View Full Version : Series of nightmarish short stories

2nd September 2007, 04:49 AM
Tonight I saw in my dreams a series of nightmarish stories, each involving a different set of characters, each with the topic of poisoning or betrayal and fear.

The last one I remember clearly.

Two girls were walking along. They came near a pond. They were on their way somewhere. The one said - "One drink cannot hurt". The other objected. She knelt down and drank. Then she suddenly sat in the waters, her friend was gone. Suddenly her friend reappeared, but she was a bad ghost of the lake. She was made of the water, and told her that in fact it was poisoned or had some bad influence, and told her the past she remembered already was an illusion.

While the girl was arguing the new "reality" with the ghost pestering her, who was trying to undermine her sanity, me in my observer perspective said "Enough of this". I willed myself away from the chain of dream events, and awoke.

When I awoke I still could feel a strong emotion going on. Negative emotion have each a place in the body, and this felt like a blockage on the hind brain, like wrapping the base of the hind and a bit at the sides. I dissolved it a bit while I had a grip on it.

Each of the stories somehow had to do with a betrayal or a betrayal of a very basic human need. Also of a human feeling. Here it was thirst and trust. Also attacks on sanity and so on.

What relates to this is that I read a message of ascension yesterday evening. The message detailed that in order to ascend people would need to have faith and shed the ego-based fear,


I know it was related to this. I also find it interesting that every story did not involve me. Each was a full short episode with closure.

I also think the change of her friend from companion to enemy is similar to the choice of guides we make - we can listen to the guides that steer us to love and faith (spiritual strategy), or ones that ask for control out of fear (power strategy):

http://www.erinpavlina.com/blog/2006/08 ... ed-guides/ (http://www.erinpavlina.com/blog/2006/08/fear-based-guides/)
http://www.erinpavlina.com/blog/2006/08 ... s-part-ii/ (http://www.erinpavlina.com/blog/2006/08/fear-based-guides-part-ii/)

My life has been making a strong development jump in a very short time. Things happen that only make sense in a Universe that at the root is magical. In which we are co-creators. My days are filled with signs that show me that a miraculous change in our lives is possible. I found the person I have always been meant to be with and every time I have more faith in this it works out better. I was shown part of my role in co-creating and am therefore taking this dream seriously. I will not chose fear when a chance arises.

It does not matter to me that much if the 11th September now is like it is said there in the message I gave you the link to. I decided to chose love and faith whenever I could, and I guess that is the most important change. Fear and control have so far given me nothing. Positive changes of enormous personal importance are possible. I know that now. It requires having love and faith as your strategy for dealing with things.

Make of this what you want and take good care,

2nd September 2007, 04:49 PM
Yay! Korpo's a fluffy bunny! Welcome to the hutch. :lol:

2nd September 2007, 06:02 PM
Yay! Korpo's a fluffy bunny! Welcome to the hutch. :lol:

Don't make me laugh so hard! :lol:


3rd September 2007, 04:13 AM
Awww... fluffy bunnies... :D


How cute!

3rd September 2007, 04:39 AM
Did someone say fluffy bunny?

