View Full Version : Noctilucent's post: Alternating directions

16th September 2007, 09:33 AM

I just started reading and practicing your NEW system. One thing I've found is that when I'm trying to move energy sensations through both legs, arms, hands, feet, etc., the movement of the sensations tends to fall out of sync (i.e. the movement in one is slower on the other side of the body). I'm not sure whether this due to weaker energy sensations in one side or just a lack of concentration or any other possible reasons.

However, when this happens I find it easy to feel the sensations in both sides by allowing the sensation to move up in one side while moving the sensation down in the other. Is there anything wrong with dealing with this problem by doing that? Should I deal with this problem another way?

Hello, noctilucent.

I wanted to add two things about what you asked:

One side of the body is usually stronger blocked than the other. I remember Robert mentioning that this is usually the case and he has observed it very often. This could relate to the lesser-developed aspects of our personality.

I also do energy work which uses raising and sinking energy at the same time. For example in a movement Qigong exercise called "Cloud Hands" energy gets dropped down in one leg, and this *triggers* another corresponding upward flow in the other (downward comes first though).

During this exercise then the flows are reversed during the movement as you switch from leg to leg with your full weight ending on one, turning your hips, and alternating your arm and hand positions, too.

I am very interested in what Robert will say about your post and how this relates to his methods.

Take good care,

16th September 2007, 03:18 PM
Blocks, Korpo - Suck.

That wasen't very helpfull.

Oka - Phsycological blocks are the most difficult with the cure being a change in your personality rather than energy itself being able to clear you.

I hope you don't have many of those!

- James

16th September 2007, 04:07 PM
Everything okay, James? :?


16th September 2007, 04:39 PM
Yes - I was just thinking of my own "mind" blocks and how I wish it was easier to heal. Its not that I'm upset so no need to worry. :)

Once I get some figured out not only will I have better access to my abilites but my higher self and clairvoyance. So heres to hope-ing. (Fingers crossed)

16th September 2007, 05:48 PM
You really may want to give the dissolving technique I keep on rambling about a try. It works extremely well for the subtler patterns, and helps with fear and anger, for example.

It is really interesting. So many psychological problems we have boil down to the fact that our original, spontaneous, inherent response is lost below a layer of fear, distrust, anger, negativity and hurt. If you remove it you find yourself again. And your Higher Self. And love. And everything.

Sometimes we fear that the attachments, ego cravings and the negativity are what we boil down to. Am I thinking this? Am I my thoughts? Is that me? It is very relieving to know it isn't. It's all only layered on top of something beautiful, always and inevitably.


16th September 2007, 06:26 PM
Here is a copy of the pm I sent Noctilucent:
"This is a problem that happens to me also and others too- I'm pretty sure that Robert told me that doing that is just fine, but I couldn't find a quote saying just that (there were other things in the tutorials which talked about alternating legs, but I don't want to say that that's what he says)-

"If you cannot split awareness, alternate legs and arms, using one limbs at a time. "
http://www.astraldynamics.com/search.as ... enceID=241 (http://www.astraldynamics.com/search.asp?Search=split&Type=1&ReferenceID=241)

"Often, split awareness actions, each moving in opposing directions, works better for this."
http://www.astraldynamics.com/search.as ... enceID=238 (http://www.astraldynamics.com/search.asp?Search=split&Type=1&ReferenceID=238)

However, I know that he's said this is ok, I just can't qualify it other than my own memory."
I can't prove it, but I'm pretty sure that he thinks it's ok- I almost think he said it in one of his workshops. Was it PAPI? Anyone else that took it remember?

18th September 2007, 12:45 PM
Thank you all for your responses--especially CFTraveler for her pm.

I can't see a reason why this wouldn't work given what I know so far about energy work, but, of course, I felt it necessary to ask Robert as to be certain about it. Perhaps it is addressed in his book "Energy Work", but I've yet to come across it if it has--I'm still working my way through the book, practicing each section as I read it.

I also see another quote in CFTraveler's second link which may address this: "Opposing directions are fine, with the split awareness actions meeting in the middle if your feet are resting together."


18th September 2007, 01:11 PM
I knew I read it somewhere- my memory isn't what it used to be... :? :lol: That's what happens when you get old!

18th September 2007, 01:14 PM
I knew I read it somewhere- my memory isn't what it used to be... :? :lol: That's what happens when you get old!

Yeah, tell me about it. :?

In all seriousness, though, doesn't energy work help stuff like that? If not, why doesn't it?

18th September 2007, 01:22 PM
In all seriousness, though, doesn't energy work help stuff like that? If not, why doesn't it?

Meditation should help most. Combined with energy work on all levels of mind, body and soul.

Memory is an extremely complex thing, I'd assume. It ties into Akashic Records, or so Monroe and others suggest, it is channeled through your brain receiver, which can be influenced by energy work, and ... didn't I say it is complex? ;)

A lot of your memory is buried or lost in trauma and ego processes. Your brain gets older, too. Imbalances in energy and outside influences may impact your recall. All of these things can be worked out over time, IMO, though.


18th September 2007, 01:40 PM
What part of my brain is in charge of remembering appointments and where I put my keys? That's the part that needs the most work... ;)

18th September 2007, 01:57 PM
What part of my brain is in charge of remembering appointments and where I put my keys? That's the part that needs the most work... ;)

Damned if I knew... *looks for keys*



18th September 2007, 03:54 PM
To be fair, in the last few years, I've channeled brain resources to certain conditions, i.e. focused my attention, and other things, such as dedicating memory resurces to memorizing other things have lost priority.
But it's ok with me, I have always had an abnormal memory, now I'm more like most other people.
And yes, I'm being vague on purpose. :wink:

18th September 2007, 03:56 PM
Ever wonder where extra memory overflows too? :wink: