View Full Version : Sexuality And Energy Work? MBA

19th August 2007, 09:17 PM
Last night around 8:00pm, I layed in a recliner at a friend's house and started to do some of the energy work technique I had just read about in Robert Bruce's book "Astral Dynamics". I was actually just practicing my Mobile Body Awareness, moving my "Astral Hands" up and down my legs and through my arms, sort of "Feeling" my energy body giving itself a massage. The original intent of the session was just to practice getting my awareness to the level I want it. The session went much better than I thought it would, however. I reached a really relaxed state (almost trance-like) and could feel the energy in my body moving wherever I directed my awareness. After about fifteen minutes, I could feel tingling sesnsations throughout my arms, legs, buttox, even neck. A few times, I attempted to move all of the energy in my body to a single point. I did this with my left and right hands and then my feet... Tried my knees but wasn't very sucessful. I stumbled across a thought that I couldn't ween out with my concentration. It was a scene from the movie "American Pie" where the character was talking about body energies and tantric sex. This made me curious... So I inevitably took the next step.

I reached out with my awareness and directed all of the energy in my body to my groin. It was, pretty obviously, a fantastic sensation. And this brought to mind many fantasies... But I shoved them out of my head and focused primarily on the energy work I was doing. Being quite sucessful at not having any sexual thoughts and very little desire the experiment at first looked to be a failure. The warmth and tingling of the energy felt just as it would if I had moved all of my awareness to my feet. Just as I was getting ready to resume normal energy work, that changed, however. I felt my lower regions spring to life in that very familiar sensation all men have sometime during the day.... Still I focused as hard as I could on not letting any thought of sexuality cross my mind. I failed, and after a good while of putting up resisitance fell into one of the most VIVID scenarios I could ever have made involving my fiance' and I. It was like I was there.... I couldn't believe it, even the details of the room we where in (though oddly I didn't make a connection as to what room it could have been) had been very crisp.

This went on for a bit and eventually (after endulging in my mind's little tromp through sexyland) I pushed back this scene and came reeling back into the mindset of doing energy work. I was suprised, even overwhelmed almost by the massive amount of energy that now surged through my body. When I came to, I found all of my awareness to still be in the groin region.... As I moved the energy with my awareness, I felt the usual tingling warmth that I had felt in mediation and this energy work mulitplied by what seemed to be infinity. What a fantastic feeling. I tried to relax further, thinking that if I could pass into trance I may be ready to project.... However, this attempt was in vain. I was not in the right state of mind or physical tiredness to get the stage I wanted to be at. So eventaully I opened my eyes, getting that relaxed "one with everything" feeling I get. A sort of natural high... A stretch and I decided to take a shower.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~MOBILE BODY AWARENESS~~~~~~~~~~~~~

After my meditation/energy work, I had decided to take a shower in my relaxed state. The water was soothing, hot, felt great... In my relaxed state I found that even as I walked around I could target my awareness pretty much anywhere on my body with (Depending on the area) little to no effort. One of the times I had brought all of my awarness (This time it was split into two) to both of my feet. I had just before this made the water a bit hotter because I felt I was used to it.... I then took some time to attempt to move awarenss to each of my toes in turn. This took a minute or two. And after I stopped focusing on my feet, I became painfully aware of the scalding water on my back. I had been standing there for a good two minutes not realizing exactly how painfully hot this water that had been pouring onto my back was.... I quickly adjusted the foucet and took the rest of my shower and evening in a constantly relaxed state of mind... All the way up until bed, watching a Chris Rock stand up.... I slept like a baby with a diaper that was infinitly clean no matter what. (because I believe that is what all children dream about in their infancy) ^_^

Thanks for reading, feedback appreciated.

19th August 2007, 09:51 PM
Hello, Three_Nails.

Robert has commented several times on how distracting the groinal region can be for energy work, and has given directions in MAP for example that avoid it if distractions arise.

I did not say "problems", because I do not think all of this is necessarily a problem. IMO, the groinal region must be cleared and function as an integral part of your body and energy body just like all others. Your sexuality is part of who you are.

Overfocusing however might lead to getting dependent on getting new highs, like everything else felt like a low, or real sex is suddenly less interesting. Your experience under the shower reminds me of that - not noticing what goes on with your body is not a good sign. Sexuality is also not only a groin-matter (TM). ;)

Having said that, there also no need to feel guilty about these experiences, or bad in any way. I'm just warning of deviations, I am not saying "Don't enjoy yourself". Just stay aware of where this takes you, how it shifts your attention, how much you long for it, how does your mind feel afterward? Agitated or calm? Concentrated or scattered?

Many of the things considered a drug are actually present in our body. And most drugs develop their power because of what they do to our mind. Sexuality is very open to deviations, so it cannot hurt to stay aware where this leads.


20th August 2007, 04:25 PM
Yeah. I have zero problems moving my energy work around that area without being distracted. I was merely experimenting.... What I am trying to get at in this post is the fact that when I regained my energy working state of mind, I had found that the energy sensations had mulitiplied a great deal. More so than ever before in my short term energy work sessions. So, if someone with a strong will could use that as a tool. I mean, isn't the point of energy work to build more energy in your etheric body?

Besides... I don't know much about energy centers (Chakra), but did I activate one? And are all of them as effective in the energy they give off?

(PS. Dude, I wouldn't have posted if I where embarassed about anything I said or did. It was a cool experience.)

20th August 2007, 04:44 PM
Yeah, you probably activated a few chakras there- base and sacral.

20th August 2007, 04:45 PM
If you do decide to go with it, you may want to be sure you open the microcosmic orbit and circulate the energy through this orbit. It is an exercise from chi kung. Mantak Chia suggests this for transforming and using sexual energy so that it has a place to go to made up in advance. Also, go slowly, and remember to rotate the orbit backward from time to time to avoid it becoming congested with energy.

20th August 2007, 04:49 PM
Okay... Thank you Tom for that post, I'm sure that advice was sound and awesome. But I fear I don't know half of the terms you used. English? Or definitions? Sorry, but I'm still a bit of a newblit.

20th August 2007, 04:50 PM
Its just the direction your moving the energy. Like a race car road thing.

The Orbits are just the direction your sending energy.

If you check google pictures you'll see where to move it and how I think.

20th August 2007, 04:50 PM
Korpo wrote a sticky about the MCO in the top of this topic forum, if I'm not mistaken.

20th August 2007, 04:51 PM
Ha ha I beat you star.

20th August 2007, 04:53 PM
I did feel like I was racing to finish that post for some reason. Probably why I suggesting thinking of the macro and microcosmic orbits as race car tracks. :)

20th August 2007, 05:03 PM
I'll add that with reiki attunements you can open the microcosmic orbit much more quickly, as reiki uses the same two channels. The governor meridian and conception vessel are two of the eight extraordinary meridians, which are in addition to the main 12 pairs named for the yin and yang organs. The microcosmic orbit connects these two meridians at the perineum and the mouth, which is why the microcosmic orbit is done while holding the lock mulabandha (lightly) and touching the tip of the tongue to the roof of the mouth. Diane Stein (or however her name is spelled) includes the microcosmic orbit meditation in her book "Essential Reiki" and suggests connecting the orbit during the process of giving a reiki attunement. I do not recall if she suggests doing kegel exercises. They have been develped for men as well as for women, as everyone has perineum muscles, and developing them is important if you are serious about channeling sexual energy into the orbit or just up the spine into the upper chakras.

Also, Mantak Chia wrote that even in men, all sexual energy starts out in a "cold" or yin form. It is only when sexual thoughts and emotions stir it up that it turns "hot" or yang, which it does in women as well as men. He suggests that when you first start working with sexual energy it is far easier to guide the energy in its yin form rather than the much wilder yang form.

20th August 2007, 05:18 PM
The sexual energy is indeed very strong. I could induce a level of feeling of my body in energy work sessions I have obtained only now through non-sexual energy work, extremely quickly. It seemed to clear up stuff in no time.

However, in my experience none of that was permanent. The feeling only was available when activating the energy. It did not last. I think the clearing of blockages did not last as well. Perhaps if I grounded better this would have worked better. I think the energy released from the blockages plays into this as well as the unruly nature of sexual energy.

I don't know how to make it work without it becoming a necessity to always return to it. I also don't know how to fit it in with other practices. If you can accomplish these things for yourself, and I wish you good luck with that, it might be very useful to you.


20th August 2007, 05:29 PM
It fits in with what Robert Bruce said about pushing the channels to widen more quickly than they are ready to. Anything which forces development of the energy body to move too quickly will result in the energy channels becoming more constricted than they had been before such attempts. I'm not saying that using sexual energy has to be that way; it is just not easy to control because usually its pathway is already well established and working with it requires forcing it to create and follow a new path. It will seem distinctly unnatural and will meet with a lot of resistance. Developing the microcosmic orbit and actually avoiding sexual thoughts and experiences would help to take sexual energy in its yin form up to feed the brain and the energy centers there without getting caught up in its yang expressions in the lower chakras and losing the energy. In other words, it really isn't as much fun as it sounds like and the more popular practices do tend to cause more harm in the long term than good.

20th August 2007, 05:32 PM
Tom, I agree.

I also think excessive fantasizing (and IIRC Chia warns of this and this is what turns it Yang) is the problem, or at least a big part of it.


26th August 2007, 12:35 AM
Yes I agree completely with the issues with fantasizing, especially solo. (Why would you be doing it with another person anyways?)

I have found as well as witnessed with other people, the thought forms that hang around after having been used for their sexual purpose. The form will actually have a certain amount of will power and if continualy fed it can turn into a vampire craving sexual energy from you. I have found they can grow in much more power if ejaculation occurs as this releases a lot more energy outside of yourself. This can even attract inccubi or succubi...

Three_Nails: Keep experimenting and it helps to read literature on the subject of energy work and sexuality.

You can do the full body circuit with sexual energy which is essentiall what the MCO is except instead of completing the cicuit when coming dow the front you store the energy in your navel chakra or lower energy storage centre or dantian... whatever term suits your fancy! (there are differences between all of these)