View Full Version : Automatic energy raising/gathering?

28th September 2007, 02:12 PM
Wow. Okay, I'm going to try to be concise, but verbosity is more my style, so... ;)

All evening, I've been thinking about a particular block I seem to have. It's a mental/spiritual block, I'm not entirely positive about the nature of it, although I can guess the general origin of it and I'm almost certain that it keeps me from experiencing and manifesting certain kinds of things, both material and spiritual.

For some time now, I've been working to remove this. I won't go into all of the things I've done, but it's not an energy block (though I have no doubt it blocks energy), so while I do energy work regularly, I don't know if it's been helping.

Anyway, I was puzzling about a particular step in manifesting desires, the "letting go" part, which has always been incredibly difficult for me to do. I'm a worrier, I tend to be like a dog with a bone with things that are important to me... I can easily manifest stuff that I don't really care about that much (like good parking places, just as one example), but when it's something that I really, really, deeply want....

So I was puzzling about it, and I read a post here that made me start thinking and then I sort of wandered into a website that I sometimes visit (a blog) and suddenly, I just "got it". I got how it works. Well, I'm pretty sure I got it, anyway! I actually gasped out loud and almost laughed, I was just .... it felt like it CLICKED. Yay.

Okay, that's all fine and good, of course, but not the bit that has to do with the title of this thread. Since that moment of suddenly epiphany, I've been sucking up energy like there's no tomorrow. I'm not doing it consciously. I can just feel it coursing into me through my hands and feet and it's sort of whooshing out of my crown chakra sort of like a fountain (yes, I know what kundalini rising feels like; this doesn't feel like that, though, and I wasn't meditating or doing anything that would normally raise kundalini). It's just like a bit WHOOSH started right after the CLICK (or pop?) and now I'm drawing in energy almost involuntarily. Woah. Pretty amazing. Feels very strange. GOOD, but strange.

So, uhm.... am I crazy yet? :lol:

In all seriousness, although circumstances surrounding it might be different, I'm wondering if anyone else has experienced spontaneous and apparently involuntary energy raising like this? It's a pretty amazing feeling, at any rate. I'm just wondering if anyone else has a clue what this might be about. :)

28th September 2007, 02:36 PM
Haha! Good for you!

You've just described my week. For me it was the discovery of NEW & my work with it, in the past two weeks I feel as if I've been on the psychic fast track, and my body has been humming and whizzing, tingling and vibrating. And thats just walking around... my yoga practice has been sublime, and my meditation practice out of this world!

I think you answered your own question my friend.... as for being crazy I can't comment however, sometimes crazy is good :wink:

I'd be really interested in knowing what it was that you read that made it 'click' for you. I think I'll write a post on the receiving part of manifesting as the asking part is easy for most, and movies such as The Secret make it seem you just have to sit around and wait. But as you stated you can easily manifest a parking spot (detachment) but where you really want to manifest you get stuck. (your attached)

Good For You! - I love when a new door opens, and that sounds like what you just did :)

*Gentle Hugs*

~ Wyldrose

28th September 2007, 02:45 PM
I'd be really interested in knowing what it was that you read that made it 'click' for you.

Partly your post about the Deepak Chopra book and the spiritual laws of success. Also this blog post:

http://zenchillcom.blogspot.com/2007/06 ... ng-go.html (http://zenchillcom.blogspot.com/2007/06/power-of-letting-go.html)

And a couple other things on the net that came and went in my quest (one of my spirit guides is particularly scholarly, but also has a funny sense of humour and loves to send me on "quests for knowledge", particularly on the web :)). I was just thinking, "What am I MISSING?"

And then I got it. I could just... see it. And now my crown chakra is gushing energy all over me like a fountain.

As Bart Simpson would say, cooooooooooool.


6th October 2007, 02:19 AM
Well, just a little followup.

After the "fountain of energy" sensation, I had a quite bad couple of days. And by "bad", I only mean that it was difficult for me, because a rather major blockage/obstacle was demolished. I think that's what the sudden free flow of energy was. And then, once the blockage was gone, I crashed pretty hard.

I'm VERY familiar with this process. When a barrier in my ego is broken down, all the "stuff" I had behind it is released. It's just like knocking down a dam. The stuff behind the obstacle is generally a lot of negative emotion and energy that I stuffed away in order to cope (mostly from my crappy childhood). I've demolished most of those self-built walls and blocks now, but a few do remain in some places, and this was one of them.

So I was being flooded with all this yucky emotion and such and I was lying on my bed, crying very quietly, just being still and quiet, and I understood: Well, you asked for the obstacle to be removed. You said you wanted it to be expedient. You said you were willing to accept any pain associated with having the block demolished. That's what's happening now.

So I said, basically, yes, okay, I did ask, and yes, I said I'd accept any pain associated with it, and I'm grateful for the expediency and for the healing and for being made aware that this is what's happening. Thank you.

The pain and excessive emotion started to improve immediately, though it took another 24 hours or so before I really started to feel well. Now I'm feeling extremely well emotionally and spiritually. :)

6th October 2007, 04:08 AM
Yes this has happened to me, it seems that when someone experiences a particular kind of "epiphany" or spiritual awakening (the kind where you let go, surrender to the Now fully) your awareness is much more fully "here" and "now" rather than being wasted on internal illusions such as the wants of the ego or past and future.

My crown center activated like crazy as well as my crown center and a few others.

Just bringing yourself in to the Now does amazing things, such is the reward for those who realise that they are timeless consciousness, not a person with a body living the ego's life.

6th October 2007, 07:35 AM
Great info - I'm trying to let go or surrender. I guess trying too hard will stop me from doing that too. Ugh! Don't know where to start or what to do?

6th October 2007, 09:25 AM
I'm learning how to release, too. Basically, the steps I take when I have to "let go" is to first acknowledge what it is. If I don't know what it is, I just give it an arbitrary designation ("whatever it is that's blocking" or "whatever it is causing this pain" or something like that). But first I always have to acknowledge it (i.e., embrace it), and honor it. It's REAL pain, it's a REAL blockage, there were REAL reasons why I thought I needed to put it there (though it's not needed now), etc. I find this step to be extremely important.

Then I say something like, "I acknowledge this, and now I release it into the Light, knowing that I'll be safe and well without it now and in the future."

Then.... I don't know, I just let it go.

It seems to work with pain of all kinds. It absolutely helps to be grateful for the entire process.

So for me:

Acknowledge the problem/pain

Release the problem/pain

Give thanks/be grateful for both the problem/pain (because I grew from it and it may have served some purpose for a while), and then give thanks/be grateful for the release

I don't know how it works for other people. ;)

7th October 2007, 03:20 AM
Just a thought in reading your thread OW. I don't know exactly what you were trying to manifest, maybe an attitude change? Just on manifesting changes in our lives, I sometimes suspect we're a bit out of step with our Higher Selves and we want something just a little before we're due to receive it. I feel this is because our life plan is intricately intertwined with others and the timing has to be right, especially if we missed the opportunity once or twice due to the exercise of free will. Sometimes too we take a step that we feel hasn't yielded results but it's laid a foundation.

7th October 2007, 07:01 AM
Just a thought in reading your thread OW. I don't know exactly what you were trying to manifest, maybe an attitude change?

Yes, actually. :) Sort of... I've got problems thinking of myself as worthy (my mother spent a good portion of my childhood telling me I was useless, worthless, and good for nothing, and unfortunately, the damage done goes very deep). I block a lot of stuff in my life (several kinds of abundance, for example) because I can't accept that I'm worthy of it.

Well, I didn't... I'm hoping to move forward and away from that twisted and incorrect perception of myself.

I sometimes suspect we're a bit out of step with our Higher Selves and we want something just a little before we're due to receive it.

:) That would contribute to the illusion that we "ask" or "want" something and then we "get" it. Interesting perspective.