View Full Version : Some kind of energy event

7th October 2007, 06:40 PM
Last night I had a strange energy event. I have always had the heart chakra strobing when I OBE and sometimes it happens when I'm lying down reading or relaxing. I've noticed it happening a lot lately so now I'm 'expecting' it (I know, OCD.. :roll: ) So last night I lay down to sleep and my hubby and I were in bed talking when it starts. This time I was awake and talking, so I mentioned it. He put his hand on the spot and couldn't 'feel' anything even though it was pretty strong. He reported that my heartbeat felt normal.
A few minutes later, while awake and talking, the fluttering started in my solar plexus, and continued on to my subnavel center and then to my base center. It almost felt like the fluttering you feel from a muscle twitch (like an eyelid twitch when it goes really fast) and I could feel it distinctly on each chakra, starting on the base and going all the way to my throat chakra. It was as if I had little fluttering hummingbirds on each chakra, except the head area- no activity there.
WTF!! :shock:
I can't call it a kundalini event, and I didn't OBE, but it sure was strange. It lasted for a good 15 minutes, then settled down.

7th October 2007, 08:05 PM
I don't know what this is either, but I get it a lot too. When it happens at my 3rd eye, sometimes I expect to get a migraine. It kind of feels like that, but I never do. It's strange.

If anyone has answers I'm interested too.

7th October 2007, 09:47 PM
I just associate anything like this with energy work and it following its natural course.

Palehorse Redivivus
8th October 2007, 12:46 AM
I've had a strange couple of days myself. For the past two I've had the initial weird visuals that usually signal a coming migraine, but no headache. Then last night we were doing some reiki-ing, and suddenly it was like all the energy went out of me; I just wanted to sleep... though it didn't feel like an attack or anything medical; it wasn't unpleasant. There were chest vibrations, and my 3rd eye seemed unusually active also.

On that note, I just got done reading a ten page thread on another forum about weird energy stuff people have got going on in the past few days.

Strange things are afoot. :shock:

8th October 2007, 09:57 AM
For the past two I've had the initial weird visuals that usually signal a coming migraine, but no headache.

Now you mention it, I've been seeing the odd blue flash that I associate with migraines.

8th October 2007, 10:35 AM
I see weird ripples before migraines. What was strange about the ones the other night (other than not turning into a migraine) was my dog was staring at the same place where the ripples were. Whatever it was, she saw it too.

8th October 2007, 02:52 PM
Now that you mention it, I've been seeing the tiny shimmering triangles that I get before migraines- only I took an advil and it went away, so I can't be sure if the advil stopped it. Usually it doesn't, the triangles 'reproduce' and form a chain around my vision, and then it'll go away. Usually advil takes the pain away or makes it bearable, but doesn't affect the visuals. Except last week, it was only a triangle and no more.

Palehorse Redivivus
8th October 2007, 04:03 PM
Now that you mention it, I've been seeing the tiny shimmering triangles that I get before migraines- only I took an advil and it went away, so I can't be sure if the advil stopped it. Usually it doesn't, the triangles 'reproduce' and form a chain around my vision, and then it'll go away. Usually advil takes the pain away or makes it bearable, but doesn't affect the visuals. Except last week, it was only a triangle and no more.

Thats a lot like what I get... it starts out as a shimmering pulsating spot, and pretty soon grows into a long snaking zigzaggy line across my vision. A nasty headache used to follow soon after, though nowadays sometimes it does and sometimes not. If I get the visuals I always end up really wiped out by the time they're gone, energy-wise though.

8th October 2007, 05:16 PM
Sounds like we get the same show. It's pulsating with three colors and kind of strobing. Turns into a line and then curves around my vision to form a "C", loosely. At the same time, tunnel vision. Then, the whole thing dissappears and then the headache strikes.

9th October 2007, 07:19 PM
Ok this post just made me register on the forums!

I'm getting the same thing for years. It usually happens once a month. I wake up with it, sometimes at night, or it happens during the day. (O boy I sure screwed up that maths test :lol:)The whole day, and sometimes the day after I feel drowsy/dizzy or ill.
The doctor explained it as simple migraine. I personally don't think it's related to any energy movements/developments. If you find any 'cure' for this, can you update me?
