View Full Version : SHINY, DAMP ELEPHANTS interpretation?

23rd August 2007, 06:19 AM
Does anyone have an insight into a herd of furious, huge, black, damply- glistening elephants, which completely flattened my log cabin one night (in a dream, btw!) I was terrified, rushed about looking for a place to hide. Weirdly, the upper storey of this cabin did not collapse, although the lower part did. Finally, I went round the side & found the elephants had simply gone away, leaving several injured big cats nearby.

This dream has really depressed me; has made me stop short & draw back from my well-underway plans to go & teach English in Korea. I tend to see it as a warning that the structure & basis of my present life could collapse under outside "attack". . . I've googled elephants, but can't quite relate to what is suggested & would appreciate any nudges here!


23rd August 2007, 07:08 AM
If the elephant was wild or untamed, than it indicates tyranny and uncontrollable forces.[...]

To see many elephants in your dream, symbolizes tremendous prosperity, strength, power, memory, and intellect.(from http://dreammoods.com/cgibin/searchcsv.pl?method=exact&header=dreamsymbol&search=elefant)

Generally, cats are symbolic of feminine power and independence.(from http://dreammoods.com/cgibin/dreambank.pl?search=catdream2&method=exact&header=dreamid)

How did you feel about the cats. What did they look like? What do you feel in relation to cats generally? Do you like cats?

You mention that the elefants may have trampled the ground floor, but the upper story is still there. So while the fundaments of your life are "run over", something remains the same.

Seems like a big change leaves you bewildered. Big change that is. Elefant-size. ;)


23rd August 2007, 08:30 AM
Thanks again! About cats, I adore them, (2 usually sleep on my head!) & one of them really seems to help me to get o/o body when she consents to share my bed. (I have read that the elemental of the cat is, in fact, known to assist in astral projection)

I agree about the elephants; & it just ocurred to me that they could symbolise rumours of dog farms (dogs destined to be eaten!) in that country, which stunned me with horror the day before the dream.. . .apparently cats also suffer terribly there. I think it's a clear sign not to go after all. Extra money doesn't justify it for me.

23rd August 2007, 08:51 AM
I know what you mean. The cruel slaughtering of dogs was a big topic back when the Soccer World Championship of 2002 was held there (and in Japan, IIRC). Other customs come to mind, like using scissors to cut off the tentacles of living squids right into the wok.

This is not to bash Korea, who is surely a very interesting country, but I can understand your concerns. Dogs and men share a co-evolution that started 100,000 years ago. The yelp of a dog still can make me shiver to the bone. To us they are "not just dogs" and we not only "another animal". In some ways dogs appear to us as partially human, and dogs accept us as dogs.

The part of the entry I did not copy might be interesting:

To see an elephant in your dream, signifies that you are laying a solid groundwork for wealth and success. [...]
To see many elephants in your dream, symbolizes tremendous prosperity, strength, power, memory, and intellect.

Maybe, this new prosperity is not worth it, shakes your foundation, may be appealing to your "upper story" (= mind) but devastating to the "ground story" (=gut). Something that destroys your home (which strongly relates to you) and hurts cats (which you say you love) may not be the best omen.

I'm sure it could intellectually quite a great and rewarding challenge, and perhaps earn you some good money, too, though. Still, go with what your gut says you, or your heart.


23rd August 2007, 09:25 AM
Yes, you've really hit the nail on the thumb (sic!) in your reply. I would have loved to experience an ancient culture like that, but intentional cruelty to any form of living being is anathema to me, I do not eat any sentient creatures, including octopus or shell fish, & try to live in accordance with the adage "First do no harm" on all levels.

23rd August 2007, 09:32 AM
Yes, for me, too. It took some time to bring my life into accordance with that feeling as well. ;) (becoming vegetarian that is)


24th August 2007, 01:41 AM
Not only do they chop 'em into the wok, but they serve them still wiggling as a treat at traditional bars, the way American bars put out a bowl of pretzels. I tried it once but it wasn't really for me. :lol: Most of the Korean diet however is very vegetable oriented and you can live quite well on the diet without ever seeing meat. Avoid restaurants in Korea advertising things like "special meat" or "summer meat." (generally only saw those in out of the way places) Things won't be outwardly advertised as dogmeat but I found restaurant owners were pretty upfront when asked about a dish.

sono, house dreams are interesting and I do like the interpretation that they are representative of our state of mind... main floor = conscious, basement = subconscious, etc... also one might consider a house to be representative of one's place in time, basement = past, current floor = present, upstairs = future. Elephants suggests to me, possible issues (that saying "the elephant in the living room") that take up a lot of room in our lives; a herd of dark elephants suggesting that possibly while your current life might experience a lot of stress and destruction even to gain more exciting memories and prosperity, it leaves finer sensibilities or feelings (the cats) trampled on, but ultimately your higher goals and aspirations will be left intact.

Still, sounds like a good warning about this direction.

24th August 2007, 04:32 AM
Thanks, Stargazer, & I do think you're right about the warning aspect here. I find it so sad that there is so little respect for other life forms, even among people who seem to be "spiritual", charming & kind. I think I'll curb my eternal Wanderlust for a while here (it's tough being a stationary Saggittarian!)

24th August 2007, 05:13 AM
(it's tough being a stationary Saggittarian!)

Amen! :lol:

24th August 2007, 09:35 AM
I read the description of Sagittarius here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sagittarius_%28astrology%29.

And thought, such a long and well-written article, how nice. :)

And then I found Scorpio is much shorter. :evil:


Also the first famous Scorpio listed is "Ol' Dirty Bastard". :lol:

Nuff said. ;)


24th August 2007, 09:42 AM
Somehow I am having an epiphany on astrology. I don't believe in the divination stuff or a daily horoscope based on astrology, but the character stuff is - interesting. I now checked out my Native American, Chinese and European zodiacs, and it is :shock: and somehow 8) and bit of :roll: as well. :D


24th August 2007, 09:48 AM
Ahem, my blade- sharp intuition tells me that you are a Scorpio, Korpo!?

24th August 2007, 09:58 AM
Ahem, my blade- sharp intuition tells me that you are a Scorpio, Korpo!?

Sharp like a fox! :lol:

How do you feel about stargazer's interpretation? It also is very interesting IMO.


24th August 2007, 10:45 AM
Actually, spot-on as far as the positive qualities go; but some negative ones glossed over & ignored. Methinks the Wiki writer may just have been a Saggi him/herself!! How did the Scorpio compare? (Am I off topic here??) Woops editing here : sorry, I thought you were referring to the Saggi Wiki interpretation - Stargazer's post was very insightful, I thought. .

24th August 2007, 10:49 AM
Actually, spot-on as far as the positive qualities go; but some negative ones glossed over & ignored. Methinks the Wiki writer may just have been a Saggi him/herself!! How did the Scorpio compare? (Am I off topic here??)

Offtopic in your own thread? :lol:

I think I will graceously overlook that. For now... :lol:

The Scorpio was good, too, but not that verbose. But I learned something. I also looked up the Chinese starsign, and learned something, too. :)

BTW, I think I glossed over the positive aspects in your dream as well, since even while I find elefants impressive, and sometimes wise animals, especially African ones, I had problems to assign positive qualities with a stampede of them. ;)


24th August 2007, 11:52 AM
I once dreamed of a little, miniature type of elephant, made of sort of "jelly fish" substance, that was walking on a beach with me, holding my hand in his trunk. That was a wonderful dream, a completely different vibe from the stampeding elephants. Has anyone else dreamed of creatures "made" of something strange?

28th August 2007, 12:30 PM
(I have read that the elemental of the cat is, in fact, known to assist in astral projection)

Hello Sono. Where have you read about this relation between cats and astral projection?

I'm very interested b/c I'm not normally fond of cats and I've noticed in the past week I've seen some of them on the street and felt very happy to see a cat walking near me ... The feeling towards cats is changing inside me and I would like to learn more about them.

I got a car from my aunt last week and the matriculation of the car is very nice NA 5885 AP :D

Maybe it's just a nice coincidence with no meaning at all , or not, but both things seem to have happenned simultaneously ...

Sorry I have nothing to add about your elephant dream.

28th August 2007, 12:37 PM
Mmmm candy....

29th August 2007, 04:36 AM
Ola, Bluebell! I actually read about cats being helpful in astral projection on a Gnostic site which promotes the teachings of Samael Aun Weor. They don't have much on the practical techniques of AP, this was just mentioned in passing in a post. I have found it to be true, especially with one of my cats ( a strange old girl who was born tailless)


29th August 2007, 09:37 AM
Gracias Sono :wink:

I will continue to make friends with cats and see what happens.

Have you gotten any more warnings in your dreams?

29th August 2007, 10:05 AM
No, no more warnings - just that one precognitive dream years ago. And you ? Have you had any warning dreams?

29th August 2007, 10:58 AM
No, no more warnings - just that one precognitive dream years ago.

I haven´t been long in here so maybe you have already told about this? Precognitive meaning telling you in advance what is going to happen?

I have lots of those, like many things in real life I have already dreamt of them... (so far nothing outstanding just quite normal things of daily life)

And you ? Have you had any warning dreams?

I do not think so. Warnings that I should or shouldn´t go into something come in waking state, like clear intuition or simply b/c when I try doing something it doesn´t come out "easily" (or the contrary it just pops up without having to do hardly any effort at all) ... It's like I usually know what I need to do, although sometimes a warning of some type sets the alarm on and then I realize "oh, this means I have to change plans"... Normally it is very clear.

And when I have doubts, then I ask (my guides) for help and the answer comes in one way or another. Not usually dreams, no.

I've had dreams in which people come and give me advice on how to deal with something. They have been helpful :D (haven't gotten any tricky advice so far)

Do you have any chances of going to teach English in Myanmar? The political situation there is very complicated but the people are so sweet and delicate... Your dream reminded me a bit of the feeling I had when I came back from there ...

Never been to Korea.

May you be happy and well, always :D

Aunt Clair
29th August 2007, 02:13 PM
Elephants are the totem of compassion and divine mercy wet ones having to do with empathy and tears . Shining could be as in bright light or high vibration . Ultimately the dreamer is the best to interpret their dream but this is a possible interpretation for you . If this is correct , then you are a person who cries easily at the misfortunes of others and you are a compassionate person who is extremely empathic with a high vibration . Quan yen , Khali a and others appear in dreams and mystic visions with an elephant . Ganeesha appears as an elephant headed God or as an elephant and often appears offering a trunk as a hand in gray or offering to carry the dreamer in a basket on his back in white . He has appeared to us in gold , silver and black too .

30th August 2007, 04:40 AM
Thank you so much, Aunt Clair!! That is exactly the meaning, as I now understand - I was seriously considering going to to work in a place where animals (& dogs in particular) are abused & cruelly killed - I am a vegetarian, love animals, & was deeply distressed to learn about the dog farms - I could not in all conscience live there, feeling as I do. I have still not recovered my equilibrium since reading the horrific details & seeing pictures of dogs being hanged; in fact, I am still close to a kind of spiritual depression & revolt against the Higher Powers for "allowing" this to happen. One feels so powerless & overwhelmed by such organised cruelty, it almost makes me believe in the existence pure, unadulterated evil.

I am very attracted to Ganesh, & often say his mantras.

Thank you once more for your clear perspective.

Aunt Clair
30th August 2007, 06:00 AM
Remember we are God becoming physical . We are Godhead's hand and feet and body on Earth . We cannot blame God for our acts of non love . We can get help to lift the vibration of self and Mother Earth and we can do service . Humans are the most kind and benevolent of God's creatures but also capable of the most vile and heinous acts . We have freewill .

30th August 2007, 08:50 AM
Aunt Clair is right, we are here to effect a change. Also to experience and to chose the right thing of our own accord by learning and growing.

I know what you mean about animal cruelty. By becoming a vegetarian you have taken a big step that helps maybe saving one big animal from being raised and slaughtered for your needs. Or several smaller ones a week. If we all thought and acted this way, the food industry would have no economical base, the only thing that will ever stop them.

So, see what good you have done already, and don't stop or despair.

Be well,