View Full Version : Burning energy work

White Wolf
18th August 2007, 11:41 PM
I have one question that has me a little concerned. I'll have to set the scene for a moment first though.

About three weeks ago, my and friend started doing energy work (independantly, which is wierd enough). My friend has started trying to clear blockades up his legs and was having trouble with his good knee (one is in need of surgery, ther other has need helping him stay on his feet with a cane) as he couldn't get past it. I had already cleared a decent flow throughout my body, and decided that I would try helping him push past the trouble area with a little focused eneegy from my hands over the area to help bust up the blockages.

Well, after about 30 seconds, he open his eyes right as I moved my hands aways. He said he felt some intense burning along the whole of his knee, and opened his eyes to makes sure his knee wasn't actually on fire. We cleared the blokage fairly well and a short time later he was able to flow energy up his led at will, but the burning he felt has me concerned.

Was I doing something wrong. I haven't read anything on healing or help clear blockages, I just felt like it would work. Am I not ready to do things like that, is there something wrong with the quality of my energy?

19th August 2007, 06:06 PM
While I cannot say for sure, White Wolf, I would not think so.

Perhaps you might have avoided this by being more gentle or intending to be more gentle.

It sounds like a blockage sensation. Blockages can show up in a big variety of ways - something that feels not right, tension, contraction, uneasiness, pain, basically anything that does not feel calm, relaxed, airy, light or like not very much at all (but not nothing).

Blockages and the nervous system and its responses and sensations are interwoven. If you remove a blockage, nerves can revive, and usually they start by relaying the "status quo". While you work the blockage this can be very uncomfortable, because the blockage is where a nerve probably went numb and your nervous system began to ignore the continuous "not right" sensation.

When you do energy work on a blockage however you reactivate the tissues and the healing response. The faster and more forced you do this, the more problems and uneasiness can arise. I usually go around the problem by not focusing on where the energy should go, but softly on the blockage. That is a technique that works with your own body, where you can dose exactly and finetune the amount of energy.

But the nerve feedback happening in your own body you do not have when working on someone else, so you should always start as gentle and soft as possible and ask for feedback by your "patient". Getting the feedback of the person healed, and a gentle and probably cautious approach sound like a good idea, at least.

Your friend still feels fine?

Don't worry too much and take good care,

White Wolf
19th August 2007, 09:43 PM
Thanks for your reply. We talked last night and he is having a little trouble moving the energy again, but it still flows. It doesn't look like he is having any residual pain on the good knee, perhaps because we stopped trying to force it soon enough.

19th August 2007, 09:56 PM
Hello, WW.

Blockages tend to reoccur. In my experience this can be eased by drawing the blockages energy into the ground, amongst other things. You might lead your hands after working through and draw the energy down below your friend's feet, intent on drawing what was not okay about the knee below the feet.
