View Full Version : Heads rolled!

2nd September 2007, 10:55 AM
I was in what seemed to be an unfurnished flat at the top of a house that was built with red bricks. There was a room opposite the one I was in and another one leading off the same room. There was a dark hallway separating the opposite room from the room I was in. I saw in the room opposite that there were several men and women dressed like soldiers wearing black uniforms carrying guns. I was armed with a plethora of weapons including pistols, rifles, some sort of energy rife and a chainsaw. The room I was in was well lit but the room opposite was dimly lit with shadowy areas. There were no doors that I could see.

I saw some men creeping along a wall in the dimly lit room and then one of them spotted me. I was standing more or less in full view, occasionally ducking next to the doorway in the brightly lit room. I never left this room at all throughout this dream.

The man fired at me and I ducked. Then i began firing. A group of them rushed towards me and I quickly switched to the chainsaw. I saw some of them were women. As they got close to me, they were grouped very closely, so I aimed for their necks and beheaded the group all at once. Several heads rolled! I could see inside their necks too but there was no bone, just flesh. Strangely enough there was no blood splatter as you would expect. They were so easy to behead. It was like slicing through butter. I knew these soldiers weren't human even though they appeared to be human.

I turned and saw a female soldier dash out from the room leading off the room I was in. I got her too. Then I saw a man rush towards me with a pair of what looked like gleaming rapiers. He attacked me but I aimed for his neck with the chainsaw. I couldn't believe it when I couldn't cut through his neck. I noticed he had black eyes too.His face was filled with hatred. I didn't feel any fear or hatred but I knew my 'objective' was to try and defeat this guy. He barely hurt me, in fact the only mark he made on me was on my left thumb and it was kind of in the shape of a broken heart with a dash underneath. Like an arch opposite each other with a slanted line at the bottom. I managed to make a dent in the guy's neck all the way around... so there was a red line all the way around, but no matter how much strength I used, I couldn't make the chainsaw go through his neck. But I definitely made him bleed. There was a window behind me and I could see some sort of object like bricks stringed together disappear though the window. I heard someone say something but I can't remember what they said. The guy suddenly fled through the window and disappeared.

There were no gore or corpses to be found. Throughout this experience, I never felt a lot of fear. In fact, most of the fear I did feel arose when I was cautiously checking through the window for any sign of the guy. I saw a view of a flat roof made from the red bricks right outside the window. I was considering climbing out of the window to hunt him down but I felt that it was too dangerous.

Upon waking, I at first thought that it was a neg influenced dream, but then I suddenly realized these soldiers were negs disguised as human soldiers. The major clue was the fact that I couldn't behead the last guy. Another clue was that They were coming from the dimly lit room through the dark hallway. I obviously stayed in the brightly lit room. The other clue was that I appeared to be at the very top of the house (you know, like flats in a house type of set up). There were more clues too in the dream.

I had a similar dream a short while ago where I was in a warehouse and there were negs in there. I was armed with a pistol and a double barreled shotgun. One particular neg was disguised as a man and I eventually defeated him. His remains immediately disappeared. I saw a demon on an upper level but he felt too strong so I stayed away from that area. I looked at it twice. The first time I saw the demon, it looked like a demon, but the second time I looked, it looked like a well built man. I saw a bunch of grey skinned imps in the warehouse too but my main 'objective' was to kill this one particular neg. I don't consciously go looking for these experiences in my dreams, I just find myself in these places knowing and doing seems to be expected of me.

My theory about why the negs in these two dreams were disguised as human is that I'm more afraid of them when I see them in their true forms, especially if they look like demons. I've had two other encounters (that I recall) with negs that look like demons and in both of them I fought them and ended up running away because of my fear. I don't know why I have these experiences to be honest. I've fought countless negs over the past few years in dream state. Normally I fight them with some sort of magic or swords and armor, but lately it's been with guns and these two dreams are the only ones where the negs have been disguised as human. I only know that they were negs based on the energy I sensed coming from them i.e. their vibe (not to mention that I couldn't behead the strongest one!).

Has anyone here had similar experiences in dream state or during OBEs?

4th September 2007, 03:51 AM
Dear Gemma- I had much the same dream as you about 6 months ago. Much the same scenario; i.e. surroundings, little fear, etc. One can't help but wonder if this isn't preparation of some sort; when seeing them for what they REALLY are they become more incensed and bring in reinforcements. At the very least this what I've come to notice. I have had many battles on the astral and would like to know if you come back with the bruises, scratches, etc.? Blessings, myhoran

4th September 2007, 04:36 AM
A few years ago, I used to find small scratches on my legs in the morning after I woke up. They were too small and too close together to be caused by me during sleep. I knew there weren't any scratches on me the night before so thy were caused by something else during sleep. It couldn't have been my cats because they never go under the bed covers and besides they were outside.

A few weeks ago I went through an entire week of intense and moderately painful attacks. During that time I found a small scratch on my belly (no reasonable explanation for that) and a similar one on my arm (again, no reasonable explanation). More recently I discovered a larger scratch on my forearm near the elbow. It was large enough and deep enough for me to notice if I had caused it. I had no idea where or how I got it. It's still healing.

My theory is that negs caused these scratches.

As for preparation, my guess is that you're probably right. During the attacks, something kept trying to pull me out of body (imagine every time you sit back in your chair, you're fully awake but relaxed - not trancing etc - and you KNOW you are not attempting to go out of body), telling me that I needed to fight the neg that was attacking me. Needless to say I resisted.

Another thing I would like to add is that in my case it's not like I run across a neg or a few and then battle them. It's as if something or someone sets me in these places and sets an 'objective' i.e. kill a certain neg or kill a group of them etc. Another thing, sometimes I've had dreams occasionally where I'm in places attacking negs and I'm accompanied by another person helping me or I am a part of a small group working to kill these negs.

I've been fighting negs for quite a while now in the astral. It would be interesting to find out what is really going on.

4th September 2007, 05:12 AM
I would very much suggest that you look into some sort of permanent protections. Sigils, talismans, etc., something that will keep the negs at bay while you're asleep and/or otherwise occupied and unable to really block them.

My bed is warded, my bedroom is warded, my house is warded, and eventually I did the entire property. It's a bit absurd, but it was the only way I could get any peace.

Eventually, I had to make a specific talisman that will protect specifically "in body and without", because they couldn't get past my wards to bother me directly and had to wait until I was astral to give me grief!

Since doing that, I've slept remarkably well (after many years of sleep issues) and haven't had any nightmares whatsoever (also a problem for many years). I still go astral in my sleep, I'm positive of that, but I never wake up with that "I've been in a bar fight and I ache all over, but I can't remember it" feeling.

4th September 2007, 07:00 AM
I'll have a look at warding, although I am a newb when it comes to shielding of any sort. I'm tired of being attacked directly. Having said that, I'm quite happy to fight them in the astral... if anything it's payback for the times I've been attacked by negs. lol :evil:

5th September 2007, 05:26 AM
I'm beginning to look to wards etc too. Theres one powerfull demon that bothers me, only thing that keeps it away is a paper cross I blessed and imbued with various things (did a good job on it :) ). Hey, theres no reason it needs to be made of gold :P I think imbued items work great because they arent moody and always changing like us people.

I've had quite a few dreams about killing bad 'people'. I have had the philosophy of being compassionate to all beings, so I spared some of thier lives, but the only time I made any progress was when I got down and violent. Funny though, you are armed to the teeth but the most powerfull weapon I ever used was rocks. Exept a recent nightmare, I used a machette and a curved sicle like knife to take controll of the dream. I learned that the nightmare was being created by the demon, and it invited 3 vampire friends (I might post it).

Actually, I had a dream about being pulled out of my body too. There was a small stone tower in the dream, really evil thing. I ended up laying on a stone altar in the tower, asleep. Something started pulling me out of my body. I objected, I thought I was being pulled out to battle, but I had been using a lot of energy lately fighting and didnt think I was ready for a big fight, so I raised my arms in the physical, wich painfully put me back in my body and woke me up. I think it's great your so agressive, but I dont think we would need to be if we were better at sheilds and wards. (I suck with sheilds too)

5th September 2007, 06:12 AM
Hey, theres no reason it needs to be made of gold

Correct. Anything can be a talisman. A piece of paper, a rock you pick up off your driveway, something that you can hang on the wall unobtrusively (like a small picture or something), jewellery (which is my personal favourite ;)), you name it.

I find it extremely fasincating, actually.

5th September 2007, 06:16 AM
I'm beginning to look to wards etc too. Theres one powerfull demon that bothers me, only thing that keeps it away is a paper cross I blessed and imbued with various things (did a good job on it :) ). Hey, theres no reason it needs to be made of gold :P I think imbued items work great because they arent moody and always changing like us people.

I've had quite a few dreams about killing bad 'people'. I have had the philosophy of being compassionate to all beings, so I spared some of thier lives, but the only time I made any progress was when I got down and violent. Funny though, you are armed to the teeth but the most powerfull weapon I ever used was rocks. Exept a recent nightmare, I used a machette and a curved sicle like knife to take controll of the dream. I learned that the nightmare was being created by the demon, and it invited 3 vampire friends (I might post it).

Actually, I had a dream about being pulled out of my body too. There was a small stone tower in the dream, really evil thing. I ended up laying on a stone altar in the tower, asleep. Something started pulling me out of my body. I objected, I thought I was being pulled out to battle, but I had been using a lot of energy lately fighting and didnt think I was ready for a big fight, so I raised my arms in the physical, wich painfully put me back in my body and woke me up. I think it's great your so agressive, but I dont think we would need to be if we were better at sheilds and wards. (I suck with sheilds too)

Please don't take this the wrong way but it's wise to use discernment (not that I'm saying you don't). Although I will say that during strong attacks it can be difficult to use discernment if the neg uses mind manipulation to break down defenses. Are you sure it's a powerful demon and not a strong neg? What makes you think it's a powerful demon?

It's possible something was pulling you out of body during the time you was asleep. It's just that this time it woke you up. Of course there might be other explanations or theories.

I'm all for showing compassion but in my experience compassion does not work with negs and demons. They cause misery. It's in their nature to do this. So I have no problem with doing what I do. I don't take control in these dreams like you would with a lucid dram. I just do what I do without analyzing it or thinking about it. I don't even consciously set the intention before I go to sleep to battle these things. Maybe it's a subconscious intention or maybe it's one of my higher goals to achieve, or whatever. I don't know.

With regards to being pulled out of body. What happened to me occurred while I was completely awake. Something invisible (the jury is still out on whether it was a spirit guide or not - I'm sure it wasn't an astral projector since they usually get a few minutes at most worth of operating time in the RTZ according to Robert - I think I read that somewhere in PPSD) was attempting to pull me out and they even made certain parts of my energy body vibrate e.g my right ear, my shoulders and the right side of my body a few times. I'm not sure how they did this... possibly they were touching these areas of my energy body. They said I should come out of body and fight this neg. At the same time, I was being attacked painfully by the neg. I do know I was not hallucinating or dreaming, and I know that I wasn't attempting to go out of body (why would I when I knew there was something nasty attacking me - me=coward lol) and it definitely was not spontaneous (I know the difference). On a couple of occasions while this was going on, I even saw part of the room shift slightly. This was when they were trying to pull me out by my head. They've tried to pull me out by my shoulders, arms and butt when I kept resisting. I resisted automatically because of my fear of going out of body and of course knowing there was a strong neg around only added to that fear. After a while I got the impression a few of them were trying to pull me out of body because the sensation felt stronger. Eventually I told them to stop trying to pull me out of body, and they stopped that immediately.

About vampires - one appeared in a dream a while ago. I got rid of it easily by shining a small flashlight at it. It shrieked, tried to cover its face with its arms and shrank way down. It didn't bother me after that. Again, I felt no fear. It seems that when I'm dreaming I have way less fear than I do when I'm awake.