View Full Version : Does your sense of taste work in your dreams?

3rd October 2007, 11:27 AM
Does your sense of taste work in your dreams?

While I see and hear well in dreams, smell and taste are less developed. In the last few weeks I've had a couple of tasting dreams, which is really interesting to me. In one dream, one of my students had put powder into a drink and was giving me a cheeky look so I said, "Give it here," and tried it. It was the distinct taste of soluble asprin.

A week or so later a hairdresser dream character gave my sister and me half a glass of champagne and again I could taste it. Different.

3rd October 2007, 01:02 PM
Only when I was younger and had an eating disorder. When I was younger I was borderline anorexic and just hardly ate. I remember dreaming I was eating forbidden stuff like cherry pie and brownies. I remember waking up from dreaming with the taste still in my mouth.
Years later, when I was pregnant I had gestational diabetes, and was put on a calorie controlled diet- At that time I developed a craving for cheesecake, but was not allowed it. I then dreamed of eating it and tasting it. Later on after giving birth, when we finally got home I was able to eat it but had no desire.
Go figure.
Now I'm fat and happy and still don't like cheesecake, unless it's
Godiva chocolate cheesecake. It's heaven.

4th October 2007, 12:52 AM
CF, your post made me hungry!

4th October 2007, 03:03 AM
i remember a while ago i had a dream that i died (i think i got shot or stabbed in the throat), and i tasted blood. i think i read from somewhere that as long as you have experienced the sense in real life, your dream can immitate the feeling. but it can NEVER give you a sense that you've never used in real life.

4th October 2007, 06:40 AM
Now that I think of it.... I've had dreams where I was eating something. Like... maybe wolfing down chocolate.... ? I can't recall precisely, but I'm sure I've had dreams like that, absolutely sure.

I've definitely had MANY dreams where I was drinking water, and I could taste and feel the water as it went into my mouth. Almost without fail, this kind of dream happens when I'm actually physically thirsty (and in the dreams, I keep drinking and drinking but my thirst is never quenched, which is pretty frustrating ;)). And yes, water does have a taste, at least to me. ;)

I should think that when the sense of taste is activated in a dream, there's some reason for it. Like... your subconscious is trying to tell you something and the best way to communicate it is with taste? Or smell....

I can't remember EVER experiencing smell in a dream, which is very odd, as I'm highly attuned to scent, to the point of being a bit of a scentophile (i.e., I'm a perfume fanatic and I'm always burning scented candles, essential oils, incense, etc.).

Interesting. Now I'm going to have to experiment with this and see if I can induce some "sense of taste" or "sense of smell" dreams.

4th October 2007, 11:42 AM
I've definitely had MANY dreams where I was drinking water, and I could taste and feel the water as it went into my mouth. Almost without fail, this kind of dream happens when I'm actually physically thirsty (and in the dreams, I keep drinking and drinking but my thirst is never quenched, which is pretty frustrating ). And yes, water does have a taste, at least to me.

Had that on Friday night after a degestation night at our favourite restaurant. Dreamt a woman from my yoga class and I were fighting to get our mouths under a tap and the water was wetting my face and getting in my mouth but I was still thirsty. So, I got up and had a drink.

5th October 2007, 10:30 PM
I recently had a bad dream where I got some green goo in my mouth, It was super foul and (in the dream) I was basicly licking the grass trying to get the taste out of my mouth. When I was younger I had a really nice dream that seemed like heaven and the water was strawberry flavored. Strangely I dont recall ever smelling anything either, I sometimes have 6/7/8th sense type stuff going on though.

6th October 2007, 01:37 AM
Had that on Friday night after a degestation night at our favourite restaurant. What no imbibing? Sorry I had to.

6th October 2007, 02:24 AM
What no imbibing? Sorry I had to.

No, there was some imbibing and, believe me, it doesn't take much. When I found myself telling the couple we were having dinner with how beautiful they are and how I just love them I realised that I was probably a little tipsy. :lol: But so were they, so it didn't matter. It was the alcohol that probably dehydrated me.

6th October 2007, 02:32 AM
:lol: :lol: You crack me up. I can imagine their faces too. :lol: :lol: