View Full Version : Weird screaming experience

13th October 2007, 02:09 PM
I've had weird dreams and "sleep experiences" for years and years, but *this* was a new one. I'd love to hear what everyone thinks about this.

I went to sleep the other day, very exhausted. When I fall asleep exhausted, I always sleep like the dead for between three and four hours. During this period, it's extremely, extremely difficult to wake me up, and I generally remember nothing whatsoever due to the depth of the sleep.

This time, however, around two hours in, I suddenly had the very fuzzy beginnings of a memory stream; it starts with me being in my room, either in some sort of dream or in the real-time zone. Vision/sound and thought processes are extremely murky, and the memory itself isn't very clear. Then I suddenly feel a sense that something is badly wrong. Before I even know what I'm doing, I find myself seemingly in my physical body, screaming like a beast, as loud as possible and nonstop. However, during this, I'm not scared. I'm actually calm, but feel a sense of disturbing urgency; I'm screaming because I HAVE to, not because I'm scared of something. (I later realized after waking up that I must not have been physically screaming, for various reasons). Before long, I was jarred physically awake, and found I had been sleeping on my arm, which was now completely numb.

The thing is, the "sleeping on numb arm" thing has happened to me lots of times before, but nothing as weird as this has happened as I woke up to rectify it. Maybe it's just never happened in such a deep sleep before, and the higher aspects of myself decided desperate measures were needed to wake me up before some kind of damage set in? Are there any alternate possibilities? Would love to know what you guys think.

13th October 2007, 06:46 PM
I went through something similar when I was going through attacks. I would wake up screaming, my husband would wake me up and I would have no memory of anything, and didn't feel scared.
I'm sure there's some logical explanation, here's some possibilities:
You're having a nightmare, and your body wakes up before your mind. Since you're not paralyzed, you react to it, but since you are effectively unconsicous, don't wake up until it's over, so have no memory.
Another more outlandish one (that I liked for me) is that I 'drifted off to someone else's dream and enacted it, and when I woke up I 'left it behind' and therefore have no memory or emotion associated with it. (I told you it was outlandish). I like this one because I went through a period of dreaming other people's experiences simultaneously, so it can be explained that way. But I do realize that it is really pushing it.
I think those are called 'night terrors', but I don't know if scientists know why they happen, except for when it's part of normal human development, and the fact that this type of thing seems to run in families.
In my case it stopped when my attacks stopped.

The Cusp
15th October 2007, 01:08 AM
Screaming without being scared sounds to me like it might have more to do with the sound than with any associated emotions. Perhaps something to do with the specific sound frequency or vibrational rate. Like a tuning fork for the astral body.

15th October 2007, 04:34 PM
Very interesting idea, Cusp! Hadn't even thought of that, but it certainly makes sense. The screams were sort of overlapping each other, and warbling around in frequency, and almost reminded me of the sound of many voices chanting, in a way.