View Full Version : Sub-Navel Storage Center Sensations

30th August 2007, 02:54 PM
I start my energy work routine by working each limb individually, then both legs, then both arms with split awareness.... And after those sensations start rocking, I do the full body circut with controlled color breathing techniques. As I do this, I feel my mobile body awareness strongly UNTIL I reach the sub-navel area.

I feel like I'm doing these exercises correctly, however the strong tingling sensation of energy movement I usually get declines a great deal right at that area. Is this correct? Should it be a building feeling or something?

30th August 2007, 03:05 PM
I think it's right. I have the same diminished feeling in that area of the belly and it still gives me enough energy to project. Every once in a while I really feel it, but not often. I don't worry about it too much.

30th August 2007, 03:18 PM
It's similar for me. When I'm pulling the energy down on the exhale in the storage circuit, I feel a very strong sensation in the navel chakra when the energy reaches it, but then I feel very little (if anything) below the navel where the storage center is supposed to be. It tends to make me worry that all I'm doing is stimulating the navel chakra and not storing the energy, but I've decided to just trust that it's going where it's supposed to as long as my intent is clear.

I thought it was just me, but perhaps it's normal. It makes sense, now that I think about it. The storage center is supposed to be able to store large amounts of energy. If it was easily stimulated by an amount of energy that stimulates our chakras, then it might be too easily OVER stimulated by the amount of energy it's supposed to accumulate.

31st August 2007, 12:17 AM
If it was easily stimulated by an amount of energy that stimulates our chakras, then it might be too easily OVER stimulated by the amount of energy it's supposed to accumulate.

Yeah, I was thinking that perhaps the reason I wasn't feeling much of anything is because that is where my energy is supposed be stored. I keep picturing it as sort of an energetic black hole.

31st August 2007, 02:22 PM
I think of it as a bucket. :D

31st August 2007, 02:25 PM
For me it is a hot point, that radiates when I put energy in.


31st August 2007, 04:43 PM
I picture a bank vault. A big one. :D

31st August 2007, 05:21 PM
I picture a bank vault. A big one. :D

That's funny! :lol:

Energy-hoarder! :roll: :lol:


31st August 2007, 05:55 PM
:oops: hehe

I'm sure there's enough left for you. :lol: no complaining.

Blue Mage
31st August 2007, 06:05 PM
Fascinating! Last week or so I started trying to do energy work on a daily basis and I always wonder about how I don't feel anything where the sub-navel storage should be.

Korpo/Oliver... do you do energy raising regularly? If so for how long have you worked on it? Did you always get that sensation?

1st September 2007, 05:43 PM
Sweet. I'm doing stuff correctly then.

2nd September 2007, 02:33 AM
I started with new about a week or so ago and found that success came the first time. Lots of physical sensations. I almost seem to do it to well. I can raise so much so fast that I was on an spiritual energy high for about four days and then I crashed hard. Any ways I have modified my tecnique a litle. ( I wasnt grounding before or after. Or did I know what grounding was about ). When I would draw up from my feet with out grounding I had intense senation in my legs all the way up to my navel storeage center. When the energy got there it was a dumping in feelling and a feelling in the pit of the stomach like you get when your a litle kid getting caught doing something wrong. If that makes any sense. Now when I ground ( using a simple technique of seeing tree roots going from the bottom of my feet to the earths core ) and the energy I am raising seems very different. It is much finner. Without grounding it seemed very course and actualy esier to feel now its finer and harder to sense but still there. It seems to move through me easier. I litle trick I have tried seems to raise an incredable amount of energy. When I ground using the root tecnique I move my awareness down below my feet and into this root system and raise it from the earths core. visualy speeking. Up the roots and then into my legs some times it seems to over whelm the sysytem and seems to get blocked at the storage center with a backed up pressure sensation. I am pondering that I am maybe forceing to much through the receptors there. When I back it out into the roots and move my awarness back to my feet there is now a big store of energy right below my feet and it comes up naturaly actualy beetting my awarness up my legs and into my storage center. Like a pump is pushing it up. Im just experimenting so I dont know if this is recomended or not but if your not feeling much definatly worth a try.

2nd September 2007, 04:57 AM
Fascinating! Last week or so I started trying to do energy work on a daily basis and I always wonder about how I don't feel anything where the sub-navel storage should be.

Give it time. Exploration of the energy body takes time and it is a nonlinear process.

Korpo/Oliver... do you do energy raising regularly? If so for how long have you worked on it? Did you always get that sensation?

I actually do not much energy raising. Only cleansing. My take on this is that the energy body then takes in the energy it needs if you remove the obstacles preventing this. My results so far have been very good, however I will again look at energy raising as well.

Good success,

Aunt Clair
2nd September 2007, 04:33 PM
I start my energy work routine by working each limb individually, then both legs, then both arms with split awareness.... And after those sensations start rocking, I do the full body circut with controlled color breathing techniques. As I do this, I feel my mobile body awareness strongly UNTIL I reach the sub-navel area.

I feel like I'm doing these exercises correctly, however the strong tingling sensation of energy movement I usually get declines a great deal right at that area. Is this correct? Should it be a building feeling or something?
Try bringing the energy up the legs and as it comes to the sub navel centre hold your breath , pull up the pelvic floor , suck in the abdominal wall , and push the energy up and back towards the heart .From there you can lift it up the back and over the shoulders . Or you can push it to the top of the sub naval centre only and swirl it around to stimulate that energy storage centre . To do this use NEW brushing techique internally pain a wide swath of energy from top to bottom on the stone as if you were painting the tumbler on a dryer or a washing machine . When the energy runs clear , clean and fast . Exhale . Breathe in again and reverse the flow .

4th September 2007, 04:23 AM
Thank you, Aunt Clair. Your the bomb-diggity. Or something like that.

4th September 2007, 06:29 AM
Cool! I'm glad to see I'm not alone with the sub-navel storage sensations or lack there of. :)

Best Wishes,