View Full Version : Weapons and war

28th September 2007, 01:43 AM
Had a strange dream this night here goes:

Was in a kind of battlefield setting, many people infront of me all equipped with weapons, me also.
Moving up a road towards another group also with weapons,
when the two groups met there was shooting and many aparently died
in both groups, I was las in my group and was more or less ducking down the entire time to avoid getting shot.

As time went by, and the shooting stopped only 10 or was left form my group and we met with the ones left from the other group, aparently they where in charge and told us that the ones who didnt have a weapon was free to go.

I had a pistol of some sort and it was noticed, but when the guy aproaching me was about to kill me with a bullet to the head i yelled STOP STOP, I might have a weapon but I have not fired a single shot,
they examined my weapon and saw I hadn't used it after which I was let go.

Strange dream, any directions of what it might mean?

28th September 2007, 08:39 AM
Generally this sort of dream is about gossip, back stabbing, office politics and such. That's not to say that's what it means in your case.

It sounds like two groups hurting one another. You are aligned and "armed"but you haven't directly contributed to the exchange of fire. You've become suspect though and feel the need to plead your innocence.

28th September 2007, 09:21 PM
When I was having these dreams they were me cleaning out the bad things in my body. We never had serious weapons, the worste weapons ever used were rocks, and that wasnt untill the showdown between me and the last one on the enemy team. Whenever someone on the other team died I would wake up feeling improved. When someone on my team died I would feel heavier. I dont beleive in violence despite the dreams, but I think that is the only way to go about it in these ones. At one point in a 'battle dream', I came apon a person from the other team, I punched him in the face, but he didnt do anything back, he just stood there grinning with nothing behind his eyes, like he had no intellegence. I felt so bad about it, that I immediately told my team to stop the fighting, the enemy team stopped as well. I gave the guy I just punched a big hug and told him Im sorry. I went around apologising and hugging everyone. (sounds sort of like your decision to not blast people away with the gun) But I think I made the wrong decision, it seemed to come back to bite me later. Eventually the other team was all killed off.

In my case, they were definately unwanted beings and thoughtforms, and perhaps my own bad habbits. In the end I had a debate with the last opposing team member, the way he acted really made me think neg. he was trying to convince my team that I am worthless and that I need him. I won the debate hands down and began to leave. He started throwing a hail of rocks at me and yelling, I threw one back and knocked him to the ground, I finished him off, I felt it was the only way.

28th September 2007, 10:37 PM
Alaskans said:

In my case, they were definately unwanted beings and thoughtforms, and perhaps my own bad habbits. In the end I had a debate with the last opposing team member, the way he acted really made me think neg. he was trying to convince my team that I am worthless and that I need him. I won the debate hands down and began to leave. He started throwing a hail of rocks at me and yelling, I threw one back and knocked him to the ground, I finished him off, I felt it was the only way.

I think these are your negative thoughts about yourself, that is, "beating yourself up" over things, negative self-talk. This kind of behaviour isn't positive and you were intuitively working out better ways to improve yourself without damaging yourself.

30th September 2007, 08:53 PM
Yea, I have 'beat myself up' a lot in the past, but I have a better view now. Thinking about things you've done only call them to you, instead, think about the things you are doing right now.