View Full Version : Thoughts? - guidance wanted

28th September 2007, 01:50 PM
Hi Friends,

Some things I know, and some things I don't. And when it comes to the the realm of dreams and symbols, I need a little help. I work daily with energy as I am a Yoga instructor & Reiki Master & Motivational Speaker (form of channeling when I speak). I live in a place of high level emotions, and am very happy and content I avoid violence in all forms .... accept my dreams.

Recently I've been guided to begin working with my dreams and my main goal is to work with Astral Travel to dialog with my guides in a more tangeable way. Altho, I'm beginning to see some success with AT during my meditations my nightly dreaming has be stumped.

For years (since the age of 8 or 9) I rarely recall any dreams. At that age my Father taught me how to lucid dream, to help combat terrible night terrors. After successfully banishing them, the dreaming stopped.

Now after a few nights work, I'm (somewhat) able to remember. However, they again have all been very unpleasant, leaving me shaken and disorientated. It's not as much the images, altho there is that but the feelings that are invoked.

So here I am debating whether or not to close that door again, or perhaps proof that I need to explore further. My own psychic radar doesn't seem to be offering me much guidance here...


Edit: An obvious observance is that a form of transference is taking place - such as I'm suppressing negative emotions, however I've rejected that due to the fact that I'm fully able to embrace and express anger,sadness fear etc etc... And often do, I just don't dwell, I just prefer to choose high vibration emotions. Also I've yet to regain control thru a lucid dream, I've only just started to remeb

28th September 2007, 03:34 PM
One thing I can say is that when you close a door that's supposed to be opened, things in your life will rearrange so that you have to go there, whether you want it or not- so in the subject of dreams I do suggest, as unpleasant as the prospect is, to definitely explore your unpleasant dreams, analyze and dissect them, until they have no more power over you. The fact that they are unpleasant tells me that they already have some degree of power over you, and that's not going to go away on it's own. Sometimes you just have to go there to get rid of something, and even though I am a staunch proponent of positive thinking I have never believed that denying something is the way to get rid of it- that the act of looking at it to remove it is what's important.
I think in this case what Korpo calls 'inner dissolving' is the way to go here- and using dream analysis guides (like dreammoods' symbol guides, and the totemic animal guide in linsdomain,) can be useful here because they are 'universal', in other words they take the 'personal' sting out of some of these experiences.
Good luck and God Bless.

28th September 2007, 09:01 PM
>in total agreement<

You should write down every dream or peice of a dream you have, it kinda sucks doing that at all times of the night but it makes you able to recall your dreams better. I think part of it is because beings see that you pay attention to your dreams so they offer more help through them.
I knew someone who would request dream guidance every night (think I'll start doing that).

I was having exeptionally good dream recall (remembered 95% of them) for the past few months, although I am very puzzled (and a little worried) that I havent really been able to recall any the past week week or two, exept a lucid one this morning sent to me by some beings, it was very important, but I only had a peice of it in my mind, despite all my effort I couldnt find more. While I was searching for it I was actually having a conversation with one of the beings who sent it; that is to say, once someone rises above an ordinary person, thier dreams often are not just dreams at all.