View Full Version : I seem to be losing touch with my spiritual self. help

25th August 2007, 06:26 PM
Well, Lets start from the begining. About 8 years ago i started having dreams. I was dreaming about things that were a week off. I remember having a dream about an asteroid burning up over Texas. and exactly a week after that dream, i saw the video of the space shuttle burning up on re-entry over texas and it was exactly the same picture and everything that i saw in my dream. I would have dreams about Floods happening all over the united states. When i would sit and talk with people, their entire lifes past to future would for some reason unfold inside my mind. I would recall events that happened to them that nobody else apparently knew.

This has been something i had been living with for a long time and had become used to. These feelings began intensifying as i started doing energy work every day. It started to get bad at one point. When seeing things that had happened to people, it would start becoming that i could visually see the effects on the person, even though to everyone else they looked normal. shortly after that, i would start to feel things when around certain people. I had been told that i was a natural vampyre and that i had no control over what i was doing. Then others told me that accompanied with that was extreme Empathy that expanded itself into feelings and sight.

But recently, like in the past year. i have had no dreams. i have been working constantly. i can no longer sleep more than 4 hours a night without waking up for no reason at all. My family life is suffering as i feel i am losing touch with my wife and our daughter. I no longer feel things, see things, or hear things from others Inner self. Since all of this stopped happening. Life has lost alot of the fun and excitement it once held to me. i fear i am losing touch with my real self.

If anyone has any help, ideas, or anything at all. i would GREATLY appreciate it! i miss my empathy and my dreams. i need to get back in touch with myself. thanks for taking the time to read this!

25th August 2007, 10:54 PM
Hello, Eternal_Seeker.

Perhaps you could just ask your Higher Self for guidance. Techniques for doing so you might find here: http://forums.astraldynamics.com/viewtopic.php?t=5352

Often enough the spiritual life can be quite challenging. It might just be that you have to uncover your personal purpose. Because the abilities you got and their lessening again seem to suggest you might need to do something with them, something positive, spiritual.

Take good care,

26th August 2007, 12:44 AM
But recently, like in the past year. i have had no dreams. i have been working constantly. i can no longer sleep more than 4 hours a night without waking up for no reason at allWhen you say working constantly do you mean in your job? Or do you mean working constantly at energy work?

I think you should look at when you began to have sleep problems - it's possible the change in your ability is simply energy related - you're tired all the time & so don't have the energy you need for the ability to work.

You might also want to check out the Tutorial here (http://astraldynamics.com/tutorials/?BoardID=10) or get a copy of Practical Psychic Self Defence by Robert Bruce. It's possible that in being so open you've attracted unwanted attentions.

Now, my knowledge is limited, but even logic tells me that if energy work increased your occurrences then the use of your ability uses energy. This would imply you're high energy not low energy & would make it unlikely you're a vampyre. So if deep down you're worried that you may be doing harm with what you do, I don't think that is a true worry. If it was me in your position, I'd be more inclined to take a look at those around me & see if any of them may be using their contact to drain the energy from me.

29th August 2007, 04:44 AM
Etermal Seeker, I think the best advice I can give to you is to seek help from Robert Bruce in the "Ask Robert" section.

You seem to have a very serious situation, and I wish I could you provide you with more service. But in all honesty it seems to require more assistance than I can give.

So besides the ask robert suggestion, since he is definitively more qualified than I am, I would suggest you continue asking for help. Keep looking with people with knowledge and experience on these matters (but remember never to give money for it). Remember, you're in this situation for a reason and it will ultimately provide you with a great learning experience.

You have gifts, and possibly the negative consequences of them might be results of not acting out on their positive aspects. Have you ever felt that certain people stick around you and demand your attention and become dependant on you by any chance?

I wish you all the best and try to be calm, this too will pass.

31st August 2007, 08:26 PM
Eternal Seeker, if you'll allow me to go against the grain here and be pretty irreverent, I'm going to offer the alternate POV that maybe this is a wake-up call, and that no amount of energy work or psychic shielding is going to help you. I know I've gone through dark nights of the soul myself... they're not cool, but they provide a catalyst for change, in a big way. If you will take my advice, search yourself for answers. Do a thorough house-cleaning. Write down every "complex" you have, everything you love, everything you hate, everything in your life you feel that you should feel differently about, and anything else, any other issue or event or whatever, that comes to mind as being beautiful or ugly or important to you somehow. Get every one of your beliefs down on paper (and I'm not talking about beliefs like "there are three hundred and sixty degrees in a circle," more like "I feel like I cannot love others, I feel that my job sucks the life out of me, -such and such- was the happiest moment of my life, I love -such and such a person- more than I love myself.") Be brutally honest and get it all down. I'm in the middle of this exercise myself, and it *will* dig up parts of yourself you'd rather not face up to. Real progress is made when we bring these parts of ourselves into light and explore them, however hard it may be to admit some of the ugly things. Connections between issues that appeared separate will show up, and you will be amazed at what a mess there is inside your head. Bring it to light and clean it up; when we expose these painful beliefs and look at them objectively, they tend to dissolve themselves. Because of the ripple effect that governs the universe, changes you make this way can go a long way toward clearing up lots of problems in unexpected areas - trust me.

Here are some links to get you started:
http://www.livereal.com/spiritual_arena ... olysis.htm (http://www.livereal.com/spiritual_arena/practical_experiments/spiritual_autolysis.htm)

If you decide to do this, good luck. And of course, if not, good luck too. Peace!