View Full Version : green snake

14th September 2007, 11:55 PM
This happened last night. Felt like a lot was happening to my body and then I saw an image of a green snake being skin in empty space. It was laying straight and it got skinned top and bottom and the inside of the snake was just white. The moment it got skinned I got this huge pulling sensation to my head and saw a flash of silver/white light and my eyes opened and entered a familiar dream. Flew around the same places (tribe like area) except this time I felt my astral body and was heavy flying around with it lol
When I woke up, felt like I knew what this dream was about. I'm also curious what other meanings it may have. It is the first time I dream of a snake, does the color green mean anything particular in this case?

15th September 2007, 12:10 AM
I thought Kundalini. I had a similar dream (no skinning, though) and mine was green also- It was a jewel green color and really sparklingly beautiful. Mine wanted me to mount it, but I woke before I decided to do it. The skinning and white interior would make me think that yours wants to show you things, and for you to know that it's beneficial.
But of course, who knows?

16th September 2007, 02:46 AM
Thanks. Yeah, I have been having signs and feeling a lot of activities in the crown. Although, is a little strange I used to be able to see from the crown and now haven't happen for sometime. (or it could be those were OBE and I thought I was seeing through the crown *shrug*)

I have been seeing my niece in my dreams lately. Last night, I felt like she was flying with me (umm I felt like her thought was there). My niece is only a kindergartener and I told her story about tinker bell that she can fly in her dream if believe. (Could be that I was thinking about her and made myself think she was there :?: lol)
In a previous dream after I landed from an AP into a dream. I was with her shopping and out of all the things I wanted to get for her she just want a magic wand, like tinker bell. Could I be telling a child too young about these things?
Thank You

16th September 2007, 03:04 AM
Could I be telling a child too young about these things?

You don't have to tell her about projection at all. Listen to her though, and if she tells you about a projection experience, just affirm her. Her parents may resent you indoctrinating her with such beliefs in any case, so I wouldn't.

There's nothing wrong with just telling her that you dreamt about flying with her and buying her a wand. If she tells you she remembers flying with you also, you might just have to leave it at that for now. As she grows, she'll pursue her own knowledge, following her own path, and you may have a role in that too.

16th September 2007, 06:45 AM
Thank you. I will take caution. I haven't told my niece anything about AP just to her mom =)

This is kind of funny. This is in an afternoon nap, I think I started dreaming before my body completely fell asleep. I saw myself walking down a street on high heels, I stepped on a crack and twisted my right ankle at the same time my physical right feet had a big jerk. I'm thinking this happen only because my physical body is not completely relaxed yet? Otherwise, the body would be jerking all over in the other dreams :lol:

Aunt Clair
17th September 2007, 10:44 AM
This happened last night. Felt like a lot was happening to my body and then I saw an image of a green snake being skin in empty space. It was laying straight and it got skinned top and bottom and the inside of the snake was just white. The moment it got skinned I got this huge pulling sensation to my head and saw a flash of silver/white light and my eyes opened and entered a familiar dream. Flew around the same places (tribe like area) except this time I felt my astral body and was heavy flying around with it lol .When I woke up, felt like I knew what this dream was about. I’m also curious what other meanings it may have. It is the first time I dream of a snake, does the color green mean anything particular in this case?
I agree with CFT that this is a Kundalini dream . Recently a nnumber of us had similar dreams too .

Amanda dreamed her clothes were wet and had holes in them and they were pulled off . She was given warm dry shiny bright white new clothes .

Daniel was in the shower and felt the back of his spine open and water pour down it and then clairvoyantly saw mud pour into the drain .

I saw 4 angels around a lady on a healing bed . They pulled out worn out cold blue wet clothes from her inner body and then replaced these with white clean bright clothes .

The heaven stone is chatreuse green and it has completed manifesting on a number of people globally lately .The culminating event was Malkuth rising .
http://forums.riverofenlightenment.com/ ... n.html#new (http://forums.riverofenlightenment.com/index.php/topic,2208.msg5897/topicseen.html#new)