View Full Version : Anyone else me the Night Stalkers and Dream Walkers?

The Cusp
7th October 2007, 06:46 PM
I was hoping this site would provide some fresh insight on what has been a facinating and fun topic over at the DreamViews forums.

It has to do with being able to visit other people's dreams. Some people were claiming there were different factions, and the whole good VS evil aspect of it got way out of proportion. But I thought that if dream walking was possible, then it would seem reasonable that someone with a nasty disposition could be choosing victims of the forums.

THe full thread is here http://www.dreamviews.com/community/sho ... hp?t=37621 (http://www.dreamviews.com/community/showthread.php?t=37621)

So basically, I made a bunch of cocky challenges to any would be Night Stalkers out there and sure enough, I was visited with a series of dreams that seem to fit. Torture and interrogation, indestructible attackers. While this could have been self induced, there were several things about those dreams that were odd.

Mainly how my attackers would suddenly get distracted by something, like they just lost lucidity. And these guys could withstand my best attacks (I've since revised my definition of attack) This nightly onslaught in my dreams caused me to formulate some dream combat theory, and after weeks of butt whoopings, I was winning easily.

In one instance, my attacker was withstanding my best dream attacks. I'm pretty sure I was lucid, but this guy left me no time to think about it. I remembered something i read by Casteneda about the soles of the feet being a weak spot on the energy body, and pulled my body into the ground, reemerging under his foot as a spike that drove up through his leg to the knee. The attacks stopped shortly after that.

Now that spike attack I did struck me as not your average dream assault. I only recently asked if anyone else had been accosted by somebody with a limp, because I had a feeling I had done lasting damage. Two people had seen old Limpy, and both of them said he had short gray hair. And that is enough to make me want to look into this matter a little more.

So, had anyone here encountered anything suspiscious? Any thoughts, comments or stories would be greatly appreciated!

8th October 2007, 09:19 PM
That Lex16 person is obviously lonely and attention-starved...

Someone should tell him that he's experiencing typical dweller on the treshold episodes with a side of paranoia...

8th October 2007, 09:45 PM
I was hoping this site would provide some fresh insight on what has been a facinating and fun topic over at the DreamViews forums. Well, I don't know how fresh it can be...

It has to do with being able to visit other people's dreams. Some people were claiming there were different factions, and the whole good VS evil aspect of it got way out of proportion. But I thought that if dream walking was possible, then it would seem reasonable that someone with a nasty disposition could be choosing victims of the forums. Well, I do know it's real because I've experienced it, but I'm afraid that the 'good' & evil concept is more nebulous, because even though someone can and does (IMO, of course) visit each other's dreams, fears are very personal and what scares me may not scare you- so even if your intent is to 'go visit and say hi', another person may be scared, and even if someone else's intent is to attack and scare, they might be thwarted because of their 'victim's' belief system. So it's not so simple. That's why I don't believe that there are groups out there going around terrorizing other's dreams- it seems to me that if they're that talented, they could find something more useful to do. Just seems stupid and pointless is all.

So basically, I made a bunch of cocky challenges to any would be Night Stalkers out there and sure enough, I was visited with a series of dreams that seem to fit. Torture and interrogation, indestructible attackers. While this could have been self induced, there were several things about those dreams that were odd. And this part of the thread leads me to something else. When you made the 'cocky challenges' to these people, you unwittingly gave them permission to attack you. No good, that's how people get in trouble.
Normally, you have defenses against this type of thing- unless you give permission. Then, good luck with that.

So, had anyone here encountered anything suspiscious? Any thoughts, comments or stories would be greatly appreciated! Only this: Try to take away permission from anyone to intrude on your space, and asap. Just some advice from experience.

9th October 2007, 03:32 PM
I've been experiencing a Night Stalker again with one of Robert's students. It's a shame that so much good information and learning is turned around to be used for a power trip.

It's interesting because in a dream state, there are several "dream" bodies available, one being the same body used for astral travel. I believe that is why sometimes astral travel is like a dream and sometimes a dream is like astral travel. But with each body, holds different abilities, different limitations, and I believe different protections. I first thought that the attacks were more on the astral level with this one guy because he is a student of Roberts. But, I've been dealing with his attacks, intrusions, his attempted "rapes" for awhile and trying to study why some of the protections that Robert gave me for astral intruders don't work.

As I have learned to "kick butt" once in these attacks, I have not been successful in completely eliminating them.

I do know that this person belongs to some kind of satanic cult and I've been trying to pull my energy away from this individual and separate myself.

If anyone has any good advise or comments on the night stalkers - my ears are wide open.


The Cusp
9th October 2007, 08:24 PM
When you made the 'cocky challenges' to these people, you unwittingly gave them permission to attack you. No good, that's how people get in trouble.
Normally, you have defenses against this type of thing- unless you give permission. Then, good luck with that.

Try to take away permission from anyone to intrude on your space, and asap. Just some advice from experience.

Unwittingly? No, no, I was begging for it. And in truth I learned a great deal from those encounters. Although I wouldn't recommend that route, I really didn't know what I was getting into.

I know it seems pointless to torment people in dreams, but I think it could be quite instructive. In learning to apply your awareness in dreams, you would not only have your awareness to work with, you would have your vistim's as well. Like I said, I learned a great deal in my exchanges with the NS in this way.

It's interesting because in a dream state, there are several "dream" bodies available, one being the same body used for astral travel. I believe that is why sometimes astral travel is like a dream and sometimes a dream is like astral travel. But with each body, holds different abilities, different limitations, and I believe different protections.

I completely agree with that and can't believe I haven't noticed that in my dreams before! You wouldn't happen to know any links to info on that particular subject?

As for your student, perhaps help him put a clearer definition on the victory conditions to defeat this stalker. It's not neccesary to defeat him in a direct confrontation, only to thwart their plans of harassment. If the attacker is hellbent on destruction, give them something fun to destroy.

Unfortunately, there seem to be very skilled NS out there. Seriously, they inspired me. Once you see exactly what it is they are doing, you can really appreciate how brilliant some of these people are. Like the best professional athletes, they make plays that are just awe inspiring.
(actually, it is more like making a play in some sport than attacking)

I started another thread in the psychic self defense forum on dream combat, where tried to explain the basics. It's a very subtle game.

I managed to do lasting damage to one of my attackers (only once) that showed up in other people's dreams. Left him with a limp in the dream body he was using. And I did by switching to a different dream body. I just did it instinctively. Hope that means something to you Ranlinra13. I went for the soles of the feet. It might be a weak spot, or I may have just believed it was a weak spot, but worked well.

I don't suppose you could share the details of the incidents involving that student your were talking about with me? Especially the dreams.

This was totally the fresh perspective I was looking for by the way.

10th October 2007, 07:10 PM
I completely agree with that and can't believe I haven't noticed that in my dreams before! You wouldn't happen to know any links to info on that particular subject?

No, I don't know of any certain book that outlines the dream bodies. I think some of the egyptian writings about it suggest different bodies. I basically discovered it when one of my dream bodies got caught in a cave while doing some soul retrieval. I was stuck there for 6 months our time. I was completely aware of my existance there and the fact that I couldn't find a way out. I still had night dreams during this time - and sometimes another dream body went to help the stuck dream body. I then went into journey with a dream body to rescue the trapped one. I had the consciousness of the trapped dream body, the other dream body to make the rescue with a friend, and my consciousness in the tub.(I often journey in the tub) So, since that time, I sometimes play with different bodies during dream/journey states.

I think that you misunderstood me - I am the victim, the student is the Night Stalker. The book and classes have helped him hone in on his "gift" - but he chooses to use it in a negative way.

I will share the details offline.

I will try the feet - I've heard that too. Some nights are peaceful with added protection and awareness - it's when I get caught up in life's day to day that it sneaks up on me.

Thank you.

The Cusp
10th October 2007, 09:53 PM
I basically discovered it when one of my dream bodies got caught in a cave while doing some soul retrieval.

I'm kind of glad you don't have any links or books. I prefer first hand experience. I'm pretty sure the subject of theosophy will have something to say on the matter. The "bible" of theosophy is The Secret Doctrine. A tough read, but a good source of info.

Something I've only recently notice is that my dreams seem to be layered, with fixed doorways in between levels. I suspect this is common with everyone, and that there is more structure to dreaming than there appears.

I don't know why you are being targeted. I can only assume it's because
A) You put up a good fight and provide a good learning opportunity for him.
B) He has easy access to you for some reason.

THe next time it happens, I would suggest you pay attention to what it is you opponent is doing. Study his game. If you're having difficulty, it's probably because you don't fully understand the rules of the game. Like bringing a sword to a gunfight.

And I don't mean watch what he's doing litterally, but try to understand why his attacks were effective. Note what you were paying attention to and how that affected things (Where you focus your attention creates detail)

12th October 2007, 07:22 PM
Yes, the dream space is actually quite structured. There is a group The Foundation for Shamanic Studies http://www.shamanism.org which offeres training with more structure. I plan to attend the March 1-2 class in Cleveland Ohio with Myron Eshowsky. One of my teachers had Myron as a teacher and I'v heard nothing but good things. I've learned basically on my own through experience and trial and error in the dream space. I did take some classes from Robert Moss as well. Good experiences in creative ways but not much structure - which was fine for what I needed then or at least needed confirmed from my experiences.

Yes - I guess I do need to look at why he was successful in getting in those times. He's not very successful staying in once I become lucid in the dream. It's getting better - less attacks - or at least less successful attacks.

Thanks for your help and support.

15th October 2007, 04:43 PM
have done some digging up on where all this nightstalker and dreamwalker stuff came from... turns out it is a prank that 2 sisters from South Africa obsessed with World of Warcraft are playing on everyone.

However, there is some truth behind it. There are in fact negative (evil, dark) and positive (good, light) entities within the astral realms. I deal with them quite regularly and i can assure you it isn't all that pleasant. The negative beings existing within the lower planes and the positive beings within the higher realms. The negative beings (also known as shadow beings or demons) feed off negative energy, sometimes they will directly try and steal your life-force.

There are several things you can do to defend yourself
1.) fight fire with fire - let yourself get angry and fight back trying to wound them (can prove difficult and they may come back later if you don't finish them off)
2.) think of a positive happy fun memory, focus on the feeling and make it surround and iminate from within you, intensify the feeling and make your aura push back the demon - could also be conbined with things like pranic breathing, chi/psi shield, and calling upon angels/enlightened beings.
3.) force yourself awake - they cannot hurt you once you are in the physical realm, just make sure you don't wake too fast and enter SP, if you still feel sleepy it is possible they can drag you back into the dreamstate.

The thing which draws these beings to you in the first place, is your thoughts.. so dont think about them or any negativity in general and you should be fine. And remember, there is nothing to fear but fear itself.. don't put out that emotion of fear in the first place. Be in a state of be-ing unafraid, a feeling of be-ing protected regardless of the situation.

The Cusp
15th October 2007, 07:26 PM
have done some digging up on where all this nightstalker and dreamwalker stuff came from... turns out it is a prank that 2 sisters from South Africa obsessed with World of Warcraft are playing on everyone.

That sounds bad cover up story, like the weather balloon for area 51. Mentioning WOW is a nice touch. Disillusioned game nerds is a sugary answer you don't have to think about too much and instantly satisfies.

16th October 2007, 01:02 AM
There are several things you can do to defend yourself
1.) fight fire with fire - let yourself get angry and fight back trying to wound them (can prove difficult and they may come back later if you don't finish them off)
2.) think of a positive happy fun memory, focus on the feeling and make it surround and iminate from within you, intensify the feeling and make your aura push back the demon - could also be conbined with things like pranic breathing, chi/psi shield, and calling upon angels/enlightened beings.
3.) force yourself awake - they cannot hurt you once you are in the physical realm, just make sure you don't wake too fast and enter SP, if you still feel sleepy it is possible they can drag you back into the dreamstate.

There are many, many things that we cannot see when out of body, simply because we're not paying attention to them; in the same way, ignoring something allows you to make it disappear... Be slippery, sneaky, untouchable through intention alone, that's the best weapon.

16th October 2007, 08:47 AM
have done some digging up on where all this nightstalker and dreamwalker stuff came from... turns out it is a prank that 2 sisters from South Africa obsessed with World of Warcraft are playing on everyone.

That sounds bad cover up story, like the weather balloon for area 51. Mentioning WOW is a nice touch. Disillusioned game nerds is a sugary answer you don't have to think about too much and instantly satisfies.
Sorry but are you implying that I made that up? I spent several hours with a fellow LD'er digging up what we could find... If you have a look for yourself you will find in Lex's first post "they were talking about this over at club beach"

I found the club beach forum which is a jap anime site. I found the thread she was talking about and no one else mentioned nightstalkers, she brang it up, then another person confirmed it - Aeronolio, who is also known as Sanzora on DV (they have identical avatars). They both signed up on DV almost at the same time, they both live in South Africa, both like jap anime, and both like RPG games. If you have a look at World of Warcraft, you will see the terms "Dreamwalker" and "Nightstalker" plastered all over it.

The thing is.. their story implies that these 'nightstalkers' and 'dreamwalkers' and 'rogues' are all ordinary people who are part of a 'faction' (commonly used term in WoW), that know how to go into others dreams and taunt them. Not only has shared dreaming never been confirmed with a reputable account, it would serve absolutely no purpose to go into other peoples dreams. They are immature girls deluded with their own fantasy.

But as i said in the above post, there is some truth to it that they were perhaps unaware of.

16th October 2007, 09:26 AM
Actually, persons already have tried to influence and entered my dreams. One of the first contacts to my beloved started in a dream. I know of other people who had similar experiences.

This happens.

I am however of any idea of there being factions or stuff like that. I just know the act of influencing or visiting a dream is not impossible. Subconsciously this might happen more often than we think.


16th October 2007, 09:42 AM
Not only has shared dreaming never been confirmed with a reputable account,

It's much harder to prove. Others and I have however been capable of sensing when a dream character is not from the dream. It's hard to arrange for since it requires to consciousnesses to be in tune. Most often it happens subsconsciously.

Test subjects often believe the limits of what is possible they take from their environment. Subconscious influencing, intent and belief influence these kinds of research. Take dream researcher Stephen LaBerge. He is convinced dreaming is just a function of the brain and there is no astral dimension etc. Since one consciousness influences another I think it is much more improbable that he would get results that prove shared dreaming.

Tart proved even shared hypnotic visions in a simple setup for two test subjects.

it would serve absolutely no purpose to go into other peoples dreams.

A person tried to influence my of his point of view subconsciously still in my sleep after having tried for quite some time in the waking state.

I have obtained, subconsciously, information about other people in dreams.

Visits and shared dreams and shared projections have helped start and nurse my new relationship across continents.

Persons have been exposed to influence or intimidation through the means of dreams. The accounts I know are from reliable people.


16th October 2007, 10:09 AM
Korpo, I wasn't saying I didn't believe in shared dreaming, i was saying there is no evidence. You would have to agree that it is a very difficult thing to do.. you even said yourself they need to be "in tune" with eachother. To proclaim that there are groups of people actively doing it every night with great ease, known as nightstalkers, dreamwalkers and rogues is lunacy.

16th October 2007, 10:21 AM
Korpo, I wasn't saying I didn't believe in shared dreaming, i was saying there is no evidence. You would have to agree that it is a very difficult thing to do.. you even said yourself they need to be "in tune" with eachother. To proclaim that there are groups of people actively doing it every night with great ease, known as nightstalkers, dreamwalkers and rogues is lunacy.

If that is your point, I agree - it would at least be very improbable.

A well-trained group could do it, IMO. To what gain would be a good question, but motivations are plenty - for cultist reasons (which need not be very logical) for example...

I think it is possible, but not even remotely close to a routine occurence.


16th October 2007, 03:46 PM
I've had a lucid dream 2 days ago of a stalker and believe me my dreams until now have been very positive and that man in my lucid dream threw me for a loop.I chose to leave the dream and knew what he was going to do but didn't want to have that experience.Are you guys thinking that someone on this board is evil.The person I saw in my lucid dream was evil but he was human. :shock:

The Cusp
16th October 2007, 04:38 PM
Sorry but are you implying that I made that up? I spent several hours with a fellow LD'er digging up what we could find... If you have a look for yourself you will find in Lex's first post "they were talking about this over at club beach"

I found the club beach forum which is a jap anime site. I found the thread she was talking about and no one else mentioned nightstalkers, she brang it up, then another person confirmed it - Aeronolio, who is also known as Sanzora on DV (they have identical avatars). They both signed up on DV almost at the same time, they both live in South Africa, both like jap anime, and both like RPG games. If you have a look at World of Warcraft, you will see the terms "Dreamwalker" and "Nightstalker" plastered all over it.

Sorry, didn't mean to imply that at all. In fact I applaud your research into the matter. I've never liked the idea of these factions, and besides the original mention from Lex, the only people who kept bringing it up were the skeptics.

If shared dreaming is possible, I'm thinking it's not a new skill, and goes back to before World of Warcraft.

To what gain would be a good question, but motivations are plenty

Actually I think I've figured out why someone would do such a thing. It's a fantastic learning experience. I learned a great deal from my exchanges with the NS, and I could see how it could be a very effective method of training for someone who was so inclined.

29th October 2007, 06:11 AM
I have nothing to say other than this:

As for the one called Akorah, yeah I'm from SA and yeah Aero and Sanz are the same in one. Yeah I like anime, RPGs and stuff but you made a slight mistake in your calculations there...we're not sisters (Not of blood anyway)...and we live over 600 km away from each other. As for world of warcraft...I've never played it, as in ever.
As for the Prank...what prank? What did I do? I gave the truth and no more than that. If you can't believe then live with it. I don't care if you believe it or not.
I have never forced this upon anyone and yes I have talked of the NS and the DWs on CB, what's the issue with you? Back off!

29th October 2007, 07:16 AM
Welcome Lex.

Perhaps you wouldn't mind explaining to us in more detail then where all this came from?

You said "They were talking about this over at club beach"

"They" meaning someone else.. I saw the thread you were talking about and no one mentioned anything about it besides you and aero, it wasn't hard to find out you both know each other on a personal level.. so I may have jumped to conclusions in assuming that its all a prank or some elaborate fairy tale fantasy, and I apologise if that was the case. Its just that you started the thread off with the idea then let it feed on people's imaginations.

Seeing as you are here now, could you please explain in more detail what this is all about.

29th October 2007, 09:46 AM
I have nothing to say other than this:

As for the one called Akorah, yeah I'm from SA and yeah Aero and Sanz are the same in one. Yeah I like anime, RPGs and stuff but you made a slight mistake in your calculations there...we're not sisters (Not of blood anyway)...and we live over 600 km away from each other. As for world of warcraft...I've never played it, as in ever.
As for the Prank...what prank? What did I do? I gave the truth and no more than that. If you can't believe then live with it. I don't care if you believe it or not.
I have never forced this upon anyone and yes I have talked of the NS and the DWs on CB, what's the issue with you? Back off!

Hello, Lex16.

Since you joined your site, please explain yourself a bit and about the experience you had.

Also: Calm down a bit. ;)

I'm aware this is a controversial issue, at least the idea of "factions", and I'd like to ask that we treat each other politely - this is just a forum, after all. :)

Thanks and welcome to the site,