View Full Version : Another predictive dream

7th September 2007, 10:09 AM
I'm just off the phone to my piano teacher. She's an elderly lady with diabetes. She teaches my sons too. Last week she cancelled one son's lesson and then mine and my eldest son's lesson two days later. This week she cancelled again and I'd really begun to worry about her. She occasionally re-schedules because she has the doctor visiting and I knew her daughter would be there to help if she was in real trouble her but I was worried that she'd been sick so long.

It turns out she had severe gastroenteritis. She was totally incapacitated and her daughter had to come and shower her and clean her soiled bed linen. She ended up in hospital for two days on a drip.

This is what I dreamt last knight that prompted the phonecall:

... Inside the house with Mrs L (she tells me to call her M but I like calling her Mrs L like the children do). She's talking about the public holiday (In sydney, due to APEC?) and the lack of public transport. She's organised something with her husband who is about but not in the room. (In real life he has already passed on) As she passes me in a synthetic dress, like the ones Mum used to wear, F and I notice large smears of fecal matter across the back of her dress. F and I look at eachother. I ask him to go and tell her quietly so she won't be embarrassed and he does so with great sensitivity.

7th September 2007, 02:51 PM