View Full Version : Crazy Dream

4th September 2007, 10:47 PM
I've had this same dream four times in the past seven days. Here goes:

I'm riding home from school in the car with my dad. Rolling hills and trees are to our left, while the ocean is to our right. On the water I see my teacher speeding along in a speedboat with her son. I felt surprised and confused when I saw this, and even more so when the car stopped by a harbour and our pontoon boat was there.

My dad and I got out of the car, and my teacher and her son were in the white speedboat right next to us.

My dad and I got onto the pontoon boat, and suddenly the walls grew higher, so that it was at least 3 feet above my head. And then, my teacher's speedboat and our pontoon boat started to sink very quickly in the water. And I saw alot of white jelly fish in the water surrounding us. I was in a panic.

In the sea of white jelly fish was a red jellyfish...it was like glowing. Anyway, my teacher, her son, my dad, and me somehow made a huge leap up to the wall and were safely on land again. All of this happened and no one said a word...I was about to ask what happened, when the dream melted into a different one.

My mom, dad, and I are walking up my driveway to the mailbox. The sun is shining on my face and I feel great. But then my dad opens the mailbox and looks through the mail. He finds an order form that said I ordered some herbs and that I was a witch. I knew he saw it, but he didn't look at me. He showed my mom and I ran inside, horrified.

However, once inside, my parents acted like they didn't know. I knew they knew, though. And then...my alarm went off and I woke up because I had to go to school.

Background info:

This summer I have recently decided to become mostly Wiccan. I realized the my Christian-Wicca thign was just my subconscious not wanting to leave everything that I had been tought before. But that's all better now. But I don't want my parents to knwo my descision yet...I'm scared of what the second part of this twisted dream symbolizes... :?

All answers appreciated! :)


4th September 2007, 11:06 PM
I think your subconscious is still not happy with your decision. I see the pontoon boat as 'sitting on the fence' and the Spongebob jellyfish a huge warning that you're jumping into deep water, and yet your fear is not from your father (he's not the threatening agent in the dream) but of yourself. I don't know what your teacher is doing in this dream (is she teaching you Wicca?) but you seem scared of 'converting' (or 'unconverting') for some reason.
That's what the dream is telling me, of course, I could be wrong.

5th September 2007, 10:50 AM
Last night, I had a diferent version of this dream. My parents knew I was Wicca, and they started yelling at me and burned my room because it had so many books and tools that are assosciated with magick. And I was in the fire, burning. I woke up screaming and sweating.

My teacher only teaches me Literature and Grammar. :lol:

CF, the only thing that I'm afraid of is how my parents will react when I tell them some years from now. Or if they find out sooner....I do not regret my descision. I'm a much happier person now. But I think you are right when you say my subconscious still isn't happy with my descision....Do you think hypnosis could fix this?


5th September 2007, 11:11 AM
Maybe it might be better to look for the cause first. Perhaps the dream tells your beliefs clash with something inside you you are still not fully aware of. Or these are some resident issues about your old beliefs you could work through.

There are surely many ways to work through this in meditation, contemplative prayer or OBE. Hypnosis sounds good, too, but it sounded a bit like you want the problem to go away a tad to quick... ;)

How did your decision for Wicca come about? Perhaps through spirit guidance or similar things? Maybe you can ask your guide about this dream to learn more in OBE?

Take good care,