View Full Version : Constipation: NEW/ energy techniques to reduce?

8th October 2007, 01:45 AM
Hi Robert,

I was wondering if any specific type of energy work can be used to help alleviate constipation. This is a condition that has always existed for me to some degree since birth so it is not really related to other energy blockages that I know of.

If this question has been answered in any Robert Bruce text already, would someone mind letting me know?

Thank you

Robert Bruce
4th November 2007, 04:27 AM

Energy work on the stomach area, lower intestines and bowels has show to be very effective at reducing constipation.

Bounce large energy balls through your whole stomach, and move them down through your intestines and bowels, and use energy tools to spray water element, and awareness hands massage directly on these organs.

Also, very important, affirmations of intention, active present tense, stating very clearly that the condition is healed, that your bowels are perfect, that you have perfect bowel motions, and perfect health, etc, help enormously. The affirmations should be repeated while the self healing work is being done.

Note, you will need my new book, Energy work, for instructions on energy tools and etc.

Take care, Robert