas are generally composites of several real world places. But they seem to be generally structured the same. I often remember stuff from past dreams that influence the dream I'm in.

And earlier this year, I remembered this girl I had another life with. I remembered all the other dreams I had of her while I was dreaming, but could only picture here face when I woke up. I felt so bad for having forgotten about her.