View Full Version : silver bullet

10th October 2007, 03:23 PM
This was part of a series of dreams I had last night. Lots of symblos that seem to point to the same conclusion, but I was hoping some of you would have additional insight into the silver bullet part...

My sister and I were with our Mother, driving in the old family van we had when we were kids. It was a big silver van that some friends affectionately dubbed "the silver bullet". The roads were icy and we were sliding around a bit. We passed a restaurant and I told my mother that I wanted to stop there because it was Thanksgiving, and I hadn't had Thanksgiving dinner in 4 years. My mother was irritated, but she turned the van around so that I could eat. No one else wanted anything. The dream ended before we went into the restaurant.

Any ideas?

10th October 2007, 03:37 PM
There is an energy device (I'm wearing one right now) that is called a "silver bullet" because of its resemblance to a bullet.


That's what I originally thought you were talking about. Other than that only werewolves come to mind.

Neil Templar
10th October 2007, 05:59 PM
so Tom,i looked at the link you posted there.
does that thing work?for real?have you noticed any differences in your life since buying it?
it sounds great but i can also imagine the placebo effect it could have-making you create the positive energy yourself.
just curious...

10th October 2007, 06:35 PM
The roads were icy and we were sliding around a bit. We passed a restaurant and I told my mother that I wanted to stop there because it was Thanksgiving, and I hadn't had Thanksgiving dinner in 4 years. My mother was irritated, but she turned the van around so that I could eat. No one else wanted anything. The dream ended before we went into the restaurant. This makes sense to me in the context of your plans. Thanksgiving is an American holiday, isn't it? I'm saying no more, you know what I'm talking about.... :wink:

10th October 2007, 07:22 PM
This makes sense to me in the context of your plans. Thanksgiving is an American holiday, isn't it? I'm saying no more, you know what I'm talking about.... :wink:

I hadn't even thought of the Thanksgiving part... I guess I overcomplicated it. How unlike me. :wink: :roll: No more Thankgivings for me...

10th October 2007, 07:27 PM
Maybe you can start a new family tradition.... :lol:
Das Turkey Tag! (I made the word up, I'm sure it's so wrong....)

10th October 2007, 07:38 PM
Das Turkey Tag! (I made the word up, I'm sure it's so wrong....)

hehe, like I know the difference! :D

Vegetarian turkey anyone?

10th October 2007, 07:42 PM
Das TofurkeyTag sounds even worse... :P

10th October 2007, 07:44 PM
Maybe you can start a new family tradition.... :lol:
Das Turkey Tag! (I made the word up, I'm sure it's so wrong....)

= Erntedankfest (Thanks for the Harvest Feast)

German Catholics celebrate it on the first Sunday in October, German Lutherans on the first Sunday after the 29th of September.

Just my German 2 (Euro) cents. ;)


10th October 2007, 07:47 PM
Das TofurkeyTag sounds even worse... :P

:lol: :lol:

Oooo, your right! But, you're still invited :wink:

10th October 2007, 07:50 PM
so Tom,i looked at the link you posted there.
does that thing work?for real?have you noticed any differences in your life since buying it?
it sounds great but i can also imagine the placebo effect it could have-making you create the positive energy yourself.
just curious...

My only complaint so far is the advertisement for an e-book on the page with the silver bullet device.

I am not actually sure if the silver bullet works or not. One person told me that he could see its energy field working on mine and that it was good for me, but another person told me that it wasn't as effective as I wanted to believe it is. The first week I felt the most difference, and now I just have the feeling that it is nice to wear.

Did you hold your hand up to the screen like it said to?

Hold your palm or the back of your fingers against, but not touching, the picture of the business end of the Cosmic Silver Bullet. Then move your hand from side to side, beyond and above the picture.


You will notice either a hot, cold, or tingling sensation that seems to emanate from the very center of the Cosmic Silver Bullet. Some energy sensitive people claim that this energy shoots straight into their third eye. Other sensitives claim that the sensation borders on pain. This is proof of the existence of Chi energy coming from the device…an energy that will travel from the original article to a picture on a computer screen…one or two oceans away ! If this does not convince you of the raw power of this device, nothing will !

The roads were icy and we were sliding around a bit. We passed a restaurant and I told my mother that I wanted to stop there because it was Thanksgiving, and I hadn't had Thanksgiving dinner in 4 years. My mother was irritated, but she turned the van around so that I could eat. No one else wanted anything. The dream ended before we went into the restaurant. This makes sense to me in the context of your plans. Thanksgiving is an American holiday, isn't it? I'm saying no more, you know what I'm talking about.... :wink:

http://www.cyberkisses.com/Thanksgiving ... world.html (http://www.cyberkisses.com/Thanksgiving/Thanksgiving-world.html)

The domain name is awful, but the information is decent.

10th October 2007, 07:50 PM
I'll be there with bells on. :mrgreen:

10th October 2007, 08:28 PM

I have done much research (years) in Jungian dream analysis so I will give this my best shot. Consider that I know nothing about you as you read this.

My sister and I were with our Mother, driving in the old family van we had when we were kids. It was a big silver van that some friends affectionately dubbed "the silver bullet". The roads were icy and we were sliding around a bit. We passed a restaurant and I told my mother that I wanted to stop there because it was Thanksgiving, and I hadn't had Thanksgiving dinner in 4 years. My mother was irritated, but she turned the van around so that I could eat. No one else wanted anything. The dream ended before we went into the restaurant.

A silver bullet is a waste of silver unless one has belief in silver's occult/supernatural/numinous power (more about this at the end). The stage is set for a subtle, deeper meaning to be highlighted, especially since you focused on that image so much and it was after all, your dream. I assume that you are female. That means three females in one vehicle. According to Jung, three is not a square number, one would rather hope to find four or eight in their dreams. However, four is a far more common 'square' number than eight in most dreams. This dynamic would suggest an incompleteness of feminine expression in the dreamer. Vehicles represent motion, yet simultaneously, disconnectedness from the land as well, i.e., 'ungrounded' feelings. Remember that a bullet flies through the air, not along the ground. Remember also that most people lived and stayed on the family farm until Ford made the car, thus 'leaving' the farm commonplace. Icy roads causing loss of traction reinforce the suggestion of a lack of connection with the ground, or not feeling grounded.

Now, we encounter the number four. You had not had thanksgiving in four years and wished to eat, not because you were hungry, but because you had not had "Thanksgiving Dinner" in four years. This most likely means that you consciously realize that Thanksgiving is something that should be celebrated by every human being in order to feel complete. You see, the number four means conscious realization, which is a completion of a trait. In other words, I would venture a guess that you feel that you have spent enough of your life skimping on festivals that mark the passing of the seasons. You wish to partake more in all of these, as you should.

The restaurant is a stable building literally connected to the ground, or grounded, where you are destined to celebrate life and thus partake of its groundedness.

I believe that your mother's irritation represents the skepticism of such numinosity (symbolic meaning) in seasonal festivals that you subconsciously picked up on as a child, but that your dream mind realizes comes from your mother's upbringing and not from your own heart or mind.

"Noone else wanted anything" is an interesting way to end it! That is how you described the feeling from the dream, as an absolute statement using the word "Noone." I feel that this denotes your sensitivity to the apathetic society around you, which is largely disconnected from such life giving depths of realization by their frantic race on the tracks of materialism.

Now, a recap: Your true will steers the moving silver bullet (the classicaly perfect remedy for destroying demons) right into a solid place of celebration of one of the four most important festivals in human existence. The hindus believe that the four equinoxes are absolutely the most important of all times on Earth period. Almost all religions celebrate them. The remedy is to celebrate the fall equinox with as much gusto as you can muster regardless of what the world around you does. Listen to the child inside and you will understand the secret wishes of those who are apathetic.

After all, Thanksgiving is a harvest festival, where thanks is to be given to creation for the harvest of the Earth. It is a grounding ritual.

The I Ching warns us all of useless comparisons to others. What if you're a leader and you don't know any other ones? Trust your own feelings.

A note: this is not an official dream interpretation, which would be better left to a professional Jungian analyst who is being compensated.

Another note: I have been feeling the same thing that I interpreted in your dream and this may have colored my opinion, though I feel this effect to be miniscule in this case because the symbols are so clear.

P.S. If you are a male then I would say a masculine element is missing, due to the fact that one more male would mean two males and two females, equalling a balanced four passengers. If you are a female then I would actually still say that a masculine element is missing but the dynamic is more difficult to see in that case. Masculine elements missing would denote a need for more assertiveness, boldness or aggression regarding the issue dreamt of.

Love and Light to you Mishell, I hope this helps.

11th October 2007, 06:59 PM
My sister and I were with our Mother, driving in the old family van we had when we were kids. It was a big silver van that some friends affectionately dubbed "the silver bullet". The roads were icy and we were sliding around a bit. We passed a restaurant and I told my mother that I wanted to stop there because it was Thanksgiving, and I hadn't had Thanksgiving dinner in 4 years. My mother was irritated, but she turned the van around so that I could eat. No one else wanted anything. The dream ended before we went into the restaurant.

three females in one vehicle... This dynamic would suggest an incompleteness of feminine expression in the dreamer.

What do you mean by feminine expression?

Vehicles represent motion, yet simultaneously, disconnectedness from the land as well, i.e., 'ungrounded' feelings. Remember that a bullet flies through the air, not along the ground. Remember also that most people lived and stayed on the family farm until Ford made the car, thus 'leaving' the farm commonplace. Icy roads causing loss of traction reinforce the suggestion of a lack of connection with the ground, or not feeling grounded.
Spiritually speaking, I am feeling grounded. Physically grounded, not so much. I mean grounded in the sense of having roots. I am in the process of moving to another country. This means getting rid of most of my belongings and boxing up the rest. No roots and no home right now.

Now, we encounter the number four. You had not had thanksgiving in four years and wished to eat, not because you were hungry, but because you had not had "Thanksgiving Dinner" in four years. This most likely means that you consciously realize that Thanksgiving is something that should be celebrated by every human being in order to feel complete. You see, the number four means conscious realization, which is a completion of a trait. In other words, I would venture a guess that you feel that you have spent enough of your life skimping on festivals that mark the passing of the seasons. You wish to partake more in all of these, as you should.
Actually, I’ve only celebrated Thanksgiving once in my life. It was 5 or 6 years ago.

I believe that your mother's irritation represents the skepticism of such numinosity (symbolic meaning) in seasonal festivals that you subconsciously picked up on as a child, but that your dream mind realizes comes from your mother's upbringing and not from your own heart or mind.
There was nothing subconscious about it. My mother belongs to a religion that does not celebrate holidays. This is how we were raised.

"Noone else wanted anything" is an interesting way to end it! That is how you described the feeling from the dream, as an absolute statement using the word "Noone." I feel that this denotes your sensitivity to the apathetic society around you, which is largely disconnected from such life giving depths of realization by their frantic race on the tracks of materialism.
You are right about this, but it does not have to do with materialism. It has to do with the lack of true spirituality in the people I encounter. Family, friends, and other acquaintances. There are very few people in my life I can express my real feelings to with regard to my spirituality.

Now, a recap: Your true will steers the moving silver bullet (the classicaly perfect remedy for destroying demons) right into a solid place of celebration of one of the four most important festivals in human existence...The remedy is to celebrate the fall equinox with as much gusto as you can muster regardless of what the world around you does. Listen to the child inside and you will understand the secret wishes of those who are apathetic.

So, silver bullet -> destroying demons (I’ll call it negativity) -> my wish to help those who are apathetic towards their own spirituality.

I can see how celebrating holidays will help me to feel rooted in my new home, and with my new family members.

Funny I was with my mother and sister. To me they represent both ends of the spectrum. One is living in what I see as a false sense of spirituality, only expressing herself through organized religion. The other, not living or believing, for that matter, in any kind of spirituality.

If I understood you correctly, it makes a lot of sense. Thanks.

Neil Templar
11th October 2007, 08:31 PM
Did you hold your hand up to the screen like it said to?

yeah i did-and yeah i could feel heat there-but i'm still unsure.
i think i need to understand the technology-or the process before i could really think it's real...

great thing if it is tho.. :D

11th October 2007, 09:00 PM

You're welcome. I appreciate more the chance to work on my understanding of dreams by working with yours as it still has a way to go, as my dreams tell me.

What do you mean by feminine expression?

Three females in one vehicle would be indicative of lack of feminine expression because there is no male element there.

The True Self is non-gendered or dual-gendered depending on point of view. Traditionally the true self has been denoted by the Divine Hermaphrodite. Old people make this strange concept more real to us youngsters. They more often embody this well-roundedness because they more often have nothing left to prove and their reproductive lives are over.

The vehicle is actually a representation of the state of your psyche. A house serves the same purpose. Since there is no masculinity contained inside the vehicle, then fuller expression requires the presence of this masculinity. It would be finally a lack of feminine expression only if the dreamer, you, are female. This being the case, the incompleteness would be remedied through more agressive, assertive or bold (male) action of the dreamer.

One would look for four people (rarely eight, or multiples of four) in the vehicle for the psyche to be complete. These people should be comprised of male and female characters.

Spiritually speaking, I am feeling grounded. Physically grounded, not so much. I mean grounded in the sense of having roots. I am in the process of moving to another country. This means getting rid of most of my belongings and boxing up the rest. No roots and no home right now.

The physical, earthly, cthonic aspect focused upon more in the fall because the focus is the life giving ground of earth (dirt) itself, which is not the focus of the other three equinox festivals. This is the link to your current situation. It is also literally time for fall festivals in America so this adds an extra layer to an already multi-layered set of meanings. The Dreamweaver loves to superimpose meanings on top of meanings.

There was nothing subconscious about it. My mother belongs to a religion that does not celebrate holidays. This is how we were raised.

I found myself wondering yesterday while working if your mother's image represented her literally or her generation. I have my answer. Thank you! :D

You are right about this, but it does not have to do with materialism. It has to do with the lack of true spirituality in the people I encounter. Family, friends, and other acquaintances. There are very few people in my life I can express my real feelings to with regard to my spirituality.

You are moving to a new country. In your dream you did not intend to celebrate thanksgiving in your own home or car, but in someone else's establishment, on someone else's turf. In moving to a new country you will inevitably become more "worldly." One trait of worldly people is that they take their holidays with them wherever they go. you can tell just by being around them by the way they always comment on the whimsey of the time and the weather and corresponding memories among other such chat. We are all drawn to those special animated people and often desire to be more like them. This desire is actually a desire for similar awareness, wholeness and connectedness. You should consider that in your dream, at the end, you were the leader calling the shots. Moving to another country will mean being the leader much more as you will more often be in the position of initiating in-person social contacts with entirely new friends, or being bored, as you will know less people there.

Considering the above, I would recommend that you take this new opportunity provided by the move to become more open about your spirituality to people who will take you as you are because they do not know who you 'were.' Such openness will only be 'normal' to them and therefore you need not worry. This move, and the accompanying freedom it provides for personality growth may be part of what the all knowing subconscious planned when basically telling you to take more initiative with your own feelings. After all, in the dream it was snowing during thanksgiving so it implied a fall to winter timeline, coinciding with the weather you may expect while settling into your new abode.

So, silver bullet -> destroying demons (I’ll call it negativity) -> my wish to help those who are apathetic towards their own spirituality.

Yes, however, to help yourself first so that you are confident with what you are trying to help others with. Still, who doesn't like to party? :D

Funny I was with my mother and sister. To me they represent both ends of the spectrum. One is living in what I see as a false sense of spirituality, only expressing herself through organized religion. The other, not living or believing, for that matter, in any kind of spirituality.

Ahhh, if you see your mother and sister as two ends of the spectrum, yet neither exhibit enthusiasm, I would suggest trying to see that they are are both representative of ONE end of the spectrum, the other end being extreme zealotry, and the center being healthy, dynamic, balanced and connected enthusiasm for celebrating life. This way, you may realize that you are not between them on a spectrum, but beyond both, and do in fact know better than either of them in this matter, thereby gaining the confidence to be bold about enthusiastic celebration.

When shopping for wine, one does not look for empty bottles (sister), and one does not look for pretty bottles full of average wine (mother), but the wine that one knows is best, no matter how strange the shape of the bottle is that it comes in! :lol: A hint, it's usually in the back right corner of the store,on the bottom shelf, covered with dust and perfect!!!

IMO, you're on the right track! No worries!!! 8)

I have recently attended a Native American Powwow that I always avoided for years because I thought it was 'corny.' I've dropped that word from my active vocabulary for good. Of course there were the expected concession stands and merchants, but... there was also music and real celebration, right there together. I have Cherokee blood and it was like 'coming home' listening to the tribal drumming and songs, even though I didn't understand a word. My heart still churned along with other churning hearts. I was in real reverie for hours afterward, feeling complete. In retrospect, I wouldn't have missed that little Powwow even to see a Led Zeppelin reunion show for free!

Eric Clapton sings "Plant your love and let it grow, Let it blossom let it flow...

12th October 2007, 11:37 AM
This was part of a series of dreams I had last night. Lots of symblos that seem to point to the same conclusion, but I was hoping some of you would have additional insight into the silver bullet part...

My sister and I were with our Mother, driving in the old family van we had when we were kids. It was a big silver van that some friends affectionately dubbed "the silver bullet". The roads were icy and we were sliding around a bit.

This is the past. Sometimes it was difficult being in your family, thus, the slippery, uncertain journey.

We passed a restaurant and I told my mother that I wanted to stop there because it was Thanksgiving, and I hadn't had Thanksgiving dinner in 4 years.

You finally feel that you have something to be thankful for after a period of "hunger" over the past 4 years. Now you get to "feast."

My mother was irritated, but she turned the van around so that I could eat.

Your mother could be more supportive and positive about the things that make you happy. Nonetheless, she goes along with your decision and since she has the power of the driver she could deny you this.

No one else wanted anything.

You perceive them as satisfied with their lot or, possibly, not that interested in your goals as they do not share them.

The dream ended before we went into the restaurant.

You don't know the outcome, only that you've been lead to the possibility of satisfaction in your life.