View Full Version : Another paralysis thing

8th October 2007, 01:05 AM
Taken from my OBE thread:

I woke up and was lying in my bed (presumably paralyzed) when someone came into my bedroom and put a ball on my left hand (which was up on the pillow palm up) which then turned into a silly-putty feeling substance and melted right into my hand and back of forearm. I opened my eyes and there was no one there but the feeling of silly putty was still in my hand. I considered getting up and putting a magnet in my hand, then decided to leave it for later. Then the alarm clock went off and it was time to get up.
I swear my left hand was tingly for most of the morning. I'm not sure how I feel about it, it wasn't scary, but I don't know what that was about. Anybody got any ideas?
I reposted this part because I'd like to know if anyone has ever 'received a ball' or something like that and have any ideas about if this could have any meaning at all (besides my obvious, well, you know) :roll:

9th October 2007, 02:01 PM
Later on after the goose dream (in Palearse & Eris' thread):
I'm back in my bed, I see a woman standing on my left, just staring at me. I get up and walk to her, and fearfully ask her who is she and what does she want. She tells me she was watching us, we were such a lovely family. I immediately can tell there's something wrong with her (psycho) and tell my hubby to call the police. So I walk out with her and gently ask her how she got into my house (which is locked and alarmed, not to mention warded and blessed) and she walks with me and shows me there's a part of the door that isn't protected, it's sort of a 'door within a door', and she told me that I should have it reinforced. At this moment she starts talking about some people I haven't heard from in years (and don't want to) and I realize that she doesn't know that I know them so I don't comment. Then the police come and I realize that the policeman is her husband, who she called from my house and told him where she is. He takes her away but not without telling me before how I have to reinforce the door and where to get the materials. I have a brief flash of my old house (not the one I grew up in) and I remember how to reinforce it. At the moment she is walking away, my son walks out of his bedroom to go to the bathroom, and she sees him and comments "Oh, what a beautiful child, what a pretty little family you have there." And this gives me the creeps and I immediately start reinforcing the door.
It goes without saying that I plan to clear and smudge the house tonight.

Aunt Clair
15th October 2007, 11:57 PM
The silly putty sounds like an attunement to a new element . What colour was the energy ?

The mother and goose are parts of the self imo as the cosmic mother . When the magician has raised the lower self to be equal to the higher self they have become their own best parents and can project then as the mother from the aqua stone and the father from the rose stone . The mother and father divinities will also give lessons during this stage to continue raising our vibration and ourselves .

16th October 2007, 12:03 AM
I don't remember what color- I'm thinking pink or salmon because of the silly putty association.

2nd January 2008, 04:12 AM
Something came up that makes me think I've identified what the 'silly putty' thing was about. There needs to be a little more analysis by me, but I'm fairly sure Aunt Clair was right in identifying it as a new element (for me).
As I was reading a book (Psychology and Alchemy, by Carl Jung) I read a description that makes sense in the context of the dream and my life (according to the progression my dreams have had). Here goes:
"...it is probably no accident that the treatise of Maria (Prophetissa) deals with the theme of the matrimonium alchymicum in a dialogue with the philosopher Aros, from which comes the saying, often repeated later, 'Marry gum with gum in true marriage.' Originally, it was 'gum arabic', and it is used here as a secret name for the transforming substance, on account of it's adhesive quality. Thus Kunrath declares that the 'red' gum is the 'resin of the wise'- a synonym for the transforming substance. This substance, as the life force (vis animans) is likened by another commentator to the 'glue of the world' (glutinum mundi), which is the medium between mind and body and the union of both. The old Treatise "Consilium Coniugii" explains that "the 'philosophical man' consists of the 'four natures of the stone'. Of these three are of the earth, but the fourth nature is the water of the stone, namely the viscous gold which is calld red gum and with which the three earthy natures are tinted."
So, Aunt Clair, do you recognize what this element may be? What little I know (and it's very little) doesn't really tell me. Some more about it to the bottom of the page:
"We learn here that the gum is the critical fourth nature: It is duplex, i.e. masculine and femenine, and at the same time the one and only acqua mercurialis."
This is on page 161 of the above mentioned book.
If you can let me know what this is and what I'm supposed to do about it (other than the usual that I'm already doing) I'd appreciate it.

2nd January 2008, 08:53 AM
Interestingly, CF, when all this was going on with you and Palehorse, my sister contacted me about her 4 year old daughter, my niece. She had been experiencing the goose for some time. Shortly thereafter she began to see and hear spirits.

Because of our childhood experiences, which my sister found frightening, she was very worried that things were happening again and she doesn't want this for her kids. There was possibly some poltergeist activity occurring as well. I directed my sister to Aunt Claire for help but it settled down and I don't think she followed up.

2nd January 2008, 01:14 PM
Intriguing. The goose mystery thickens.

I reposted this part because I'd like to know if anyone has ever 'received a ball' or something like that and have any ideas about if this could have any meaning at all
I've received a light ball or two in the past. Not with those sensations, but I think thats just a matter of energy types. Hmm.. I was going to suggest intellegent being like the ones I encountered, but because the person actually delivered it to you by hand makes me think that it was some kind of crafted device rather than something intellegent. It was delivered because it is delicate. (I dont know the idea of a crafted energy device makes sense to others?). Didnt know who it was?

2nd January 2008, 05:29 PM
I believe it was a male aspect of myself. I've worked out the duck thing with AC, because her family had similar happenings at the time (or shortly before) I was having mine. So it looks like a case of alchemical contagion. I have been having some learning events that I haven't posted in the OBE forum because they're not strictly OBEs (according to my own category system) but this dream falls right in this progressive sense of transforming or developing.
I also have hit some sort of plateau in my development (but have been busy of late, so that may account for some of it) so I've been asking for assistance as to what I'm supposed to do next.
Since all the messasges have something to do with 'alchemy', I'm reading a couple of books about it, and plan to see about enrolling in AC's online class whenever it starts next.
But I still have to get other things in order because I've been very busy and will be a bit longer.

2nd January 2008, 05:31 PM
Interestingly, CF, when all this was going on with you and Palehorse, my sister contacted me about her 4 year old daughter, my niece. She had been experiencing the goose for some time. Shortly thereafter she began to see and hear spirits.

Because of our childhood experiences, which my sister found frightening, she was very worried that things were happening again and she doesn't want this for her kids. There was possibly some poltergeist activity occurring as well. I directed my sister to Aunt Claire for help but it settled down and I don't think she followed up.

Ah, now your pm makes sense. :lol:

Aunt Clair
4th January 2008, 02:30 AM
Something came up that makes me think I've identified what the 'silly putty' thing was about. There needs to be a little more analysis by me, but I'm fairly sure Aunt Clair was right in identifying it as a new element (for me).
As I was reading a book (Psychology and Alchemy, by Carl Jung) I read a description that makes sense in the context of the dream and my life (according to the progression my dreams have had). Here goes:
"...it is probably no accident that the treatise of Maria (Prophetissa) deals with the theme of the matrimonium alchymicum in a dialogue with the philosopher Aros, from which comes the saying, often repeated later, 'Marry gum with gum in true marriage.' Originally, it was 'gum arabic', and it is used here as a secret name for the transforming substance, on account of it's adhesive quality. Thus Kunrath declares that the 'red' gum is the 'resin of the wise'- a synonym for the transforming substance. This substance, as the life force (vis animans) is likened by another commentator to the 'glue of the world' (glutinum mundi), which is the medium between mind and body and the union of both. The old Treatise "Consilium Coniugii" explains that "the 'philosophical man' consists of the 'four natures of the stone'. Of these three are of the earth, but the fourth nature is the water of the stone, namely the viscous gold which is calld red gum and with which the three earthy natures are tinted."
So, Aunt Clair, do you recognize what this element may be? What little I know (and it's very little) doesn't really tell me. Some more about it to the bottom of the page:
"We learn here that the gum is the critical fourth nature: It is duplex, i.e. masculine and femenine, and at the same time the one and only acqua mercurialis."
This is on page 161 of the above mentioned book.
If you can let me know what this is and what I'm supposed to do about it (other than the usual that I'm already doing) I'd appreciate it.
I agree that your experience is in sync with this description by Jung . It seems the energy is binding and neutral like an alchemical marriage

.A distinct energy comes to each of the magician phalanges and a subsequent layering will nest over the primary one .
On the Left Hand of the magician come 4 unique energies that work together on the "Hand of the Alchemist" .

A rosy red colour energy comes to the index finger of the magicians left hand which is called the universal glue which pulls together and binds other elements and aids alchemical trasmutation . That finger is called the" point de la Christ " which is French for the finger ( prounounced pwan )of the Christ and also la pointe d'alchemiste . The left aqua index is the aqua mercuralis which is the air of transmutation which is the reciprocal nature of earth . The pinky is l'eau de prima materia which dissolves . The ring finger of the left hand is the la feu de prima materia and it is a amber fire energy which acts as a catalyst amongst other properties .

Resin of the Wise ! Well Done !

Aunt Clair
4th January 2008, 03:09 AM
I also have hit some sort of plateau in my development The globe is in stasis right now and will be until the next full moon . In meditation we entered stone giants and left part of self there to rest in a snow covered forest realm . This hibernation will allow a build up of energy to make a new transmutation . The monads of many magicians are splitting and this requires an inordinate amount of energy . The monad has 7 incarnations of both genders on the unaware but continues to grow and split doubling in the aware . Bruce says the enlightened must be self realised at birth and have 12 incarnations . These imo must be communicated with and raised concurrently . The magician has all the incarnations of the same gender but when the monad splits the opposite gender is formed . These can become partners for the original monad working together on ascension and mutual goals .

4th January 2008, 04:38 AM
So I better catch up on sleep and do lots of energy work. :)

11th January 2008, 10:14 PM
I also have hit some sort of plateau in my development (but have been busy of late, so that may account for some of it) so I've been asking for assistance as to what I'm supposed to do next.
Im not disagreeing with Aunt Clair. Perception, experiences, energy, power and abilities are alluring (once I get into it I have to slap myself so I can see the big picture again). But maybe you are looking too hard in the same place. People often dont realise that you can never be too compassionate, truthfull, forgiving, tolerant. Selfless acts that arent rewarded or seen by people, are greatly rewarded by God. Theres more than one kind of energy work, theres exercises/awareness and theres selfless actions.

I dont know anything about your practice, I'm just pointing out something that people often overlook. Im actually saying this for anyone reading this post. If you already practice both kinds of energy work then maybe you need to go where you are challenged and needed. You cant forgive those who never do you wrong, and light is brightest when shining in dark places.

We greatly help others by improving ourselves, but not if we hide ourselves away like a cure for the pandemic. A cure that was never given.

12th January 2008, 12:53 AM
I never stop, even when I want to- never you mind. :wink:

12th January 2008, 12:55 AM
Just for continuity, I had another 'thing on my left hand experience.' I reposted it here.

I felt someone put something on my left hand (again) but this time it felt like a thin cylinder in between fingers. I started to react, but decided to perceive it instead, staying in trance instead of getting up and shaking it off. It felt sort of like a straw/licorice, and it tingled between the two middle fingers of my hand. What followed was a circulating pulsing in my left hand, until I could almost feel a solid pulsating ball (no longer vortex-like). I got up, Put a thought into it "go to where you can do the most good" and let it go out. Then I left the room and started my day. There was no perception of color in this thing, but it felt alive, electric, and it 'morphed into something circulating, pulsating, and solid-feeling. The amazing thing is that I still could feel it after I got up and walked to my bedroom door, where I 'threw' it.

12th January 2008, 11:08 PM
Sorry CF, artists can be very draamatiic, especially this ones feeble attempts at inspiring people.

What followed was a circulating pulsing in my left hand, until I could almost feel a solid pulsating ball (no longer vortex-like). I got up, Put a thought into it "go to where you can do the most good" and let it go out. Then I left the room and started my day.
I had something like that happen to me after a few weeks of really good energy/meditation in the desert (on my trip). Actually, it was all the same as what happened to you except it came out my forehead, and nobody gave it to me (as far as I know). It was very distinctly ball shaped, and pretty uncomfortable as it moved to the outside. I can only guess what its all about.
Can you contact the person who is giving these things to you?

12th January 2008, 11:37 PM
Well, I haven't had a good look at who it is, other that it's a shadowy entity, seems male, but I haven't seen him. I wonder if it's the same dude that cuddles with me at night sometimes.... (not my husband, on the other side.) I know. :shock: :roll: But he just cuddles, nothing more.

14th January 2008, 12:33 AM
You've probably done some remote viewing, reading, whatever. The minimum 'handle' needed to find someone or something is almost nothing. That you saw a shadowy figure is more than enough to move your mind to him to ask questions. You are definately able to do it. Could do it during ap but any time your mind is clear and calm is fine. Just try to keep your mind inactive after you ask a question.

14th January 2008, 03:50 PM
Well, I haven't posted in my OBE journal in a while because I seem to be doing 'other things' lately, mainly talking to other beings while in trance (I don't think it's 'remote viewing', since they're there with me) and I've had lots of conversations with them about a great deal of things, but the thing is that I don't let myself get too deep in because I don't want to fall asleep and lose it, so I get a lot of beginnings of explanations.
Believe it or not it has not occurred to me to ask about this, mainly because I think I'm on 'learning' mode, and think I know what it's about- being adjusted for whatever's next, right or wrong. But things have changed, and I feel more centered now and at some point know it'll make sense to me.
Also, I like 'going with the flow', which is what I'm doing now.
Once I think I'm done with this 'phase', if it's what it is, I'll make sure to ask.

15th January 2008, 02:40 AM
Also, I like 'going with the flow', which is what I'm doing now.
Always a great idea :D

24th January 2008, 01:28 AM
I also have hit some sort of plateau in my development The globe is in stasis right now and will be until the next full moon . In meditation we entered stone giants and left part of self there to rest in a snow covered forest realm . This hibernation will allow a build up of energy to make a new transmutation . The monads of many magicians are splitting and this requires an inordinate amount of energy . The monad has 7 incarnations of both genders on the unaware but continues to grow and split doubling in the aware . Bruce says the enlightened must be self realised at birth and have 12 incarnations . These imo must be communicated with and raised concurrently . The magician has all the incarnations of the same gender but when the monad splits the opposite gender is formed . These can become partners for the original monad working together on ascension and mutual goals .

Im not sure what monads are, but I felt my energy return to almost normal last night in the full moon and I thought of this post, it actually started trickling in a day before the full moon. Wish I had done more energy work past few weeks, this sounded important, hard to know if you are practicing when you dont really feel anything though. I thought my weakened energy was my fault but seems it may have been this splitting.

24th January 2008, 02:40 AM
A monad as far as I know is the symbol of unmanifest God, or Creation as unified whole- for example, the Yingyang symbol would be a monad (is divided but represents a whole) or the Mother/Father God ( The biblical Elohim) as Creator, in other words, the stage of creation that is unmanifest.
Now what I think Aunt Clair is talking about here (and I'm sure she'll clarify if I'm wrong) is the ability to access the Monadic Plane, that is the Astral Plane (or higher than the Astral, I'm not so good with technical details, lol) which is not so easy to access, where you can have something close to God-realization.
If I were to guess I'd guess it means that to have access to these higher planes your monadic bodies (or energy body suited to get that far up) are changing and evolving; either the planes themselves, or the energy bodies designed to access them.
But I'm really guessing here, based on practically no book-knowledge of this.

24th January 2008, 03:23 AM
A monad as far as I know is the symbol of unmanifest God, or Creation as unified whole- for example, the Yingyang symbol would be a monad (is divided but represents a whole) or the Mother/Father God ( The biblical Elohim) as Creator

Maybe supports the 'binary soul division' concept...

also: (maybe off subject)
The globe is in stasis right now and will be until the next full moon

I wonder about the moons energies, and its relationship with OBE. I have varying observations with OBE events and moon positions... cannot find a pattern for me, personally... Are moon-energies relevent to the energies necessary to preject??? Does anyone have any insight on this...???

24th January 2008, 04:05 PM
No scientific anything, just observational- I seem to project more two days before the full moon. I also project other times, but most of them are on that period of time. But I'm female, so hormonal fluctuations may be involved.

ps. BTW, This morning I woke up (and before I projected, so it wasn't that) with a horrible pain in my left hand, so I'm not going to be typing a lot more today.

22nd March 2008, 12:43 AM
Here we go:
http://www.blavatskyarchives.com/thomas ... ciples.htm (http://www.blavatskyarchives.com/thomas/thomasprinciples.htm)


A Monad is an individualized expression of the Absolute, a “Divine Spark,” that exists or is expressed on the Anupapaka Plane of Existence. -Reworded by CF.

The Monad has three aspects, the Atman, Buddhi, and Manas. These three make up the Ego. From the Ego appear the causal body, mental body, and astral body, which “ensoul” the physical body.

“Man’s inner being has three aspects, according to occultism, analogous to [Saint] Paul's divisions of spirit, soul and body. Essentially man is a point of consciousness in the divine ground from which all emerges. This One Reality remains forever an undivided unity. Yet it emanates rays creating the immortal, indestructible Atman, as it is termed in Sanskrit. This ray is destined to become involved with denser and denser matter in order to obtain definiteness in the worlds of material expression. Clothed in a film of rarest matter it becomes the monad. Further encased in material from the higher mental realm, it becomes what Leadbeater calls the ego. His use of the word is far different from any modern usage. He means Atma-Buddhi-Manas, the spiritual triad or soul of man, which has a stable locus on the higher mental plane. This is the reincarnating entity which unfolds its powers by generating personalities over and over in the various cultures of man.” (Charles Leadbeater, The Inner Life, page xxiii online or hardcopy)

24th March 2008, 08:03 PM
Haha.. maybe I better just work to allow enlightenment and leave all the specific mechanics to the scholars and the universe.

24th March 2008, 08:57 PM
ps. In this instance 'ego' is not what it is to people in modern spirituality, as the previous post describes.

Alaskans: I like to know what people mean when they speak of the monadic plane, and I know others want to too, which is why I include the definition, as asked to me from someone in previous pages.

6th May 2008, 08:28 PM
I also have hit some sort of plateau in my development The globe is in stasis right now and will be until the next full moon . In meditation we entered stone giants and left part of self there to rest in a snow covered forest realm . This hibernation will allow a build up of energy to make a new transmutation . The monads of many magicians are splitting and this requires an inordinate amount of energy . The monad has 7 incarnations of both genders on the unaware but continues to grow and split doubling in the aware . Bruce says the enlightened must be self realised at birth and have 12 incarnations . These imo must be communicated with and raised concurrently . The magician has all the incarnations of the same gender but when the monad splits the opposite gender is formed . These can become partners for the original monad working together on ascension and mutual goals .

Some really wierd stuff has been going on, it's like I'm more than one. I feel I need to investigate. These monads, can we become them? Switch to different bodies and minds?

6th May 2008, 09:11 PM
We already 'are' all those selves. The thing is that we're mostly aware of being one at a time depending on what experience we're having. So if you're having a physical experience, you're being a person. But when you get used to projection and deeper meditative states you begin to witness being more than one at a time, and that can be disconcerting at times. I had gotten used to bilocation (being 'astral' and 'physical' at the same time) and am now discovering a third experience, that I still haven't put my finger on. I haven't talked about it because it's a recent 'discovery' and I'm not sure if it's a symptom of something else. So we'll see what develops. But you're right, the weird keeps getting weirder.

10th May 2008, 09:01 PM
Thats not what I meant. I'm very familiar with acting in two places at once, thats natural for me, im talking stranger. I meant another me that has its own set of bodies and it's own history and knowledge. I thought it was my immagination untill I had an intuition about it. Hopeless talking about it, especially since Im not experiencing it right now, but it must have been very strange for me to ask last tues.