View Full Version : Indigo Dragon

25th September 2007, 09:01 PM
I was given a vision of a dark blue dragon. I also had a dream where I was out in a hilly, grassy place, there was some groups of trees. 'Ladedadeda this is booring' I'm just looking around, and this huge dragon comes flying over the horizon. It looked somewhat like a chinese dragon; it didnt have wings, and it was very gracefull, but not skinny. It was dark indigo, with beautifull shiny scales (my eyeballs zoomed in :shock: ). I was so amazed & awstruck that my dream rewound and played back 4 times, with the dragon coming over the horizon in the exact same way and doing the same movements in the air.

I do have an idea who the dragon is, but I wonder who else has seen him.

26th September 2007, 12:35 AM
I saw a movie this weekend called 'Dragon Wars'. It was boring (yes it was) but the last scene featured a snake turning into a chinese dragon and flying to heaven. It was beautifully breathtaking, and the description is similar to your dream, except for the color. The last part almost made it worth watching the whole movie.

6th October 2007, 08:53 PM
I It was beautifully breathtaking, and the description is similar to your dream, except for the color. The last part almost made it worth watching the whole movie.

I wish you could see it in 'real life'! The movies dont compare :shock:

There was actually another part to this dream/vision. I wasnt sure what this part meant untill recently;

After he was finished awing me half to death, he flew off and destroyed a church. Almost the whole building was smashed, exept the steeple with the cross on the top, it was unharmed, and rode on his back. He flew for quite awhile carying the cross on his back.

I think the indigo dragon is going to destroy the corrupt, human made part of religion, he is going to cary the truely good parts of it on his back into the new world.

The indigo dragon, I beleive, is the yang to the red dragon (mentioned in revelations as satan.) He is the opposing force to the red dragon, at present the red dragon is too powerfull; it is unbalancing the universe, leading the world to destruction, but that is about to change, the indigo dragon is here; he has a human avatar alive on earth, I dont think I should mention his name. However, we must remember that each and every one of us is responsible to bringing the truth to as many as we can; exposing what is evil, and showing what is good. The indigo dragon cannot right the world without us.

9th October 2007, 09:00 AM
i just wanted to point out, what is evil and what is good? are there good/evil people? or just good/evil actions and choices? even that? does that make one evil? i dont think so. it is all relative, depending entirely on your point of view. as for an 'avitar', i believe we are all avitars ourselves. each part of one whole "god/collective consciousness/The Force" whatever you want to call it. i am god because i create my own universe as i go, i choose and i decide what happens in my life with my own choices. also, being a dragon myself (if only in spirit, unfortunately) i tend to dislike the symbolism of the dragon as 'satan'. it makes the Draco sad :(

anyhoo, the indigo dragon can be any number of things. perhaps it does symbolize the church becoming cleansed of all the greed and corruption in it. perhaps it does symbolize better times. on the other hand i dont think there is an opposing force, that is just an illusion. if we are all one then there is no opposing force, just one and just all.

10th October 2007, 06:49 PM
I dont doubt you could be a dragon, we are all very ancient, and most of us in this generation were very great beings (even gods) before we decided to come to earth and have our memories wiped, in hopes of helping save people, and yes, we are all avatars. I beleive dragons are ancient beings, some of the first ever created. If you are a dragon, then you have faltered in some space and time, and lost your authority (and understanding apon arriving on earth), it is up to you to regain the understanding and purity of charactor that you once had. We all have faltered, or we wouldnt still be here, but we get up, and stride forward no matter what.

I sometimes use the term evil this or evil that, but I do mean evil actions, just like you I beleive there isnt really any evil beings, ignorance is the only evil.
Exept for the red dragon, it IS evil itself, because it is not ignorant, perhaps it is the only evil BEING. What does like/dislike have to do with the truth? It can only block you off from the truth.

The concept of yin/yang, enlightenment/ignorance, truth/lies, good/evil... 2 opposing forces balancing the cosmos is a huge law of the universe, it is more than an opinion. (perhaps at a high realm there is no yin/yang though). I agree that we are all one, but that doesnt mean there are no opposing forces in the universe.

I will stop there, I shouldnt disrupt your understanding more. But you are a little off track.. if you want to be a dragon in more than just spirit, then you need to clear your mind of all ideas society and people have placed within you, they arent the truth of reality, the truth can ONLY be found internally, from yourself. You can only enlighten to what you claim as yours, how can you claim others understanding, how can you know it is true? How can you know how to go on beyond thier understanding? Others can only hint at more of the truth as you know it within yourself.

Again I apologise for expressing my view, please take it lightly if it doesnt speak to your heart or understanding. When we find the truth inside, we find our true, ancient, and great selves.

10th October 2007, 07:11 PM
In a completely unrelated subject, Alaskans,
I just took a look at your Falun Dafa website link, and started to look/do the beginning exercises, and was very surprised to realize that they are the same exercises that my former sensei/cifu used to do when he had a moment to himself. He didn't teach it to us until we were blackbelts, so I never got to learn it, but I remember seeing him do it (he also did Tai Chi with the other blackbelts when they weren't doing something else.) I feel I struck gold with your site here! :lol:
Oh yeah, thanks. :oops: :mrgreen:

11th October 2007, 09:01 PM
I'm so happy about that! It was destiny, Dafa works that way :) . It was a secret practice, thats probably why he wouldnt teach it. I found the energy exercises alone are very good, not to mention everything else. It is more powerfull in a group, there is a search: http://www.falundafa.org/eng/contacts/area/index.html
We try to get together whenever we can at practice sites, it would be a great way to ask questions in person.