View Full Version : Face vibrations

24th August 2007, 02:50 AM
Doing NEW at bed. In the morning my face vibrates. Both chins.
Never happened before in that area. Just for the report. :wink:

24th August 2007, 12:29 PM
I also get the face vibrations, especially the tip of the nose. . .feels as though there's a bright Catherine Wheel spinning there & am just glad no-one can see it! (I hope!)

Aunt Clair
2nd September 2007, 10:25 PM
The face will vibrate with some energy activities in the moonstone which is the energy storage centre of the head . Recently , I found my face vibrating and projected out in a new manner . http://forums.astraldynamics.com/viewto ... highlight= (http://forums.astraldynamics.com/viewtopic.php?t=8934&highlight=)

Before this I had never vibed out of the body except thru the earthstone . The earthstone vibes are preceded by the legs vibing up . The face vibing was a surprise to me too .

29th October 2007, 08:07 PM
I have them too when I practice with my brow chakra. It's as when you switch off your old TV, and pass the hand through the electric field generated in the screen. It's not as hard, but the sensation is similar to that.

In RB's words, that's normal, and we shouldn't put our eye on them not to lose the concentration.

30th October 2007, 02:50 AM
I've had extreme facial twitches but never facial vibes.

30th October 2007, 12:30 PM
I had the nose thing for about a week. Was that weird! It was as if the wheel were on the right side of the tip of my nose. I had to keep checking to see if my nose was visibly vibrating. It wasn't, but it sure felt as it was.

31st October 2007, 01:45 AM
Try moving it into the nose. :lol:

31st October 2007, 01:50 AM
I've had extreme facial twitches but never facial vibes.

Figured it first start with twitches and at some point this buzzzzzing
just start. Had sucess with music alone triggering it. Gonna post more
detailed what I do later. Seems 'mind to body' works alone.

31st October 2007, 01:58 AM
I have them too when I practice with my brow chakra. It's as when you switch off your old TV, and pass the hand through the electric field generated in the screen. It's not as hard, but the sensation is similar to that.

In RB's words, that's normal, and we shouldn't put our eye on them not to lose the concentration.

Would say it feels more like a 'pulse wave'. Placing the face in front of
the tv, clearly feel and hear the static. Listening more closely doing it
on the heart if feels like a wave pulsing and vibrating.

Some say that it's like a wheel turning, but I sense it more as a wave
going up and down in a rapid pulse.

Tried it today without imagining a wheel turning in circles, just
random movements, it worked. Think intention is more powerful
than imagination, that it doesn't have to be done in a certain way of
imagining it, for it to work. Maybe this sets limitations.

1st November 2007, 08:46 PM
It's curious. While I'm reading your posts, my brow chakra activates automatically. These last times it seems it has a closer relationship with the heart one. It also happens with the throat's. When I activate one of them, the heart chakra starts to function as well.

Anyway take care of the terrible headaches I suffered from when I put my efforts on the brow chakra. Some days I wasn't able even to go to the office because of the "nails" inside my head. They passed, thank's God.

Aunt Clair
4th November 2007, 04:10 AM
I had the nose thing for about a week. Was that weird! It was as if the wheel were on the right side of the tip of my nose. I had to keep checking to see if my nose was visibly vibrating. It wasn't, but it sure felt as it was.
Syncronicity !! I lay down to take a nap today and woke as I was separating in projection . My nose was twitching in a circle .( Maybe I will learn to manifest like Samantha on Bewitched lol) . Then I projected out the tip of my nose ! I went up out of the room and fell back asleep again . So not sure what happened next .

Has anyone recalled projecting out of the nose and what shape the energy body looked like and what realm they attained with it ?

4th November 2007, 08:58 PM
Imagine that- a twitch of the nose and No More Housework!
My goals are simple, like me.