View Full Version : selff healing

15th October 2005, 09:00 PM
is it possible for me to ap and heal a broken bone in my physical body .......i had a lucid dream or maybe and ap where i looked down at my hand which wasnt in a splint and put my left hand over my right as i said i hope this fixes it ....i broke the finger 2 weeks a ago......the pain is gone and swelling has subsided i also have full movement of the finger.....did i heal myself or is this just a coincidence

16th October 2005, 04:13 AM
It could have been a form of self healing, or it could jut have been a signal to say you are done healing.

Personally I would think that you accelerated the healign that was occuring and visualized it healed-and it became such.

Either way, that's a wonderful experience!

Good luck,

17th October 2005, 11:26 PM
Have you gone to see a doctor? It would be very interesting whether the bone has grown back. Maybe, though, you have simply removed the sensation of pain without actually healing the bone, itself.