View Full Version : old lady by the sea

31st August 2007, 07:07 AM
There was an old lady who lived in a driftwood shack down on the beach. People thought she was crazy because she owned a big house, but didnt keep any possessions and lived in a shack. I understand why, and had a lot of respect for her even in the dream. She had recently 'passed away'. I was down on the beach going through her stuff, trash really, but there was one item in particular I was looking for. I found a beautifull painting done in a surreal style, it was only about 12in/10in. It was a scene of 3 immages of an old woman wading out into the ocean. The woman was wearing a simple robe and her facial expression changed at each immage. The first immage was sorrow or indifference. The last immaged of her she was past her waist in water and had a look of amazement, wonder, and happyness as she looked up at the sky. I took the painting, I felt I needed it badly, but I cannot steal, so I decided to copy it. There is a store in my town that will copy things for you, when I left the beach I appeared on a street near my town. A girl I met for 2 days who definatly is my spiritual soul mate was walking with a box, she was hauling away the old woman's 'stuff'. I felt very ashamed. "You went through her stuff didnt you?" she said. "I'm sorry.... I'm just going to borrow it." I replied, I felt I had done something wrong. I kept going. Some people on the street were talking, "they say that old lady had her good stuff down by the beach," I was really disgusted, they wanted to take the few valuable things she had. I didnt make it to the copy store.

When I woke, I didnt remember the dream, but as I fell back to sleep the whole thing flashed back in an instant. When that happens it is something important, so I wrote it down and did a little drawing of the painting (a half asleep zombie trying to scribble :? ). I'm suprised I would do this even in a dream, I've been creating the intent to not accept any items in my dreams, I dont beleive in looking for happyness outside of yourself (objects), and I always try to put others first in RL. How could I desire that painting enough to disrespect the old woman and steal it for myself?

31st August 2007, 11:09 AM
Have you looked into dream yoga? Maybe you could arrive at the meaning through following this process. Here's a link if you're interested in investigating. It's one of the first ones I found so I don't know if it's great but it's something you can try if you want:http://www.dreamyoga.com/form.html

31st August 2007, 02:07 PM
It's possible that the woman was an aspect of yourself, the part of you that is humble and doesn't accept things. It's also possible that the painting doesn't represent an 'object' per se, but the expression of beauty that she possibly created, and you didn't want it per se, you wanted to copy it, which tells me in an indirect way that your wanting to copy it was your attempt to capture the essence of what she taught-created beauty- in other words you wanted to learn from her.
Just thoughts that flew into my head as I read the story.

31st August 2007, 03:09 PM
I read the dream and was transfixed on this portion of it. The progression of the woman wading out into the water. One step after the next, going farther and farther out. Almost as if she was "wading" through deep emotions of her life and it’s progression.

It was a scene of 3 images of an old woman wading out into the ocean. The woman was wearing a simple robe and her facial expression changed at each image. The first image was sorrow or indifference. The last imaged of her she was past her waist in water and had a look of amazement, wonder, and happiness as she looked up at the sky.
This part of your dream reminded me of something. It is a series of paintings by Thomas Cole called The Voyage of Life

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Cole_Thomas_The_Voyage_of_Life_Childhood_184 2.jpg

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Cole_Thomas_The_Voyage_of_Life_Youth_1842.jp g

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Cole_Thomas_The_Voyage_of_Life_Manhood_1840. jpg

Old Age
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Cole_Thomas_The_Voyage_of_Life_Old_Age_1842. jpg

I have loved these paintings since the first time I saw them.

31st August 2007, 04:07 PM
They are breathtaking!

Aunt Clair
31st August 2007, 05:37 PM
One possibility is that her possessions are her works ,her metaphysical experiences and magickal workings . Good works need to be copied and shared not plagiarised or profited from but preserved and published . From that perspective you become a treasure hunter and archaeologist and not a thief at all .

My husband and I viewed Cole's Life stages series in Washington DC . We discovered that both of us had dreamed of this realm as children . It was confirming to us both that we had been there because both of us had been told that it was not a real place . Living in DC area as a school child you travel on tour to the Smithsonian often .

But I can project there at will now . One method is to project to the Great Pyramid in Luxor at Shamballah and then from there go down to the Death Chamber .

The dark forboding tunnel on the narrow river actually has 3 islands to meet the masters upon and deceased spirit relatives . The bright and happy golden orange city on the wide open river is a city of theives , murderers and despair . It is an illusion that teaches wealth is not happiness and all that glitters is not gold .

Charon and Babi , Isis , Thoth et al instruct in this realm .

The white manse in the air is in Shamballah . There is an above ground and parallel underground river system in the higher planes ie the Rivers of Life and Death including Styx and Rainbow Waters . Others artists have depicted these rivers , the Eleusian Fields and Samsara the Wheel of life . Across ages and cultures certain archetypes are formed .


Another recurrent dream we shared was on the above ground river with a gypsy wagon like the HEART album cover . A large crystal ball would fall from the sky and the test was what you did with it . My husband and I had had the same dream as kids and have since met others who also shared that dream test . At the Edgar Cayce Centre in VA Beach , a reader told us that we had had such similar dreams as kids and asked us what we had done with the crystal . I had searched for its owner as it was too valuable to keep for myself . My spouse worried about it shattering before he caught it and often missed , seeing it crash . He learned that it always crashed if he tried to possess it for himself . She had had the same dream as had others there . It is about sharing esoteric secrets . sharing occult wealth . That river is connected to the realm in Cole's paintings too. The Gypsy wagon track is on the riverbank above ground coming out of the Alchemists Garden .

http://media.godashboard.com/heart/litt ... _album.jpg (http://media.godashboard.com/heart/little_queen_album.jpg)
http://a7.vox.com/6a00b8ea0716b01bc000d ... 3c7f-500pi (http://a7.vox.com/6a00b8ea0716b01bc000d4142dcc673c7f-500pi)

31st August 2007, 05:43 PM
Oh, wow. That sounds so wonderful. :D

5th September 2007, 05:41 AM
Love the artwork, awsome. Thanks for the replies, really drew the mystics :) I'm so buisy with so many other things though, I will have to get back to this dream later.

Hmm.. wonder if the old woman was the state I had before I moved to town, got a steady job, and an appartment that needed to be filled with junk, then joined a practice, rather than follow my philosophy of following pure intuition to explore the universe. It seems like since all that has happened I've become less empowered, and I've just been trying to copy my old state and way of thinking, it may be difficult now that I have accepted views from others, rather than what the universe gives me.