View Full Version : Weird dream

20th August 2007, 08:24 AM
It was a really short weird dream that I had, I will try my best to describe it.

I was with other people that I never met in my life, I think someone was moving to that house don't know who. The house had this big porch with shinny floor and white metal bars around it. Outside had lots of palms, which was beautiful. But on the other side of the street their was an old apartments where people lived. I noticed that some had this traditional white dresses with necklaces and white bandanna on their heads. They danced with drums it was some kind of African dance. Some where fortune tellers and others where just plain looking people. On my perspective views our side was where the nice homes and rich people lived. While the other side of the streets had old buildings. I was looking outside and the old building. When a men came near the porch, and looked at me with intense eye contact. He had knife and some kind of leaves. He cut the leaves with the knife while looking at me, and let the leaves drop on the porch. I ran inside, because it was creepy. When I go inside, theres a priest. He tells me not to go outside on the porch again. I really don't know what these dream means.

20th August 2007, 09:55 AM
What did the leaves look like? Dried?

Did the dancers look happy?

How did the man itself appear to you? What atmosphere did he have?

Did the priest feel trustworthy or dominating?

How do you feel towards the dance, the dancers, the old building, the fortune tellers?


20th August 2007, 10:41 AM
What did the leaves look like? Dried?: When he had it on his hands it was green but when the leaves hit the floor they looked dry.

Did the dancers look happy?: Yes, they looked happy

How did the man itself appear to you? What atmosphere did he have?: I didn't feel evilness on him. His eyes where very piercing, like he was telling me something. I did get scared though, because I thought he was going to do something bad with the knife, which he didn't.

Did the priest feel trustworthy or dominating?: He wasn't dominating. But I felt a weird vibe saying that I shouldn't trust him.

How do you feel towards the dance, the dancers, the old building, the fortune tellers?: The dancing looked like they where expressing themselves with their bodies. The old building was made out of concrete, it was was white, and you could see that it needed a paint job. The fortune tellers looked happy they where smiling but in a good way.

20th August 2007, 11:00 AM
I think the priest has to do with your belief system, which does not allow for new impressions of a certain kind. The dancers seem suggestive of magic. Somehow African dancers make me think of Voodoo, which in itself could be a very "raw" symbol for magic. It is also "old magic", something people live with, like in a house that needs a new coat of paint. Something really everyday and real. Something that comes from people that need to deal with their lives, confront them, down-to-earth. Something that helps people.

Yet those people in the old building seem happy, and you are scared. You live in material wealth but do not feel safe on your own doorstep (in your dream, I mean). A beautiful outside, but the happy dancers did not care whether their house is beautiful, they just felt happily. Possibly because happiness does not depend on the material?

Maybe the guy did tell you that time is running out for something, or that life will be taken out of something, that something will end. Maybe your good fortune in material things may end (the dried leaves on the beautiful porch), but see - other people are still happy having nothing.


To see leaves in your dream, signifies new found happiness and an improvement in various aspects of your life. It is symbolic of fertility, growth and openness. Alternatively, it represents a passage of time or highlight a certain period of time.

To see brown or withered leaves in your dream, signifies fallen hopes, despair, sadness and loss. (from: http://dreammoods.com/cgibin/searchcsv.pl?method=exact&header=dreamsymbol&search=leaves)


To see a priest in your dream, signifies spiritual needs and guidance.

To see a dictatorial or condemning priest in your dream, signifies unyielding authority and over-protectiveness.(from: http://www.dreammoods.com/dreamthemes/characters2.htm#Priest)

To see ritualistic dancing in your dream, denotes your need to get in touch with the spirit within..(from: http://dreammoods.com/cgibin/searchcsv.pl?method=exact&header=dreamsymbol&search=dance)

How do you feel about these interpretations? Anything ring true?


20th August 2007, 11:24 AM
Thank you for your post it helped a lot. They're some things that do ring to my ears. For example the priest. I never been a Catholic, although I used to be JW but not anymore. Always felt trapped for some reason, but I still believe on some of the believes. About the African dancers kind of reminded me of my country. I used to live on the Caribbean, so when I was younger I used to see people dance. With the traditional white custom and lots of music. Back then we didn't have a lot but I felt happy. Now that I have everything, everything is boring and hard to appreciate things.