View Full Version : Astral sounds (chain/metal/ringing).

5th September 2007, 08:56 AM
I may have an answer to what this ringing/chain sound is during an
awake paralysis, or inbetween sleep and awake. Taken from a gnostic
audio where they are discussing this sound. It has to do with
a guru/master guy sitting in a temple in the astral. Focusing on the
sound and going to the location, the guy would help on further chakra

They even described the location where it is and where he is located.
People having an oobe and hear this sound could just go to the location
and he would help out. :shock:

The answer was alittle surprising, besides other answers as; random
astral sound, brain created audio. Basicly nothing valid to it when
explained as random audio. But if there is some guy in the astral
creating it, it gives another meaning to the audio.

Just been thinking about this for a while until I heard the audio.
Some of these astral phenomenas drives me crazy, because the
answers may turn out to be not that complex afterall, but have
more suprising elements behind it.

Let me get back to it in more detail what they actually say. For those
interested in what this "chain/metal" sound might be, answer given
by the gnostics.

8th September 2007, 06:04 PM
This probably isnt the noise your talking about, but its noise! A lot of the noise in our heads is created by all this man made radiation. I never really thought about it untill a few weeks ago but radio waves are the same things used in microwaves, they use microwaves to cook meat and destroy enemy electrical devices!! how many radio waves are in the air!? It seriously makes me want to wear a tinfoil helmet! Or at least a stylish silver wizard skullcap. The main effect of all this radiation is a serious hinderment to ones abilities, especially ones involving sight. It is impossible for most to escape all that energy polution, so people dont know how it effects them, but being here in AK there are a few places partly sheilded. I can tell right away wether a place has cell phone service or electricity by the energy noise. Once, my 3rd eye vision was perfectly clear, better than my physical eyes or immagination, it was when I spent the night in a snow cave maybe 8 feet below the surface, I think it might have been because all that man made energy polution cant travel through snow very well.

As for astral sounds being created by a guru. it doesnt make sense to me that he would make that noise when adjusting you, it does make sense that he would use the sound as a handle to locate and transport to people. maybe sound is created when a chakra is partly blocked, like water being forced through a clogged pipe.

9th September 2007, 09:25 PM
This probably isnt the noise your talking about, but its noise! A lot of the noise in our heads is created by all this man made radiation. I never really thought about it untill a few weeks ago but radio waves are the same things used in microwaves, they use microwaves to cook meat and destroy enemy electrical devices!! how many radio waves are in the air!? It seriously makes me want to wear a tinfoil helmet! Or at least a stylish silver wizard skullcap. The main effect of all this radiation is a serious hinderment to ones abilities, especially ones involving sight. It is impossible for most to escape all that energy polution, so people dont know how it effects them, but being here in AK there are a few places partly sheilded. I can tell right away wether a place has cell phone service or electricity by the energy noise. Once, my 3rd eye vision was perfectly clear, better than my physical eyes or immagination, it was when I spent the night in a snow cave maybe 8 feet below the surface, I think it might have been because all that man made energy polution cant travel through snow very well.

As for astral sounds being created by a guru. it doesnt make sense to me that he would make that noise when adjusting you, it does make sense that he would use the sound as a handle to locate and transport to people. maybe sound is created when a chakra is partly blocked, like water being forced through a clogged pipe. This may explain how much of our preobe/hypnagogic/astral information is just noise, and why it's probably better to meditate or do any other type of mystical practice in the country, away from all that noise- you get better reception!
As to shielding, I wouldn't bother- learning to discern the information from the noise may be a stepping stone that's good for you, and the metaphysical reason for electrical noise.
Just putting a different spin on it.

19th September 2007, 09:46 PM
That radio waves interfeer with chakras and create distorted audio?
Like all kinds of weird noises. I used to experiment with sleep paralysis
and the realtime zone about 15 years ago. That time I didn't know
anything about OBE and rtz. Just by stumbling across Robert learing
to put a name on it. Recently figured out the rtz.

Thought it was the brain disconneting from the body, then awake
paralysis. Had no metaphysical or spiritual view on it. I would leave
the radio on, dj chatting, my parents talking upstairs, while in the
state. Never heard any of these noises described.

Maybe it is related to brow chakra or third eye. When this is activated
to some degree, someone is more perceptable to other types of
sounds... created by whatever is floating around out there.

But they say in this mp3 this guy is making the sword/glass sound. :roll:

the sikhs cover up their head with badage. There is a video on video
google one sikh explaining it has to do with protecting against radio waves. I don't see how some wool cloth can block out radio waves
when these waves can travel trough brick house walls. Probably need
a led helmet or be deep in a tunnel for blocking it.