View Full Version : OBEs in a dream

Neil Templar
23rd August 2007, 01:00 PM
recently i had a "dream",which was a repeat of a dream i'd had a few months ago.this time,in the dream i experienced a conscious exit,which allowed me to watch other characters and listen to what they were saying,as well as flying over the landscape to find a location i needed to get to.this happened 3 times during the dream,each time revealing information i needed.
incidentally,during the exits-i was pushing myself BACKWARDS out of my body,feet first (like the crab move in breakdancing).
also,one of the things i saw from the air was a hole in the ground,which i intuited was a portal to somewhere.and at the moment i saw it-in my mind-i heard a newscaster type voiceover calling it the holy grail,saying that no-one had seen it before.
the dream ended with me finding the portal,then finding myself stranded on a rock surrounded by the sea,with the "bad guys" closing in...

any thoughts??

Neil Templar
11th September 2007, 04:54 PM
if i have an OBE in a dream,am i really moving from dream state to OBE? or is it simply a dream?

11th September 2007, 07:23 PM
recently i had a "dream",which was a repeat of a dream i'd had a few months ago.this time,in the dream i experienced a conscious exit,which allowed me to watch other characters and listen to what they were saying,as well as flying over the landscape to find a location i needed to get to.this happened 3 times during the dream,each time revealing information i needed. -If you are dreaming of the same place in various dreams, I'd say that the place is real, in the sense that it's a place/state you have been in before, in dreamstate. It can be explained as a variety of possibilities ( past or future lives, parallel lives, stable dreamstate locales, etc.)

i heard a newscaster type voiceover calling it the holy grail,saying that no-one had seen it before.
the dream ended with me finding the portal,then finding myself stranded on a rock surrounded by the sea,with the "bad guys" closing in... I would interpret the newscaster voice as the 'observer' part of your psyche, perhaps your subconscious telling you what's happening in terms you understand, and the 'bad guys' possibly as 'shadow selves', parts of you you don't want or like.

if i have an OBE in a dream,am i really moving from dream state to OBE? or is it simply a dream?In various works, Robert Bruce describes the dreamstate as 'energetic areas' or 'pools' in which you project to, in other words, energy 'areas' that are part of your energy body that you project your consciousness to. So going OBE and dreaming are just a matter of 'collectively created' areas vs. 'individually created' areas. Of course, in this case the word 'area' takes on a different meaning as a physical area would be. Similarly perceived, but essentially different.

11th September 2007, 07:28 PM
In various works, Robert Bruce describes the dreamstate as 'energetic areas' or 'pools' in which you project to, in other words, energy 'areas' that are part of your energy body that you project your consciousness to. So going OBE and dreaming are just a matter of 'collectively created' areas vs. 'individually created' areas. Of course, in this case the word 'area' takes on a different meaning as a physical area would be. Similarly perceived, but essentially different.

Hey, CF, this sounds interesting. 8) Where wrote RB somethinglike that?


11th September 2007, 07:55 PM
In various works, Robert Bruce describes the dreamstate as 'energetic areas' or 'pools' in which you project to, in other words, energy 'areas' that are part of your energy body that you project your consciousness to. So going OBE and dreaming are just a matter of 'collectively created' areas vs. 'individually created' areas. Of course, in this case the word 'area' takes on a different meaning as a physical area would be. Similarly perceived, but essentially different.

Hey, CF, this sounds interesting. 8) Where wrote RB somethinglike that?


http://www.astraldynamics.com/tutorials ... etinID=267 (http://www.astraldynamics.com/tutorials/?BoardID=65&BulletinID=267)
Would be one.

Neil Templar
11th September 2007, 08:30 PM
hey thanks CF.
it's good to get some feedback..

11th September 2007, 08:58 PM
We try, Neil.

Hey Korpo, here's another one that sounds more like what I said by Robert & scroll down to where the highlighted words are:

http://www.astraldynamics.com/search.as ... enceID=268 (http://www.astraldynamics.com/search.asp?Search=dream%20pool&Type=1&ReferenceID=268)