View Full Version : I think got out this morning - day nine

2nd September 2007, 05:37 PM
I started the MAP program not so long ago. I had to put it into brackets after day nine, because I had to pack things up for an upcoming move into a new house (five days ago) - I was too tired to get decent energy work sessions. I still used the affirmations throughout those days off. I also discovered a blocage in my upper left arm that I have tried to work on every now and then. Nothing fancy, just energy drawing and bouncing, combined with awareness breathing before falling asleep.

There are no curtains on my windows at the moment; which is why I wake up and go back to sleep two or three times before getting out of bed to start the day. On my second awakening, my whole body was buzzing. I tried to induce a WILD (which I have completed five times before), listening to the sound in my ear. I attempted to roll out of bed but didn't do a complete move because I thought I wasn't 'there' yet. Finding the roar / vibrations more bearable and less scary when I focus on my hypnagogic imagery, I paid attention to the visuals.

At some point - and I can't remember how nor when it happened - I found myself in another corner of my room. The light was VERY close to what I had seen while awake (it felt more real compared to what I've seen in lucid dreams) but my vision was very fuzzy (as if I was looking through gauze). I decided to look at my hands to stabilize myself but couldn't see them properly. They were very faint, not dense enough. I looked into the direction of my bed and saw someone was in it; one of the blankets was missing. I didn't want to get to close. Then, a little later, I woke up in a totally vibrationless body.

The memories took a couple of minutes to come back. I don't remember the exit nor reentry, but I am convinced it wasn't a dream. My WILD are always conscious and when I 'come back' from them, I always remember what happened. I am familiar with my dream patterns (I started dream journaling because of my interest in lucid dreaming), and some elements of that event were definitely new to me. The topic, the light, the point of view, the person in my bed (I never dream of seeing myself) and the sucky vision. The whole thing took me by surprise. I'm used to increase awareness in lucid dreams but this felt so different I just didn't know what to do lol.

All in all, this is the second obe I remember - the first (and spontaneous) one occured before I started MAP; I was reading Astral Dynamics at the time and using NEW.

I can't wait to see what's next!

11th September 2007, 06:56 AM
congrats. continue raising your energy and feeling get more and more. the lucidity thing you set by itself (I didn't project myself yet, but have tremedous refined energy level at work).