View Full Version : Dragon Dreams

30th September 2007, 06:58 PM
i had a crazy dream last night, but the website i normally post my dreams on is down atm :(

i was picking up my sister from school, it was strangely dark outside and very cold. i looked around and noticed there was frost everywhere, heavy ice on every surface. it was odd, there were people standing around looking very frightened. i found my sister, she ran over and said something was wrong. i walked us home and as we walked the sky became increasingly clouded by dust or something, it looked like it was night time but i knew it couldnt be. we got home and my parents already had the van packed and ready to run. they said an extremely large storm was coming and would flood the valley we were in, half the town was already ready to evacuate. my uncle was there, and we were driving through some pass. it was blocked by an avalanche, not just snow but solid blocks of ice. me and my uncle got out of the car and looked around, people were panicking because we could already see the storm clouds and it was starting to get really really cold. we ran into an alley of ice, like a deep canyon hoping to find a way out. the ground starts shaking, and a rumbling sound starts to get closer... a huge wall of ice cold water heading towards us! we start to run but of course its far too late...it wipes us all out and everything is gone.

i wake up in the car, looking around and were driving, just me and my mom. there seems to be a heavy blanket over everyone, i remember what happened and start to ask where the others are...but i already know they didnt survive the wave. for some reason the water is gone, and we head back to the house. everything inside is stripped bare, nothing left. there is a list on the wall of my room listing some of the things salvaged from it, including my Draco Plushie, damaged, my laptop, unsaveable, and a few other things that couldnt be fixed but were left nonetheless. i couldnt stand it...i fell to my knees and cried and cried...it was horrible.

30th September 2007, 07:25 PM
I don't know if this will make you feel better, but here goes: When I was twelve, I had a series of dreams of a tsunami coming, and the dreams started with a warning, the wave itself, and the aftermath. This was in Puerto Rico where I grew up. Well, I'm fifty now, live in Florida, and half of the people in the dream have passed on, and a large percentage of the rest don't even live in the old neighborhood anymore. Only about 2 of our neighbors' kids still live in their parents' houses.
The moral of this? It's possible that this type of thing doesn't have to be literal, that some big change is coming, or psychological, which means you are worried of something that is making your life change drastically.
It was the case in my experience (big changes came, but that's another story).
And the tsunami was set in PR in the early 1970s, so I don't think it had anything to do with the tsunami they had in the pacific a couple of years ago.

30th September 2007, 08:44 PM
well i know death means change, so im sure my uncle will have some kind of life changing experience. in fact, he will be travelling abroad soon for two years and im sure thats something that will change his life ^^

actually, i did have a series of doomsday dreams...never really knew what they meant tho.

30th September 2007, 08:47 PM
I'm with CT, I see a 'tsunami' coming, but it isnt a bad thing, although when it hits many will think it is a bad thing. But once the water receeds new life will sprout from the ground far more magnificent and wonderfull than we could immagine possible in this world.