View Full Version : god sheeps

29th August 2007, 05:59 PM
i had a really lucid dream that i was playing with three god sheeps,in a dream i could only see my hands and the three of them walking on them and they had different colours,one was red,one was green and one blue,can anybody tell me the meaning of this dream or of these colours?

29th August 2007, 10:11 PM
i had a really lucid dream that i was playing with three god sheeps,in a dream i could only see my hands and the three of them walking on them and they had different colours,one was red,one was green and one blue,can anybody tell me the meaning of this dream or of these colours? A few questions: What are god sheep, were they walking on your hands?
I once had an experience about the three colors (somewhere in here, may or may not find the link) but they were colored pools and I chose the red one.
So I really need more info to get any meaning out of your dream, if it has one.

6th September 2007, 09:43 AM
i meant like those litlle lady bugs,with black spots on their wings..and i just watched them walk,didn`t prefer any color in particular..

6th September 2007, 09:49 AM
Lady bugs are a symbol (sign :wink: ) of good luck. :D

Lucky you.

I feel the colors represent different aspects of your life. Red is what keep you grounded, all things related to your physical existence on the Earth plane. Green is your emotion. And blue is your higher awareness.

All aspects were balance in your dream. No one overshadowing the others. This is the lucky sign.