View Full Version : Kundalini yoga meditatio, has someone try it to lose weight?

17th August 2007, 09:35 PM
Hi, well I am curious about that, I put my hands on one book of excersices and another of meditation excersices and I would like to know if the meditations work, there is one that is sort of (in English the book is in spanish… thanks GOD!) “Meditation to maintain the body without having to eat”, I want to do that and a diet is that ok or is too risky?

17th August 2007, 10:15 PM
Hi, well I am curious about that, I put my hands on one book of excersices and another of meditation excersices and I would like to know if the meditations work, there is one that is sort of (in English the book is in spanish… thanks GOD!) “Meditation to maintain the body without having to eat”, I want to do that and a diet is that ok or is too risky? Maintaining your body without having to eat is more than meditating to lose weight- it's meditation to stay alive while not eating. This rings a lot of bells for me, and even though some seem to think that they shouldn't do anything that is 'of the earth' (i.e. if it's fun don't do it) I have a huge problem with that. It is my opinion that if we were not meant to enjoy life then we wouldn't even be here.
But of course, it's my opinion.

3rd September 2007, 11:31 PM
According to scientific study, most of the time when you try to starve yourself, when you stop the starvation you'll usually eat much more food that is way more unhealthier than you would have if you hadn't. You need food. Starvation/fasting is not natural. Exercise...it feels way better than starvation, it actually makes you feel good.

You could diet in terms of drinking only water and no junk food and ice cream. You need protien in fiber for your body to work properly. And, on an energetic level, I don't see how starvation could help with your spirituality. If something is wrong with the physical, then that physical block will affect the higher levels of your body as well, like your chakras. and vice versa.

Lots of Light!

Scott :)

3rd September 2007, 11:40 PM
Meditation is helpful for all kinds of things. I have, indeed, meditated upon my need to lose weight (for health reasons). I direct my thoughts toward healing and eating healthy foods and so forth. It does seem to help. Just yesterday, someone who hadn't seen me in a few weeks commented that she thought I must have lost weight (and I have). :)

Visualisation is the key, I think. Visualising yourself as healthy, as eating well but not excessively, of making healthy food choices, of being slimmer, etc.

I certainly don't starve myself. That's a quick route to nowhere, and prone to trigger binge eating and other stuff that's best avoided. The key is in balance, and attitude, and both of those things can be improved through meditation.

4th September 2007, 12:05 AM
Meditation is helpful for all kinds of things. I have, indeed, meditated upon my need to lose weight (for health reasons). I direct my thoughts toward healing and eating healthy foods and so forth. It does seem to help. Just yesterday, someone who hadn't seen me in a few weeks commented that she thought I must have lost weight (and I have). :)

Visualisation is the key, I think. Visualising yourself as healthy, as eating well but not excessively, of making healthy food choices, of being slimmer, etc.

I certainly don't starve myself. That's a quick route to nowhere, and prone to trigger binge eating and other stuff that's best avoided. The key is in balance, and attitude, and both of those things can be improved through meditation.

Well said!:) The reason I went a little overboard with the starvation thing is because LuciaUruguay said that there was a meditation to maintain the body without eating...