View Full Version : So I don't forget

12th September 2007, 12:51 PM
I just don't want to forget this one -

I could fly but what I found most interesting was the ability to "fly" through the ground - feeling exactly what the earth felt like, and what my body felt as I moved through it. Pipes - Electric wires - Posts - Fences.

I could feel what was easier to move through, and of course what was more difficult.

Its also interesting to note that I was pulled from many strange landscapes where I was popping in and out of the ground - to be confronted by my father. Who - as usual - seemed engaged in Mortal Combat with everything and anything that came across him. I like to think of my father as demon posesed and neg infested. Anway I gave him my best healing, which filled my minds eye with visions of screaming wriggiling creatures. (You see- I had my hands on his chest. It was wierd becuase his skin felt slimy, and I could push my hands down and totaly compress his chest so that I could feel bones and organs -everything felt sickly.)

With that completed it seems I converted from what felt to me as a projection. To a more surreal Dream landscape.
This was just as fun - even though the place I was at looked blasted and barren - there was a mansion close by which I visited - I even ended up a guest at some very extravagent party. In which TWO members of the female race who happened to be very flirty ( and very hott) enjoyed my company, and me their's. :)

In regards to last night's dream - It was really quick and strange. It involved me changing into a sea serpent/sea dragon/sea cobra (Whatever!!) and I met a really intense chick. Warrior monkish type - with large sharp teeth. It was strange cuz - she was bald- but still looked so good.

But maybe I need dream glasses. 8)

12th September 2007, 12:58 PM
Or a cold shower... :lol:


12th September 2007, 03:41 PM
Eh, I'd say that I could miss possible spiritual meaning of a dream due to a chick walking by..

Cold shower is on the list - so yes. :D

14th September 2007, 06:29 PM