View Full Version : Freaky greys in dreams

2nd October 2007, 09:17 PM
First let me apologize for any mistakes i may make - english is not my mother tongue

So... some years ago i've been having really weird nightmares with aliens(greys) in them. here are two:

important notice: in both of these dreams everything i see actually exists in real life(besides the aliens, naturally) and feels almost like an OBE

1. i'm sleeping on my bed, on my side and then... i open my eyes and look out the window towards a building which is quite close. On the upper floor, which is higher than my window i see a figure illuminated by the street lamps and as i look better i see that it is actually a grey alien. he's looking around, over my house slowly pointing his finger around. as he does that he notices i'm looking at him and looks right back at me with those huge expressionless eyes and dramatically points his finger at me. at that point i wake up in terror only to find myself in the same pose as i was in the dream, only the window i was looking out from... is closed

2. this one's shorter. i'm looking out the window (a different one) of my flat and suddenly everything goes quiet. noise from the street, children in the kindergarten - all gone. then hundreds of lights appear in the sky while i look at them in amazement. one passes very close to my house and i am able to look inside. What a mistake! inside there is a group of aliens distracted by whatever they were doing, except one who lifts his head up from his panel(or whatever) and looks at me and AGAIN points at me waking me up

thats it

the thing that freaks me out the most is that it feels so real. everything is in its place as it is while i'm awake

2nd October 2007, 10:48 PM
That kind of thing happens to me a lot (except for the alien part, not for years now)- I call it OB-ing in place. You have the body awareness, but instead of 'you going' somewhere, the scene changes around you- kind of like the OBE comes to you, and you're still paralyzed, and eventually you snap out of it to find your 'reality' coming back around you, and your 360 degree vision going away back to your eyes-only vision.
I just had one of those this morning but am not sure about writing it down as a dream or OBE. Maybe 'internal projection'.