View Full Version : Deceased Aunt leads to lucidity

2nd September 2007, 08:59 PM
We’re at “G’s parents' house” but it’s not really like their place at all. This is a common dream environment for me but it’s never truly like their real life home. There’s a gate up the side of the house that doesn’t exist in real life. I think I’ve secured B (my dog) to the end of a long chain so she won’t run off and now I’m closing this gate. As I do I spot some rose bushes where the pool would be in real-life. I particularly appreciate an apricot coloured rose named after the suburb G’s parents live in but there’s a lighter peach coloured rose and a pink as well that draw my eye. G’s parents arrive with Aunty A. She looks smaller than she was in life and a little frailer. For some reason I don’t understand my first reaction is to want to close the gate on them but I don’t, instead I become lucid. I think to myself, “Aunty A has passed on, I must be dreaming.” I put my arms forward Superman style and take off but then I feel stupid for doing that and the censorious thought brings me back to my body lying in bed. I try to recover the dream and do so with less and less lucidity.

Now I see some plant cuttings I’ve taken. I grow a lot of plants from cuttings in my waking life and this has been a frequent theme in my dreams of late. There are multiple spouts of water coming from the bottom of the box the cuttings are in. The water is too strong and will wash away the soil so I stop it with a thought. Aunty A has said something to me but I don’t know what.

Now I’m at a screen that is part computer, part television. It’s showing horoscope predictions (eating lunch in a mall on Saturday there were mounted TV screens showing horoscope predictions so my subconscious borrowed this). I concentrate to read Aquarius because that’s the sign on the screen. I can read the words but I struggle to comprehend their meaning. I remember the words “Christian” and “Jew.”