View Full Version : a bit freaked out... please read

10th September 2007, 09:05 PM
now before i start i should say this, ever since i was 5-7 (cant remember exactly) ive had memorable dreams and they always mean something like psychic, they dont tell me exactly but i have to figure it out (ive had a lot of practice and i think i know wat this one means) now to the story

I had a dream in which me and my dad (im 13) were at a friends party. my friend's dad noticed our jeep was dirty and he told my dad that they had a private carwash in the top floor of their barn. so we went up there and there was a huge glass wall in front, the jeep skidded and crashed through the wall and we started to fall. i didnt wake up with that sense of falling because i kept us from crashing into the ground by using PK. then everyone at the party was like "whoa did you see that?!" so me and my dad went home. once i was home the doorbell rang and 3 people and a fox were at the door. the fox didnt say anything or do much but i got the feeling that it was able to speak and that it was a girl. the 3 people were 3 friends i met over the internet that i am very good friends with i have never seen the 3 of them but i have talked to them. one of them was a friend whom i am teaching how to use his ki and hes doing good actually he knows PK alrdy but he can only move water. anyway...

There are a few things i found out from this dream:

#1 i can probabally do PK if me or someone else is in danger of getting hurt / dying

#2 i am going to meet all of these people someday

#3 the fox has been in all of my dreams like this now that i think back and it seems it could be my spirit guide

#4 i have some psychic ability because i talked to my friends over AIM and i told them how they looked in my dream and they all said something like "OMG thats exactly what i look like! Howd u know uve never even seen me?!?!"

also i was wondering has anyone found out a wy to cause a dream like this? (the thing about PK in danger was right because my clothes caught on fire recently and i thought of them going out and they went out *snap* like that) i want to induce another dream like this to see if i could talk to the fox (possibly my spirit guide) and find out if she truly is my spirit guide and ask her name and stuff.

any help?

20th September 2007, 09:53 AM
The best bet for finding your answers is in focusing on lucid dreaming and your dream recall. You can also wake induced lucid dreaming or simple, regular, meditation to communicate with any guides that you may come across. With whoever you are communicating with, make sure you take what is communicated and balance it with good judgment and prudence. There are several entities out there which will lead you astray, even though much of what they say may be true. The best place to hide a lie is between two truths.

There is tons of information out there for all these techniques. Look at it as a project that will require some work and consistency, and before you know it you will have tons of more questions, and some answers.